# mythryl-lex.lex.pkg
# Compiled by:
package fil = file__premicrothread; # file__premicrothread is from
generic package mllex_lex_g ( package tok: Ml_Lex_Tokens; ) # Ml_Lex_Tokens is from
src/app/future-lex/src/frontends/lex/mythryl-lex.grammar.api =
package {
package yy_input: (weak) api {
mk_stream: (Int -> String) -> Stream;
from_stream: fil::pur::Input_Stream -> Stream;
getc: Stream -> Null_Or ((char::Char, Stream));
getpos: Stream -> Int;
getline_no: Stream -> Int;
subtract: (Stream, Stream) -> String;
eof: Stream -> Bool;
package {
package tio= file__premicrothread; # file__premicrothread is from
src/lib/std/src/posix/file--premicrothread.pkg package tsio = tio::pur; # "pur" == "pure" (I/O).
package tpio= winix_base_text_file_io_driver_for_posix__premicrothread; # winix_base_text_file_io_driver_for_posix__premicrothread is from
src/lib/std/src/io/winix-base-text-file-io-driver-for-posix--premicrothread.pkg Stream = STREAM {
stream: tsio::Input_Stream,
id: Int, # Track which streams originated
# from the same stream
pos: Int,
line_no: Int
next = REF 0;
fun next_id ()
next := *next + 1;
init_pos = 2; # mythryl-lex bug compatibility
fun mk_stream read_n
STREAM { stream, id => next_id(), pos => init_pos, line_no => 1 }
stream = tsio::make_instream
filename => "lexgen",
best_io_quantum => 4096,
read_vector => read_n,
blockx => NULL,
can_readx => NULL,
avail => (\\ () = NULL),
get_file_position => NULL,
set_file_position => NULL,
end_file_position => NULL,
verify_file_position => NULL,
close => (\\ () = ()),
io_descriptor => NULL
}, "");
fun from_stream stream
stream, id => next_id(), pos => init_pos, line_no => 1
fun getc (STREAM { stream, pos, id, line_no } )
case (tsio::read_one stream)
THE (c, stream')
stream => stream',
pos => pos+1,
line_no => line_no +
(if (c == '\n' ) 1; else 0;fi)
} );
fun getpos (STREAM { pos, ... } )
fun getline_no (STREAM { line_no, ... } )
fun subtract (new, old)
my STREAM { stream, pos => old_pos, id => old_id, ... }
my STREAM { pos => new_pos, id => new_id, ... }
my (diff, _)
if (new_id == old_id and new_pos >= old_pos)
tsio::read_n (stream, new_pos - old_pos);
raise exception DIE "BUG: yyInput: attempted to subtract incompatible streams";
fun eof (STREAM { stream, ... } )
tsio::end_of_stream stream;
Yymatch X
| YY_MATCH (yy_input::Stream, Action(X), Yymatch(X))
withtype Action X = (yy_input::Stream, Yymatch(X)) -> X;
Yystart_State =
package user_declarations =
package {
Source_Position = Int;
Semantic_Value = tok::Semantic_Value;
Token( X, Y ) = tok::Token( X, Y );
Lex_Result = Token( Semantic_Value, Source_Position );
include package tok;
eof = \\ () => eofx(-1,-1); end ;
error = /* \\ (e, l: Int, _) =>
output (std_out, "line " + (makestring l) +
": " + e + "\n") */
\\ _ => (); end ;
text = REF ([] : List( String ));
fun clr_action () = (text := ["("]);
fun upd_action (str) = (text := str ! *text);
fun get_action () = (cat (reverse *text));
# what to do (i.e. switch start states) after recognizing an action
after_action = REF (\\ () => (); end );
# paren counting for actions
pcount = REF 0;
inquote = REF FALSE;
fun inc r = if *inquote (); else r := *r + 1;fi;
fun dec r = if *inquote (); else r := *r - 1;fi;
package sis= regular_expression::symbol_set; # regular_expression is from
src/app/future-lex/src/regular-expression.pkg fun uni_char s = {
fun to_w32 (c: char::Char) : one_word_unt::Unt =
case c '0' => 0u0; '1' => 0u1; '2' => 0u2; '3' => 0u3;
'4' => 0u4; '5' => 0u5; '6' => 0u6; '7' => 0u7;
'8' => 0u8; '9' => 0u9; 'a' => 0u10; 'A' => 0u10;
'b' => 0u11; 'B' => 0u11; 'c' => 0u12; 'C' => 0u12;
'd' => 0u13; 'D' => 0u13; 'e' => 0u14; 'E' => 0u14;
'f' => 0u15; 'F' => 0u15;
_ => raise exception DIE "invalid unicode escape sequence";
fun iter ('u' ! _, v) => v;
iter (c ! cs, v) => iter (cs, (one_word_unt::from_int 16)*v + (to_w32 c));
iter _ => raise exception DIE "invalid unicode escape sequence";
uni = iter (list::reverse (string::explode s), 0u0);
iter (list::reverse (string::explode s), 0u0);
high_ascii = sis::interval (0u128, 0u255);
fun mk yyins = {
# Current start state
fun yybegin ss = (yyss := ss);
# Current input stream
yystrm = REF yyins;
# get one char of input
yygetc = yy_input::getc;
# Create yytext
fun yymktext (stream) = yy_input::subtract (stream, *yystrm);
include package user_declarations;
fun lex
(yyarg as ()) = {
fun yystuck (YY_NO_MATCH) => raise exception DIE "stuck state";
yystuck (YY_MATCH (stream, action, old)) =>
action (stream, old); end;
yypos = yy_input::getpos *yystrm;
fun continue () =
fun yy_action0 (stream, last_match) = {
yylineno = REF (yy_input::getline_no(*(yystrm)));
yystrm := stream; { yybegin DEFS; lexmark(*yylineno, *yylineno);};
fun yy_action1 (stream, last_match) = {
yylineno = REF (yy_input::getline_no(*(yystrm)));
yytext = yymktext (stream);
yystrm := stream; (decls (yytext, *yylineno, *yylineno));
fun yy_action2 (stream, last_match) = { yystrm := stream; (lex());};
fun yy_action3 (stream, last_match) = {
yylineno = REF (yy_input::getline_no(*(yystrm)));
yystrm := stream; { yybegin RE; lexmark(*yylineno, *yylineno);};
fun yy_action4 (stream, last_match) = {
yylineno = REF (yy_input::getline_no(*(yystrm)));
yystrm := stream; { yybegin LEXSTATES; states(*yylineno, *yylineno);};
fun yy_action5 (stream, last_match) = {
yylineno = REF (yy_input::getline_no(*(yystrm)));
yystrm := stream;
{ clr_action(); pcount := 1; inquote := FALSE;
yybegin ACTION;
after_action := (\\ () => yybegin DEFS; end );
header(*yylineno, *yylineno);};
fun yy_action6 (stream, last_match) = {
yylineno = REF (yy_input::getline_no(*(yystrm)));
yystrm := stream; (structx(*yylineno, *yylineno));
fun yy_action7 (stream, last_match) = {
yylineno = REF (yy_input::getline_no(*(yystrm)));
yystrm := stream;
{ clr_action(); pcount := 1; inquote := FALSE;
yybegin ACTION;
after_action := (\\ () => yybegin DEFS; end );
arg(*yylineno, *yylineno);};
fun yy_action8 (stream, last_match) = {
yylineno = REF (yy_input::getline_no(*(yystrm)));
yystrm := stream; (count(*yylineno, *yylineno));
fun yy_action9 (stream, last_match) = {
old_strm = *(yystrm);
