
14.4.6  Catlist

The standard library Catlist api defines access to lists supporting constant-time concatenation.

The Catlist api is implemented by the catlist package.

The Catlist api source code is in src/lib/std/src/catlist.api. The above information is manually maintained and may contain errors.

api {
    Catlist X;
    empty : Catlist(X );
    null : Catlist(X ) -> Bool;
    length : Catlist(X ) -> Int;
    cons : (X , Catlist(X )) -> Catlist(X );
    single : X -> Catlist(X );
    append : (Catlist(X ) , Catlist(X )) -> Catlist(X );
    head : Catlist(X ) -> X;
    tail : Catlist(X ) -> Catlist(X );
    from_list : List(X ) -> Catlist(X );
    to_list : Catlist(X ) -> List(X );
    map : (X -> Y) -> Catlist(X ) -> Catlist(Y );
    apply : (X -> Void) -> Catlist(X ) -> Void;};

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