The standard library Ieee_Float api defines access to IEEE standard floating point functionality beyond core arithmetic functions (which are implemented in core modules).
The Ieee_Float api is implemented by the ieee_float package.
The Ieee_Float api source code is in src/lib/std/src/ieee-float.api.
The above information is manually maintained and may contain errors.
api { exception UNORDERED_EXCEPTION; Real_Order = EQUAL | GREATER | LESS | UNORDERED; Nan_Mode = QUIET | SIGNALLING; Float_Ilk = INF | NAN Nan_Mode | NORMAL | SUBNORMAL | ZERO; Rounding_Mode = TO_NEAREST | TO_NEGINF | TO_POSINF | TO_ZERO; set_rounding_mode : Rounding_Mode -> Void; get_rounding_mode : Void -> Rounding_Mode; Decimal_Approx = {digits:List(Int ), expression:Int, kind:Float_Ilk, sign:Bool}; to_string : Decimal_Approx -> String; from_string : String -> Null_Or(Decimal_Approx ); scan : number_string::Reader((Char, X)) -> number_string::Reader((Decimal_Approx, X));};