fun reject_fn () = { yystrm := old_strm; yystuck (last_match);};
yylineno = REF (yy_input::getline_no(*(yystrm)));
yystrm := stream; (rejecttok(*yylineno, *yylineno));
fun yy_action10 (stream, last_match) = {
yylineno = REF (yy_input::getline_no(*(yystrm)));
yystrm := stream; (unicode(*yylineno, *yylineno));
fun yy_action11 (stream, last_match) = { yystrm := stream; (lex());};
fun yy_action12 (stream, last_match) = {
yylineno = REF (yy_input::getline_no(*(yystrm)));
yytext = yymktext (stream);
yystrm := stream; (id (yytext, *yylineno, *yylineno));
fun yy_action13 (stream, last_match) = {
yylineno = REF (yy_input::getline_no(*(yystrm)));
yystrm := stream; { yybegin RE; eq(*yylineno, *yylineno);};
fun yy_action14 (stream, last_match) = { yystrm := stream; (lex());};
fun yy_action15 (stream, last_match) = {
yylineno = REF (yy_input::getline_no(*(yystrm)));
yystrm := stream; (qmark(*yylineno, *yylineno));
fun yy_action16 (stream, last_match) = {
yylineno = REF (yy_input::getline_no(*(yystrm)));
yystrm := stream; (star(*yylineno, *yylineno));
fun yy_action17 (stream, last_match) = {
yylineno = REF (yy_input::getline_no(*(yystrm)));
yystrm := stream; (plus(*yylineno, *yylineno));
fun yy_action18 (stream, last_match) = {
yylineno = REF (yy_input::getline_no(*(yystrm)));
yystrm := stream; (bar(*yylineno, *yylineno));
fun yy_action19 (stream, last_match) = {
yylineno = REF (yy_input::getline_no(*(yystrm)));
yystrm := stream; (lp(*yylineno, *yylineno));
fun yy_action20 (stream, last_match) = {
yylineno = REF (yy_input::getline_no(*(yystrm)));
yystrm := stream; (rp(*yylineno, *yylineno));
fun yy_action21 (stream, last_match) = {
yylineno = REF (yy_input::getline_no(*(yystrm)));
yystrm := stream; (dollar(*yylineno, *yylineno));
fun yy_action22 (stream, last_match) = {
yylineno = REF (yy_input::getline_no(*(yystrm)));
yystrm := stream; (slash(*yylineno, *yylineno));
fun yy_action23 (stream, last_match) = {
yylineno = REF (yy_input::getline_no(*(yystrm)));
yystrm := stream; (dot(*yylineno, *yylineno));
fun yy_action24 (stream, last_match) = { yystrm := stream; { yybegin RECB; lex();};};
fun yy_action25 (stream, last_match) = { yystrm := stream; { yybegin STRING; lex();};};
fun yy_action26 (stream, last_match) = {
yylineno = REF (yy_input::getline_no(*(yystrm)));
yystrm := stream; { yybegin CHARILK; lb(*yylineno, *yylineno);};
fun yy_action27 (stream, last_match) = {
yylineno = REF (yy_input::getline_no(*(yystrm)));
yystrm := stream; { yybegin LEXSTATES; lt(*yylineno, *yylineno);};
fun yy_action28 (stream, last_match) = {
yylineno = REF (yy_input::getline_no(*(yystrm)));
yystrm := stream; (gt(*yylineno, *yylineno));
fun yy_action29 (stream, last_match) = {
yylineno = REF (yy_input::getline_no(*(yystrm)));
yystrm := stream;
{ clr_action(); pcount := 1; inquote := FALSE;
yybegin ACTION;
after_action := (\\ () => yybegin RE; end );
arrow(*yylineno, *yylineno);};
fun yy_action30 (stream, last_match) = {
yylineno = REF (yy_input::getline_no(*(yystrm)));
yystrm := stream; { yybegin DEFS; semi(*yylineno, *yylineno);};
fun yy_action31 (stream, last_match) = { yystrm := stream; (lex());};
fun yy_action32 (stream, last_match) = {
yylineno = REF (yy_input::getline_no(*(yystrm)));
yytext = yymktext (stream);
yystrm := stream; (id (yytext, *yylineno, *yylineno));
fun yy_action33 (stream, last_match) = {
yylineno = REF (yy_input::getline_no(*(yystrm)));
yytext = yymktext (stream);
yystrm := stream;
(reps (the (int::from_string yytext), *yylineno, *yylineno));
fun yy_action34 (stream, last_match) = {
yylineno = REF (yy_input::getline_no(*(yystrm)));
yystrm := stream; (comma(*yylineno, *yylineno));
fun yy_action35 (stream, last_match) = {
yylineno = REF (yy_input::getline_no(*(yystrm)));
yystrm := stream; { yybegin RE; rcb(*yylineno, *yylineno);};
fun yy_action36 (stream, last_match) = {
yylineno = REF (yy_input::getline_no(*(yystrm)));
yystrm := stream; { yybegin RE; rbd(*yylineno, *yylineno);};
fun yy_action37 (stream, last_match) = {
yylineno = REF (yy_input::getline_no(*(yystrm)));
yystrm := stream; { yybegin RE; rb(*yylineno, *yylineno);};
fun yy_action38 (stream, last_match) = {
yylineno = REF (yy_input::getline_no(*(yystrm)));
yystrm := stream; (dash(*yylineno, *yylineno));
fun yy_action39 (stream, last_match) = {
yylineno = REF (yy_input::getline_no(*(yystrm)));
yystrm := stream; (carat(*yylineno, *yylineno));
fun yy_action40 (stream, last_match) = { yystrm := stream; { yybegin RE; lex();};};
fun yy_action41 (stream, last_match) = {
yylineno = REF (yy_input::getline_no(*(yystrm)));
yytext = yymktext (stream);
yystrm := stream;
(char (the (string::from_string yytext), *yylineno, *yylineno));
fun yy_action42 (stream, last_match) = {
yylineno = REF (yy_input::getline_no(*(yystrm)));
yytext = yymktext (stream);
yystrm := stream; (unichar (uni_char yytext, *yylineno, *yylineno));
fun yy_action43 (stream, last_match) = {
yylineno = REF (yy_input::getline_no(*(yystrm)));
yytext = yymktext (stream);
yystrm := stream;
(char (string::substring (yytext, 1, 1), *yylineno, *yylineno));
fun yy_action44 (stream, last_match) = {
yylineno = REF (yy_input::getline_no(*(yystrm)));
yytext = yymktext (stream);
yystrm := stream; (char (yytext, *yylineno, *yylineno));
fun yy_action45 (stream, last_match) = {
yylineno = REF (yy_input::getline_no(*(yystrm)));
yytext = yymktext (stream);
yystrm := stream; (lexstate (yytext, *yylineno, *yylineno));
fun yy_action46 (stream, last_match) = { yystrm := stream; (lex());};
fun yy_action47 (stream, last_match) = {
yylineno = REF (yy_input::getline_no(*(yystrm)));
yystrm := stream; (comma(*yylineno, *yylineno));
fun yy_action48 (stream, last_match) = {
yylineno = REF (yy_input::getline_no(*(yystrm)));
yystrm := stream; { yybegin RE; gt(*yylineno, *yylineno);};
fun yy_action49 (stream, last_match) = {
yylineno = REF (yy_input::getline_no(*(yystrm)));
yystrm := stream; { yybegin DEFS; semi(*yylineno, *yylineno);};
fun yy_action50 (stream, last_match) = {
yylineno = REF (yy_input::getline_no(*(yystrm)));
yystrm := stream;
if (*pcount == 0)
act (get_action(), *yylineno, *yylineno);
