### dot-output.pkg
### John Reppy (http://www.cs.uchicago.edu/~jhr)
### Aaron Turon (adrassi@gmail.com)
### All rights reserved.
# Compiled by:
src/app/future-lex/src/lexgen.lib# Produce a .dot file from a DFA.
# (See www.graphviz.org for details about DOT)
package fil = file__premicrothread; # file__premicrothread is from
src/lib/std/src/posix/file--premicrothread.pkg package re = regular_expression; # regular_expression is from
src/app/future-lex/src/regular-expression.pkg package lex = lex_fn; # lex_fn is from
src/app/future-lex/src/lex-fn.pkg package lo = lex_output_spec; # lex_output_spec is from
package dot_output: (weak) Output { # Output is from
src/app/future-lex/src/backends/output.api #
Attribute = ATTRIBUTE (String, String);
Node = NODE (String, List( Attribute ));
Di_Edge = EDGE (String, String, List( Attribute ));
Di_Graph = GRAPH (String, List( Node ), List( Di_Edge ), List( Attribute ));
fun repl_bs str
\\ '\\' => "\\\\"; c => string::from_char c; end
fun write_graph (out, graph)
wr_graph graph
# Write a string:
fun wr s
fil::write (out, s);
# Write a list of strings:
fun wrs ss
wr (string::cat ss);
# indent to some level
fun wr_indent 0 => ();
wr_indent lvl => { wr " "; wr_indent (lvl - 1);};
# Apply output functions, indenting each time
fun apply indent f list
list::apply (\\ x => { wr_indent indent; f x;}; end ) list;
fun wr_attribute (ATTRIBUTE (name, value))
wrs ([
"[ ", name, " = \"", value, "\" ]", "\n"
fun wr_node (NODE (name, atts))
{ wr name;
wr "\n";
apply 2 wr_attribute atts;
fun wr_edge (EDGE (no1, no2, atts))
{ wrs ([no1, " -> ", no2, "\n"]);
apply 2 wr_attribute atts;
fun wr_graph_attribute attribute
{ wr "graph\n";
wr_indent 2;
wr_attribute attribute;
fun wr_graph (GRAPH (name, nodes, edges, atts))
{ wrs (["digraph ", name, " {\n"]);
apply 1 wr_graph_attribute atts;
apply 1 wr_node nodes;
apply 1 wr_edge edges;
wr "}";
fun make_graph_fn states
# node id -> node name
fun name id
"Q" + int::to_string id;
fun make_node (lo::STATE { id, label, final => [], ... } )
NODE (name id, [ATTRIBUTE ("shape", "circle")]);
make_node (lo::STATE { id, label, final => i ! _, ... } )
NODE (name id,
[ATTRIBUTE ("shape", "doublecircle"),
ATTRIBUTE ("label", (name id) + "/" + (int::to_string i))]);
fun make_edge from_id (symbol_set, lo::STATE { id, ... } )
EDGE (name from_id, name id,
[ATTRIBUTE ("label", repl_bs (re::to_string (re::make_symbol_set symbol_set)))]);
fun make_edges (lo::STATE { id, next, ... } )
list::map (make_edge id) (list::reverse *next);
fun make_rule (i, re)
string::cat (
["Rule ",
int::to_string i,
": ",
repl_bs (re::to_string re),
# Node for input REs
fun make_rules result
NODE ("Rules",
[ATTRIBUTE ("label", vector::keyed_fold_forward
(\\ (i, r, s) = s + (make_rule (i, r)))
"" result),
ATTRIBUTE ("shape", "plaintext"),
ATTRIBUTE ("fontname", "Courier")]);
nodes' = list::map make_node states;
nodes = nodes';
edges = list::cat (list::map make_edges states);
GRAPH ("DFA", nodes, edges,
[ATTRIBUTE ("size", "7, 10"),
ATTRIBUTE ("rankdir", "LR")]);
fun output (spec, fname)
{ spec -> lo::SPEC { dfa, start_states, ... };
out = fil::open_for_write (fname + ".dot");
graph = make_graph_fn dfa;
print (" writing " + fname + ".dot\n");
write_graph (out, graph)
fil::close_output out;