Mythryl supports the following basic format specifiers:
Zero or more of following modifiers may follow the percent in a format specifier:
A decimal field width is allowed after the above modifiers (if any).
In the case of the floating point specifiers (that is, ’E’, ’e’, ’f’, ’G’, ’g’), the width field may be followed by a decimal point and a decimal precision.
No other format specifiers or modifiers are currently supported.
Integer types other than Int must currently be converted to string form using other facilities, typically the to_string function in the relevant package or else the underlying sfprintf package.
(Mapping of basic format specifiers to meaning is done in src/lib/src/printf-field.pkg.)
eval: printf "%12s\n" "foo"; foo eval: printf "%-12s\n" "foo"; foo eval: printf "%12s%12s\n" "foo" "bar"; foo bar eval: printf "%-12s%-12s\n" "foo" "bar"; foo bar eval: printf "%B\n" ("foo"=="bar"); FALSE eval: printf "%f\n" pi; 3.141593 eval: printf "%g\n" pi; 3.14159 eval: printf "%e\n" pi; 3.141593e00 eval: printf "%E\n" pi; 3.141593E00 eval: printf "%15.7g\n" pi; 3.141593 eval: printf "%15.10g\n" pi; 3.141592654 eval: printf "%f\n" (pi*1000.0*1000.0); 3141592.653590 eval: printf "%g\n" (pi*1000.0*1000.0); 3.14159e06 eval: sprintf "%g\n" (pi*1000.0*1000.0); "3.14159e06\n"