
14.2.13  Interval_Set

The standard library Interval_Set api defines the result interface for the interval_set_g defined in src/lib/src/interval-set-g.pkg.

The Interval_Set api source code is in src/lib/src/interval-set.api.

The above information is manually maintained and may contain errors.

api {   package d
          : api {
                compare : (Point , Point) -> Order;
                next : Point -> Point;
                prior : Point -> Point;
                is_succ : (Point , Point) -> Bool;
                min_pt : Point;
                max_pt : Point;};;
    Item  = d::Point;
    Interval  = (Item , Item);
    empty : Set;
    universe : Set;
    singleton : Item -> Set;
    interval : (Item , Item) -> Set;
    is_empty : Set -> Bool;
    is_universe : Set -> Bool;
    member : (Set , Item) -> Bool;
    items : Set -> List(Item );
    intervals : Set -> List(Interval );
    add : (Set , Item) -> Set;
    add' : (Item , Set) -> Set;
    add_int : (Set , Interval) -> Set;
    add_int' : (Interval , Set) -> Set;
    complement : Set -> Set;
    union : (Set , Set) -> Set;
    intersect : (Set , Set) -> Set;
    difference : (Set , Set) -> Set;
    apply : (Item -> Void) -> Set -> Void;
    fold_forward : ((Item , X) -> X) -> X -> Set -> X;
    fold_backward : ((Item , X) -> X) -> X -> Set -> X;
    filter : (Item -> Bool) -> Set -> Set;
    all : (Item -> Bool) -> Set -> Bool;
    exists : (Item -> Bool) -> Set -> Bool;
    apply_int : (Interval -> Void) -> Set -> Void;
    foldl_int : ((Interval , X) -> X) -> X -> Set -> X;
    foldr_int : ((Interval , X) -> X) -> X -> Set -> X;
    filter_int : (Interval -> Bool) -> Set -> Set;
    all_int : (Interval -> Bool) -> Set -> Bool;
    exists_int : (Interval -> Bool) -> Set -> Bool;
    compare : (Set , Set) -> Order;
    is_subset : (Set , Set) -> Bool;};

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