The Planfile api defines the external interface to the planfile package.
The Planfile api is implemented by the planfile package.
The Plan api source code is src/lib/make-library-glue/planfile.api.
The above information is manually maintained and may contain errors.
api { Field = {fieldname:String, filename:String, line_1:Int, line_n:Int, lines:List(String ), used:Ref(Bool )}; Fields = string_map::Map(Field ); Paragraph = {fields:Fields, filename:String, line_1:Int, line_n:Int}; Do_Fn X = {paragraph:Paragraph, patchfiles:patchfiles::Patchfiles, x:X} -> patchfiles::Patchfiles; Paragraph_Plus_Do_Fn X = {do:Do_Fn(X ), paragraph:Paragraph}; Plan X = List(Paragraph_Plus_Do_Fn(X ) ); Field_Trait = ALLOW_MULTIPLE_LINES | DO_NOT_TRIM_WHITESPACE | OPTIONAL; Field_Traits = {allow_multiple_lines:Bool, optional:Bool, trim_whitespace:Bool}; Field_Definition = {fieldname:String, traits:List(Field_Trait )}; Paragraph_Definition X = {do:Do_Fn(X ), fields:List(Field_Definition ), name:String}; Digested_Paragraph_Definition X = {do:Do_Fn(X ), fields:string_map::Map(Field_Traits ), name:String}; Digested_Paragraph_Definitions X = string_map::Map(Digested_Paragraph_Definition(X ) ); digested_paragraph_definition_to_string : Digested_Paragraph_Definition(X ) -> String; digest_paragraph_definitions : Digested_Paragraph_Definitions(X ) -> String -> List(Paragraph_Definition(X ) ) -> Digested_Paragraph_Definitions(X ); read_planfile : Digested_Paragraph_Definitions(X ) -> String -> Plan(X ); read_planfiles : Digested_Paragraph_Definitions(X ) -> List(String ) -> Plan(X ); map_patchfiles_per_plan : X -> patchfiles::Patchfiles -> Plan(X ) -> patchfiles::Patchfiles;};