The compiler Property_List api defines access to a general-purpose datastructure annotation facility patterned after Stephen Week’s Mlton annotation facility.
The Property_List api is implemented by the property_list package.
The Property_List api source code is in src/lib/src/property-list.api. The above information is manually maintained and may contain errors.
api { Property_List; make_property_list : Void -> Property_List; has_properties : Property_List -> Bool; clear_property_list : Property_List -> Void; same_property_list : (Property_List , Property_List) -> Bool; make_property : ((Y -> Property_List) , (Y -> X)) -> {clear_fn:Y -> Void, get_fn:Y -> X, peek_fn:Y -> Null_Or(X ), set_fn:(Y , X) -> Void}; make_boolean_property : (X -> Property_List) -> {get_fn:X -> Bool, set_fn:(X , Bool) -> Void};};