The standard library printf_field package implements support functionality shared by the sfprintf and scanf packages.
The printf_field package API is specified anonymously inline in the source.
The printf_field package source code is in src/lib/src/printf-field.pkg.
The above information is manually maintained and may contain errors.
api { Sign = ALWAYS_SIGN | BLANK_SIGN | DEFAULT_SIGN; Neg_Sign = MINUS_SIGN | TILDE_SIGN; Field_Flags = {base:Bool, large:Bool, left_justify:Bool, neg_char:Neg_Sign, sign:Sign, zero_pad:Bool}; Field_Width = NO_PAD | WIDTH Int; Float_Format = E_FORMAT Bool | F_FORMAT | G_FORMAT Bool; Printf_Field_Type = BINARY_FIELD | BOOL_FIELD | CAP_HEX_FIELD | CHAR_FIELD | FLOAT_FIELD {format:Float_Format, prec:Int} | HEX_FIELD | INT_FIELD | OCTAL_FIELD | STRING_FIELD; Printf_Field = CHAR_SET Char -> Bool | FIELD (Field_Flags , Field_Width , Printf_Field_Type) | RAW Substring; Printf_Arg = BOOL Bool | CHAR Char | FLOAT Float | INT Int | LEFT (Int , Printf_Arg) | LINT multiword_int::Int | LUNT one_word_unt::Unt | QUICKSTRING quickstring__premicrothread::Quickstring | RIGHT (Int , Printf_Arg) | STRING String | UNT Unt | UNT8 one_byte_unt::Unt; exception BAD_FORMAT String; scan_field : Substring -> (Printf_Field , Substring);};