upd_action ";";
lex ();
fun yy_action51 (stream, last_match) = { yystrm := stream;
{ upd_action "("; inc pcount; lex();};};
fun yy_action52 (stream, last_match) = { yystrm := stream;
{ upd_action ")"; dec pcount; lex();};};
fun yy_action53 (stream, last_match) = { yystrm := stream; { upd_action "\\\""; lex();};};
fun yy_action54 (stream, last_match) = { yystrm := stream; { upd_action "\\\\"; lex();};};
fun yy_action55 (stream, last_match) = { yystrm := stream; { upd_action "\\"; lex();};};
fun yy_action56 (stream, last_match) = { yystrm := stream;
{ upd_action "\""; inquote := not (*inquote); lex();};};
fun yy_action57 (stream, last_match) = {
yytext = yymktext (stream);
yystrm := stream; { upd_action yytext; lex();};
fun yy_q110 (stream, last_match) = (case (yygetc (stream))
NULL => yy_action1 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
THE (inp, stream') =>
if (inp == '&')
yy_q115 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action1, YY_NO_MATCH));
else if (inp < '&')
if (inp == '%')
yy_q114 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action1, YY_NO_MATCH));
else yy_q115 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action1, YY_NO_MATCH));fi;
else if (inp <= '\x7f')
yy_q115 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action1, YY_NO_MATCH));
else yy_action1 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);fi;fi;fi; esac
) # end case
also fun yy_q114 (stream, last_match) = (case (yygetc (stream))
NULL => yystuck (last_match);
THE (inp, stream') =>
if (inp == '&')
yy_q113 (stream', last_match);
else if (inp < '&')
if (inp == '%')
yystuck (last_match);
else yy_q113 (stream', last_match);fi;
else if (inp <= '\x7f')
yy_q113 (stream', last_match);
else yystuck (last_match);fi;fi;fi; esac
) # end case
also fun yy_q113 (stream, last_match) = (case (yygetc (stream))
NULL => yy_action1 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
THE (inp, stream') =>
if (inp == '&')
yy_q110 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action1, YY_NO_MATCH));
else if (inp < '&')
if (inp == '%')
yy_q114 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action1, YY_NO_MATCH));
else yy_q110 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action1, YY_NO_MATCH));fi;
else if (inp <= '\x7f')
yy_q110 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action1, YY_NO_MATCH));
else yy_action1 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);fi;fi;fi; esac
) # end case
also fun yy_q115 (stream, last_match) = (case (yygetc (stream))
NULL => yy_action1 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
THE (inp, stream') =>
if (inp == '&')
yy_q115 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action1, YY_NO_MATCH));
else if (inp < '&')
if (inp == '%')
yy_q114 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action1, YY_NO_MATCH));
else yy_q115 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action1, YY_NO_MATCH));fi;
else if (inp <= '\x7f')
yy_q115 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action1, YY_NO_MATCH));
else yy_action1 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);fi;fi;fi; esac
); # end case
fun yy_q112 (stream, last_match) = yy_action0 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
fun yy_q111 (stream, last_match) = (case (yygetc (stream))
NULL => yystuck (last_match);
THE (inp, stream') =>
if (inp == '&')
yy_q113 (stream', last_match);
else if (inp < '&')
if (inp == '%')
yy_q112 (stream', last_match);
else yy_q113 (stream', last_match);fi;
else if (inp <= '\x7f')
yy_q113 (stream', last_match);
else yystuck (last_match);fi;fi;fi; esac
); # end case
fun yy_q7 (stream, last_match) = (case (yygetc (stream))
if (yy_input::eof (stream))
user_declarations::eof (yyarg);
else yy_action1 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);fi;
THE (inp, stream') =>
if (inp == '&')
yy_q110 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action1, YY_NO_MATCH));
else if (inp < '&')
if (inp == '%')
yy_q111 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action1, YY_NO_MATCH));
else yy_q110 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action1, YY_NO_MATCH));fi;
else if (inp <= '\x7f')
yy_q110 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action1, YY_NO_MATCH));
else if (yy_input::eof (stream))
user_declarations::eof (yyarg);
else yy_action1 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);fi;fi;fi;fi; esac
); # end case
fun yy_q102 (stream, last_match) = yy_action50 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
fun yy_q103 (stream, last_match) = yy_action51 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
fun yy_q104 (stream, last_match) = yy_action52 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
fun yy_q105 (stream, last_match) = yy_action56 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
fun yy_q106 (stream, last_match) = (case (yygetc (stream))
NULL => yy_action57 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
THE (inp, stream') =>
if (inp == ';')
yy_action57 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
else if (inp < ';')
if (inp == '#')
yy_q106 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action57, YY_NO_MATCH));
else if (inp < '#')
if (inp == '"')
yy_action57 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
else yy_q106 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action57, YY_NO_MATCH));fi;
else if (inp == '(')
yy_action57 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
else if (inp < '(')
yy_q106 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action57, YY_NO_MATCH));
else if (inp <= ')')
yy_action57 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
else yy_q106 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action57, YY_NO_MATCH));fi;fi;fi;fi;fi;
else if (inp == ']')
yy_q106 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action57, YY_NO_MATCH));
else if (inp < ']')
if (inp == '\\')
yy_action57 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
else yy_q106 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action57, YY_NO_MATCH));fi;
else if (inp <= '\x7f')
