The standard library Sfprintf API defines access to a text formatting facility inspired by the C printf() function.
The Sfprintf API is implemented by the sfprintf package.
The Sfprintf API source code is in src/lib/src/sfprintf.api.
For an alternate printf() inspired API, see Printf_Combinator.
The above information is manually maintained and may contain errors.
api { Printf_Arg = BOOL Bool | CHAR Char | FLOAT Float | INT Int | LEFT (Int , Printf_Arg) | LINT multiword_int::Int | LUNT one_word_unt::Unt | QUICKSTRING quickstring__premicrothread::Quickstring | RIGHT (Int , Printf_Arg) | STRING String | UNT Unt | UNT8 one_byte_unt::Unt; exception BAD_FORMAT String; exception BAD_FORMAT_LIST; sprintf' : String -> List(Printf_Arg ) -> String; fnprintf' : (String -> Void) -> String -> List(Printf_Arg ) -> Void; fprintf' : Output_Stream -> String -> List(Printf_Arg ) -> Void; printf' : String -> List(Printf_Arg ) -> Void; parse_format_string_into_printf_field_list : String -> List(printf_field::Printf_Field ); printf_field_type_to_printf_arg_list : printf_field::Printf_Field_Type -> List(Printf_Arg );};
The following information is manually maintained and may contain errors. NB: fprintf, fnprintf, printf, and sprintf are not explicitly listed here because they are in fact special syntax implemented as derived forms in the Mythryl parser with the help of the src/lib/compiler/front/parser/raw-syntax/printf-format-string-to-raw-syntax.pkg module, which expands them into calls to the fprintf′, fnprintf′, printf′, and sprintf′ functions documented here.