yy_q106 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action57, YY_NO_MATCH));
else yy_action57 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);fi;fi;fi;fi;fi; esac
); # end case
fun yy_q108 (stream, last_match) = yy_action53 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
fun yy_q109 (stream, last_match) = yy_action54 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
fun yy_q107 (stream, last_match) = (case (yygetc (stream))
NULL => yy_action55 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
THE (inp, stream') =>
if (inp == '#')
yy_action55 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
else if (inp < '#')
if (inp == '"')
yy_q108 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action55, YY_NO_MATCH));
else yy_action55 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);fi;
else if (inp == '\\')
yy_q109 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action55, YY_NO_MATCH));
else yy_action55 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);fi;fi;fi; esac
); # end case
fun yy_q6 (stream, last_match) = (case (yygetc (stream))
if (yy_input::eof (stream))
user_declarations::eof (yyarg);
else yy_action57 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);fi;
THE (inp, stream') =>
if (inp == '*')
yy_q106 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action57, YY_NO_MATCH));
else if (inp < '*')
if (inp == '#')
yy_q106 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action57, YY_NO_MATCH));
else if (inp < '#')
if (inp == '"')
yy_q105 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action57, YY_NO_MATCH));
else yy_q106 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action57, YY_NO_MATCH));fi;
else if (inp == '(')
yy_q103 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action57, YY_NO_MATCH));
else if (inp == ')')
yy_q104 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action57, YY_NO_MATCH));
else yy_q106 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action57, YY_NO_MATCH));fi;fi;fi;fi;
else if (inp == '\\')
yy_q107 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action57, YY_NO_MATCH));
else if (inp < '\\')
if (inp == ';')
yy_q102 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action57, YY_NO_MATCH));
else yy_q106 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action57, YY_NO_MATCH));fi;
else if (inp <= '\x7f')
yy_q106 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action57, YY_NO_MATCH));
else if (yy_input::eof (stream))
user_declarations::eof (yyarg);
else yy_action57 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);fi;fi;fi;fi;fi;fi; esac
); # end case
fun yy_q97 (stream, last_match) = yy_action46 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
fun yy_q98 (stream, last_match) = yy_action47 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
fun yy_q99 (stream, last_match) = yy_action48 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
fun yy_q100 (stream, last_match) = yy_action49 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
fun yy_q101 (stream, last_match) = (case (yygetc (stream))
NULL => yy_action45 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
THE (inp, stream') =>
if (inp == 'A')
yy_q101 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action45, YY_NO_MATCH));
else if (inp < 'A')
if (inp == '(')
yy_action45 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
else if (inp < '(')
if (inp == '\'')
yy_q101 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action45, YY_NO_MATCH));
else yy_action45 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);fi;
else if (inp == '0')
yy_q101 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action45, YY_NO_MATCH));
else if (inp < '0')
yy_action45 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
else if (inp <= '9')
yy_q101 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action45, YY_NO_MATCH));
else yy_action45 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);fi;fi;fi;fi;fi;
else if (inp == '`')
yy_action45 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
else if (inp < '`')
if (inp == '[')
yy_action45 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
else if (inp < '[')
yy_q101 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action45, YY_NO_MATCH));
else if (inp == '_')
yy_q101 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action45, YY_NO_MATCH));
else yy_action45 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);fi;fi;fi;
else if (inp <= 'z')
yy_q101 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action45, YY_NO_MATCH));
else yy_action45 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);fi;fi;fi;fi;fi; esac
); # end case
fun yy_q5 (stream, last_match) = (case (yygetc (stream))
if (yy_input::eof (stream))
user_declarations::eof (yyarg);
else yystuck (last_match);fi;
THE (inp, stream') =>
if (inp == '-')
if (yy_input::eof (stream))
user_declarations::eof (yyarg);
else yystuck (last_match);fi;
else if (inp < '-')
if (inp == '\^N')
if (yy_input::eof (stream))
user_declarations::eof (yyarg);
else yystuck (last_match);fi;
else if (inp < '\^N')
if (inp == '\v')
if (yy_input::eof (stream))
user_declarations::eof (yyarg);
else yystuck (last_match);fi;
else if (inp < '\v')
if (inp <= '\b')
if (yy_input::eof (stream))
user_declarations::eof (yyarg);
else yystuck (last_match);fi;
else yy_q97 (stream', last_match);fi;
else if (inp == '\r')
yy_q97 (stream', last_match);
else if (yy_input::eof (stream))
user_declarations::eof (yyarg);
else yystuck (last_match);fi;fi;fi;fi;
else if (inp == '!')
if (yy_input::eof (stream))
user_declarations::eof (yyarg);
else yystuck (last_match);fi;
else if (inp < '!')
if (inp == ' ')
yy_q97 (stream', last_match);
else if (yy_input::eof (stream))
user_declarations::eof (yyarg);
else yystuck (last_match);fi;fi;
else if (inp == ',')
yy_q98 (stream', last_match);
else if (yy_input::eof (stream))
user_declarations::eof (yyarg);
else yystuck (last_match);fi;fi;fi;fi;fi;fi;
else if (inp == '?')
if (yy_input::eof (stream))
user_declarations::eof (yyarg);
else yystuck (last_match);fi;
else if (inp < '?')
if (inp == '<')
if (yy_input::eof (stream))
user_declarations::eof (yyarg);
else yystuck (last_match);fi;
else if (inp < '<')
if (inp == ';')
yy_q100 (stream', last_match);
else if (yy_input::eof (stream))
user_declarations::eof (yyarg);
else yystuck (last_match);fi;fi;
else if (inp == '>')
yy_q99 (stream', last_match);
else if (yy_input::eof (stream))
user_declarations::eof (yyarg);
else yystuck (last_match);fi;fi;fi;fi;
else if (inp == '[')
if (yy_input::eof (stream))
user_declarations::eof (yyarg);
else yystuck (last_match);fi;
else if (inp < '[')
if (inp <= '@')
if (yy_input::eof (stream))
user_declarations::eof (yyarg);
else yystuck (last_match);fi;
else yy_q101 (stream', last_match);fi;
else if (inp == 'a')
yy_q101 (stream', last_match);
else if (inp < 'a')
if (yy_input::eof (stream))
user_declarations::eof (yyarg);
else yystuck (last_match);fi;
else if (inp <= 'z')
yy_q101 (stream', last_match);
else if (yy_input::eof (stream))
user_declarations::eof (yyarg);
else yystuck (last_match);fi;fi;fi;fi;fi;fi;fi;fi;fi;fi; esac
); # end case
fun yy_q93 (stream, last_match) = yy_action37 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
fun yy_q94 (stream, last_match) = yy_action39 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
fun yy_q25 (stream, last_match) = yy_action44 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
fun yy_q30 (stream, last_match) = yy_action41 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
fun yy_q31 (stream, last_match) = yy_action43 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
fun yy_q39 (stream, last_match) = yy_action42 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
fun yy_q38 (stream, last_match) = (case (yygetc (stream))
NULL => yystuck (last_match);
THE (inp, stream') =>
if (inp == 'A')
yy_q39 (stream', last_match);
else if (inp < 'A')
if (inp == '0')
yy_q39 (stream', last_match);
else if (inp < '0')
yystuck (last_match);
else if (inp <= '9')
yy_q39 (stream', last_match);
else yystuck (last_match);fi;fi;fi;
else if (inp == 'a')
yy_q39 (stream', last_match);
else if (inp < 'a')
if (inp <= 'F')
yy_q39 (stream', last_match);
else yystuck (last_match);fi;
else if (inp <= 'f')
yy_q39 (stream', last_match);
else yystuck (last_match);fi;fi;fi;fi;fi; esac
); # end case
fun yy_q37 (stream, last_match) = (case (yygetc (stream))
NULL => yystuck (last_match);
THE (inp, stream') =>
if (inp == 'A')
yy_q38 (stream', last_match);
else if (inp < 'A')
if (inp == '0')
yy_q38 (stream', last_match);
else if (inp < '0')
yystuck (last_match);
else if (inp <= '9')
yy_q38 (stream', last_match);
else yystuck (last_match);fi;fi;fi;
else if (inp == 'a')
yy_q38 (stream', last_match);
else if (inp < 'a')
if (inp <= 'F')
yy_q38 (stream', last_match);
else yystuck (last_match);fi;
else if (inp <= 'f')
yy_q38 (stream', last_match);
else yystuck (last_match);fi;fi;fi;fi;fi; esac
); # end case
fun yy_q36 (stream, last_match) = (case (yygetc (stream))
NULL => yystuck (last_match);
THE (inp, stream') =>
if (inp == 'A')
yy_q37 (stream', last_match);
else if (inp < 'A')
if (inp == '0')
yy_q37 (stream', last_match);
else if (inp < '0')
yystuck (last_match);
else if (inp <= '9')
yy_q37 (stream', last_match);
else yystuck (last_match);fi;fi;fi;
else if (inp == 'a')
yy_q37 (stream', last_match);
else if (inp < 'a')
if (inp <= 'F')
yy_q37 (stream', last_match);
else yystuck (last_match);fi;
else if (inp <= 'f')
yy_q37 (stream', last_match);
else yystuck (last_match);fi;fi;fi;fi;fi; esac
); # end case
fun yy_q32 (stream, last_match) = (case (yygetc (stream))
NULL => yy_action43 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
THE (inp, stream') =>
if (inp == 'A')
yy_q36 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action43, YY_NO_MATCH));
else if (inp < 'A')
if (inp == '0')
yy_q36 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action43, YY_NO_MATCH));
else if (inp < '0')
yy_action43 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
else if (inp <= '9')
yy_q36 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action43, YY_NO_MATCH));
else yy_action43 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);fi;fi;fi;
else if (inp == 'a')
yy_q36 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action43, YY_NO_MATCH));
else if (inp < 'a')
if (inp <= 'F')
yy_q36 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action43, YY_NO_MATCH));
else yy_action43 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);fi;
else if (inp <= 'f')
yy_q36 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action43, YY_NO_MATCH));
else yy_action43 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);fi;fi;fi;fi;fi; esac
); # end case
fun yy_q35 (stream, last_match) = yy_action41 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
fun yy_q34 (stream, last_match) = (case (yygetc (stream))
NULL => yystuck (last_match);
THE (inp, stream') =>
if (inp == '0')
yy_q35 (stream', last_match);
else if (inp < '0')
yystuck (last_match);
else if (inp <= '9')
yy_q35 (stream', last_match);
else yystuck (last_match);fi;fi;fi; esac
); # end case
fun yy_q33 (stream, last_match) = (case (yygetc (stream))
NULL => yy_action43 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
THE (inp, stream') =>
if (inp == '0')
yy_q34 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action43, YY_NO_MATCH));
else if (inp < '0')
yy_action43 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
else if (inp <= '9')
yy_q34 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action43, YY_NO_MATCH));
else yy_action43 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);fi;fi;fi; esac
); # end case
fun yy_q26 (stream, last_match) = (case (yygetc (stream))
NULL => yy_action44 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
THE (inp, stream') =>
if (inp == 'b')
yy_q30 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action44, YY_NO_MATCH));
else if (inp < 'b')
if (inp == '#')
yy_q31 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action44, YY_NO_MATCH));
else if (inp < '#')
if (inp == '\v')
yy_q31 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action44, YY_NO_MATCH));
else if (inp < '\v')
if (inp == '\n')
yy_action44 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
else yy_q31 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action44, YY_NO_MATCH));fi;
else if (inp == '"')
yy_q30 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action44, YY_NO_MATCH));
else yy_q31 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action44, YY_NO_MATCH));fi;fi;fi;
else if (inp == ':')
yy_q31 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action44, YY_NO_MATCH));
else if (inp < ':')
if (inp <= '/')
yy_q31 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action44, YY_NO_MATCH));
else yy_q33 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action44, YY_NO_MATCH));fi;
else if (inp == '\\')
yy_q30 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action44, YY_NO_MATCH));
else yy_q31 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action44, YY_NO_MATCH));fi;fi;fi;fi;fi;
else if (inp == 's')
yy_q31 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action44, YY_NO_MATCH));
else if (inp < 's')
if (inp == 'o')
yy_q31 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action44, YY_NO_MATCH));
else if (inp < 'o')
if (inp == 'n')
yy_q30 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action44, YY_NO_MATCH));
else yy_q31 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action44, YY_NO_MATCH));fi;
else if (inp == 'r')
yy_q30 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action44, YY_NO_MATCH));
else yy_q31 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action44, YY_NO_MATCH));fi;fi;fi;
else if (inp == 'v')
yy_q31 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action44, YY_NO_MATCH));
else if (inp < 'v')
if (inp == 't')
yy_q30 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action44, YY_NO_MATCH));
else yy_q32 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action44, YY_NO_MATCH));fi;
else if (inp <= '\x7f')
yy_q31 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action44, YY_NO_MATCH));
else yy_action44 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);fi;fi;fi;fi;fi;fi;fi; esac
); # end case
fun yy_q96 (stream, last_match) = yy_action36 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
fun yy_q95 (stream, last_match) = (case (yygetc (stream))
NULL => yy_action38 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
THE (inp, stream') =>
if (inp == ']')
yy_q96 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action38, YY_NO_MATCH));
else yy_action38 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);fi; esac
); # end case
fun yy_q4 (stream, last_match) = (case (yygetc (stream))
if (yy_input::eof (stream))
user_declarations::eof (yyarg);
else yystuck (last_match);fi;
THE (inp, stream') =>
if (inp == '\\')
yy_q26 (stream', last_match);
else if (inp < '\\')
if (inp == '\v')
yy_q25 (stream', last_match);
else if (inp < '\v')
if (inp == '\n')
if (yy_input::eof (stream))
user_declarations::eof (yyarg);
else yystuck (last_match);fi;
else yy_q25 (stream', last_match);fi;
else if (inp == '-')
yy_q95 (stream', last_match);
else yy_q25 (stream', last_match);fi;fi;fi;
else if (inp == '_')
yy_q25 (stream', last_match);
else if (inp < '_')
if (inp == ']')
yy_q93 (stream', last_match);
else yy_q94 (stream', last_match);fi;
else if (inp <= '\x7f')
yy_q25 (stream', last_match);
else if (yy_input::eof (stream))
user_declarations::eof (yyarg);
else yystuck (last_match);fi;fi;fi;fi;fi;fi; esac
); # end case
fun yy_q92 (stream, last_match) = yy_action40 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
fun yy_q3 (stream, last_match) = (case (yygetc (stream))
if (yy_input::eof (stream))
user_declarations::eof (yyarg);
else yystuck (last_match);fi;
THE (inp, stream') =>
if (inp == '#')
yy_q25 (stream', last_match);
else if (inp < '#')
if (inp == '\v')
yy_q25 (stream', last_match);
else if (inp < '\v')
if (inp == '\n')
if (yy_input::eof (stream))
user_declarations::eof (yyarg);
else yystuck (last_match);fi;
else yy_q25 (stream', last_match);fi;
else if (inp == '"')
yy_q92 (stream', last_match);
else yy_q25 (stream', last_match);fi;fi;fi;
else if (inp == ']')
yy_q25 (stream', last_match);
else if (inp < ']')
if (inp == '\\')
yy_q26 (stream', last_match);
else yy_q25 (stream', last_match);fi;
else if (inp <= '\x7f')
yy_q25 (stream', last_match);
else if (yy_input::eof (stream))
user_declarations::eof (yyarg);
else yystuck (last_match);fi;fi;fi;fi;fi;fi; esac
); # end case
fun yy_q87 (stream, last_match) = yy_action31 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
fun yy_q88 (stream, last_match) = yy_action34 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
fun yy_q89 (stream, last_match) = yy_action35 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
fun yy_q90 (stream, last_match) = (case (yygetc (stream))
NULL => yy_action33 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
THE (inp, stream') =>
if (inp == '0')
yy_q90 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action33, YY_NO_MATCH));
else if (inp < '0')
yy_action33 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
else if (inp <= '9')
yy_q90 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action33, YY_NO_MATCH));
else yy_action33 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);fi;fi;fi; esac
); # end case
fun yy_q91 (stream, last_match) = (case (yygetc (stream))
NULL => yy_action32 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
THE (inp, stream') =>
if (inp == 'A')
yy_q91 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action32, YY_NO_MATCH));
else if (inp < 'A')
if (inp == '(')
yy_action32 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
else if (inp < '(')
if (inp == '\'')
yy_q91 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action32, YY_NO_MATCH));
else yy_action32 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);fi;
else if (inp == '0')
yy_q91 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action32, YY_NO_MATCH));
else if (inp < '0')
yy_action32 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
else if (inp <= '9')
yy_q91 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action32, YY_NO_MATCH));
else yy_action32 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);fi;fi;fi;fi;fi;
else if (inp == '`')
yy_action32 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
else if (inp < '`')
if (inp == '[')
yy_action32 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
else if (inp < '[')
yy_q91 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action32, YY_NO_MATCH));
else if (inp == '_')
yy_q91 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action32, YY_NO_MATCH));
else yy_action32 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);fi;fi;fi;
else if (inp <= 'z')
yy_q91 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action32, YY_NO_MATCH));
else yy_action32 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);fi;fi;fi;fi;fi; esac
); # end case
fun yy_q2 (stream, last_match) = (case (yygetc (stream))
if (yy_input::eof (stream))
user_declarations::eof (yyarg);
else yystuck (last_match);fi;
THE (inp, stream') =>
if (inp == '-')
if (yy_input::eof (stream))
user_declarations::eof (yyarg);
else yystuck (last_match);fi;
else if (inp < '-')
if (inp == '\^N')
if (yy_input::eof (stream))
user_declarations::eof (yyarg);
else yystuck (last_match);fi;
else if (inp < '\^N')
if (inp == '\v')
if (yy_input::eof (stream))
user_declarations::eof (yyarg);
else yystuck (last_match);fi;
else if (inp < '\v')
if (inp <= '\b')
if (yy_input::eof (stream))
user_declarations::eof (yyarg);
else yystuck (last_match);fi;
else yy_q87 (stream', last_match);fi;
else if (inp == '\r')
yy_q87 (stream', last_match);
else if (yy_input::eof (stream))
user_declarations::eof (yyarg);
else yystuck (last_match);fi;fi;fi;fi;
else if (inp == '!')
if (yy_input::eof (stream))
user_declarations::eof (yyarg);
else yystuck (last_match);fi;
else if (inp < '!')
if (inp == ' ')
yy_q87 (stream', last_match);
else if (yy_input::eof (stream))
user_declarations::eof (yyarg);
else yystuck (last_match);fi;fi;
else if (inp == ',')
yy_q88 (stream', last_match);
else if (yy_input::eof (stream))
user_declarations::eof (yyarg);
else yystuck (last_match);fi;fi;fi;fi;fi;fi;
else if (inp == '[')
if (yy_input::eof (stream))
user_declarations::eof (yyarg);
else yystuck (last_match);fi;
else if (inp < '[')
if (inp == ':')
if (yy_input::eof (stream))
user_declarations::eof (yyarg);
else yystuck (last_match);fi;
else if (inp < ':')
if (inp <= '/')
if (yy_input::eof (stream))
user_declarations::eof (yyarg);
else yystuck (last_match);fi;
else yy_q90 (stream', last_match);fi;
else if (inp <= '@')
if (yy_input::eof (stream))
user_declarations::eof (yyarg);
else yystuck (last_match);fi;
else yy_q91 (stream', last_match);fi;fi;fi;
else if (inp == '{')
if (yy_input::eof (stream))
user_declarations::eof (yyarg);
else yystuck (last_match);fi;
else if (inp < '{')
if (inp <= '`')
if (yy_input::eof (stream))
user_declarations::eof (yyarg);
else yystuck (last_match);fi;
else yy_q91 (stream', last_match);fi;
else if (inp == '}')
yy_q89 (stream', last_match);
else if (yy_input::eof (stream))
user_declarations::eof (yyarg);
else yystuck (last_match);fi;fi;fi;fi;fi;fi;fi;fi; esac
); # end case
fun yy_q40 (stream, last_match) = yy_action2 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
fun yy_q41 (stream, last_match) = yy_action13 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
fun yy_q42 (stream, last_match) = (case (yygetc (stream))
NULL => yy_action12 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
THE (inp, stream') =>
if (inp == 'A')
yy_q42 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action12, YY_NO_MATCH));
else if (inp < 'A')
if (inp == '(')
yy_action12 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
else if (inp < '(')
if (inp == '\'')
yy_q42 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action12, YY_NO_MATCH));
else yy_action12 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);fi;
else if (inp == '0')
yy_q42 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action12, YY_NO_MATCH));
else if (inp < '0')
yy_action12 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
else if (inp <= '9')
yy_q42 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action12, YY_NO_MATCH));
else yy_action12 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);fi;fi;fi;fi;fi;
else if (inp == '`')
yy_action12 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
else if (inp < '`')
if (inp == '[')
yy_action12 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
else if (inp < '[')
yy_q42 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action12, YY_NO_MATCH));
else if (inp == '_')
yy_q42 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action12, YY_NO_MATCH));
else yy_action12 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);fi;fi;fi;
else if (inp <= 'z')
yy_q42 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action12, YY_NO_MATCH));
else yy_action12 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);fi;fi;fi;fi;fi; esac
); # end case
fun yy_q44 (stream, last_match) = yy_action3 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
fun yy_q86 (stream, last_match) = yy_action6 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
fun yy_q85 (stream, last_match) = (case (yygetc (stream))
NULL => yystuck (last_match);
THE (inp, stream') =>
if (inp == 'e')
yy_q86 (stream', last_match);
else yystuck (last_match);fi; esac
); # end case
fun yy_q84 (stream, last_match) = (case (yygetc (stream))
NULL => yystuck (last_match);
THE (inp, stream') =>
if (inp == 'r')
yy_q85 (stream', last_match);
else yystuck (last_match);fi; esac
); # end case
fun yy_q83 (stream, last_match) = (case (yygetc (stream))
NULL => yystuck (last_match);
THE (inp, stream') =>
if (inp == 'u')
yy_q84 (stream', last_match);
else yystuck (last_match);fi; esac
); # end case
fun yy_q82 (stream, last_match) = (case (yygetc (stream))
NULL => yystuck (last_match);
THE (inp, stream') =>
if (inp == 't')
yy_q83 (stream', last_match);
else yystuck (last_match);fi; esac
); # end case
fun yy_q81 (stream, last_match) = (case (yygetc (stream))
NULL => yystuck (last_match);
THE (inp, stream') =>
if (inp == 'c')
yy_q82 (stream', last_match);
else yystuck (last_match);fi; esac
); # end case
fun yy_q80 (stream, last_match) = (case (yygetc (stream))
NULL => yystuck (last_match);
THE (inp, stream') =>
if (inp == 'u')
yy_q81 (stream', last_match);
else yystuck (last_match);fi; esac
); # end case
fun yy_q79 (stream, last_match) = (case (yygetc (stream))
NULL => yystuck (last_match);
THE (inp, stream') =>
if (inp == 'r')
yy_q80 (stream', last_match);
else yystuck (last_match);fi; esac
); # end case
fun yy_q45 (stream, last_match) = (case (yygetc (stream))
NULL => yy_action4 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
THE (inp, stream') =>
if (inp == 't')
yy_q79 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action4, YY_NO_MATCH));
else yy_action4 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);fi; esac
); # end case
fun yy_q78 (stream, last_match) = yy_action11 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
fun yy_q77 (stream, last_match) = (case (yygetc (stream))
NULL => yystuck (last_match);
THE (inp, stream') =>
if (inp == 'l')
yy_q78 (stream', last_match);
else yystuck (last_match);fi; esac
); # end case
fun yy_q76 (stream, last_match) = (case (yygetc (stream))
NULL => yystuck (last_match);
THE (inp, stream') =>
if (inp == 'l')
yy_q77 (stream', last_match);
else yystuck (last_match);fi; esac
); # end case
fun yy_q46 (stream, last_match) = (case (yygetc (stream))
NULL => yystuck (last_match);
THE (inp, stream') =>
if (inp == 'u')
yy_q76 (stream', last_match);
else yystuck (last_match);fi; esac
); # end case
fun yy_q75 (stream, last_match) = yy_action10 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
fun yy_q74 (stream, last_match) = (case (yygetc (stream))
NULL => yystuck (last_match);
THE (inp, stream') =>
if (inp == 'e')
yy_q75 (stream', last_match);
else yystuck (last_match);fi; esac
); # end case
fun yy_q73 (stream, last_match) = (case (yygetc (stream))
NULL => yystuck (last_match);
THE (inp, stream') =>
if (inp == 'd')
yy_q74 (stream', last_match);
else yystuck (last_match);fi; esac
); # end case
fun yy_q72 (stream, last_match) = (case (yygetc (stream))
NULL => yystuck (last_match);
THE (inp, stream') =>
if (inp == 'o')
yy_q73 (stream', last_match);
else yystuck (last_match);fi; esac
); # end case
fun yy_q71 (stream, last_match) = (case (yygetc (stream))
NULL => yystuck (last_match);
THE (inp, stream') =>
if (inp == 'c')
yy_q72 (stream', last_match);
else yystuck (last_match);fi; esac
); # end case
fun yy_q70 (stream, last_match) = (case (yygetc (stream))
NULL => yystuck (last_match);
THE (inp, stream') =>
if (inp == 'i')
yy_q71 (stream', last_match);
else yystuck (last_match);fi; esac
); # end case
fun yy_q47 (stream, last_match) = (case (yygetc (stream))
NULL => yystuck (last_match);
THE (inp, stream') =>
if (inp == 'n')
yy_q70 (stream', last_match);
else yystuck (last_match);fi; esac
); # end case
fun yy_q69 (stream, last_match) = yy_action9 (stream, last_match);
fun yy_q68 (stream, last_match) = (case (yygetc (stream))
NULL => yystuck (last_match);
THE (inp, stream') =>
if (inp == 't')
yy_q69 (stream', last_match);
else yystuck (last_match);fi; esac
); # end case
fun yy_q67 (stream, last_match) = (case (yygetc (stream))
NULL => yystuck (last_match);
THE (inp, stream') =>
if (inp == 'c')
yy_q68 (stream', last_match);
else yystuck (last_match);fi; esac
); # end case
fun yy_q66 (stream, last_match) = (case (yygetc (stream))
NULL => yystuck (last_match);
THE (inp, stream') =>
if (inp == 'e')
yy_q67 (stream', last_match);
else yystuck (last_match);fi; esac
); # end case
fun yy_q65 (stream, last_match) = (case (yygetc (stream))
NULL => yystuck (last_match);
THE (inp, stream') =>
if (inp == 'j')
yy_q66 (stream', last_match);
else yystuck (last_match);fi; esac
); # end case
fun yy_q48 (stream, last_match) = (case (yygetc (stream))
NULL => yystuck (last_match);
THE (inp, stream') =>
if (inp == 'e')
yy_q65 (stream', last_match);
else yystuck (last_match);fi; esac
); # end case
fun yy_q64 (stream, last_match) = yy_action8 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
fun yy_q63 (stream, last_match) = (case (yygetc (stream))
NULL => yystuck (last_match);
THE (inp, stream') =>
if (inp == 't')
yy_q64 (stream', last_match);
else yystuck (last_match);fi; esac
); # end case
fun yy_q62 (stream, last_match) = (case (yygetc (stream))
NULL => yystuck (last_match);
THE (inp, stream') =>
if (inp == 'n')
yy_q63 (stream', last_match);
else yystuck (last_match);fi; esac
); # end case
fun yy_q61 (stream, last_match) = (case (yygetc (stream))
NULL => yystuck (last_match);
THE (inp, stream') =>
if (inp == 'u')
yy_q62 (stream', last_match);
else yystuck (last_match);fi; esac
); # end case
fun yy_q49 (stream, last_match) = (case (yygetc (stream))
NULL => yystuck (last_match);
THE (inp, stream') =>
if (inp == 'o')
yy_q61 (stream', last_match);
else yystuck (last_match);fi; esac
); # end case
fun yy_q60 (stream, last_match) = yy_action7 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
fun yy_q59 (stream, last_match) = (case (yygetc (stream))
NULL => yystuck (last_match);
THE (inp, stream') =>
if (inp == '\^N')
yystuck (last_match);
else if (inp < '\^N')
if (inp == '\v')
yystuck (last_match);
else if (inp < '\v')
if (inp <= '\b')
yystuck (last_match);
else yy_q59 (stream', last_match);fi;
else if (inp == '\r')
yy_q59 (stream', last_match);
else yystuck (last_match);fi;fi;fi;
else if (inp == '!')
yystuck (last_match);
else if (inp < '!')
if (inp == ' ')
yy_q59 (stream', last_match);
else yystuck (last_match);fi;
else if (inp == '(')
yy_q60 (stream', last_match);
else yystuck (last_match);fi;fi;fi;fi;fi; esac
); # end case
fun yy_q58 (stream, last_match) = (case (yygetc (stream))
NULL => yystuck (last_match);
THE (inp, stream') =>
if (inp == 'g')
yy_q59 (stream', last_match);
else yystuck (last_match);fi; esac
); # end case
fun yy_q50 (stream, last_match) = (case (yygetc (stream))
NULL => yystuck (last_match);
THE (inp, stream') =>
if (inp == 'r')
yy_q58 (stream', last_match);
else yystuck (last_match);fi; esac
); # end case
fun yy_q57 (stream, last_match) = yy_action5 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
fun yy_q56 (stream, last_match) = (case (yygetc (stream))
NULL => yystuck (last_match);
THE (inp, stream') =>
if (inp == '\^N')
yystuck (last_match);
else if (inp < '\^N')
if (inp == '\v')
yystuck (last_match);
else if (inp < '\v')
if (inp <= '\b')
yystuck (last_match);
else yy_q56 (stream', last_match);fi;
else if (inp == '\r')
yy_q56 (stream', last_match);
else yystuck (last_match);fi;fi;fi;
else if (inp == '!')
yystuck (last_match);
else if (inp < '!')
if (inp == ' ')
yy_q56 (stream', last_match);
else yystuck (last_match);fi;
else if (inp == '(')
yy_q57 (stream', last_match);
else yystuck (last_match);fi;fi;fi;fi;fi; esac
); # end case
fun yy_q55 (stream, last_match) = (case (yygetc (stream))
NULL => yystuck (last_match);
THE (inp, stream') =>
if (inp == 'r')
yy_q56 (stream', last_match);
else yystuck (last_match);fi; esac
); # end case
fun yy_q54 (stream, last_match) = (case (yygetc (stream))
NULL => yystuck (last_match);
THE (inp, stream') =>
if (inp == 'e')
yy_q55 (stream', last_match);
else yystuck (last_match);fi; esac
); # end case
fun yy_q53 (stream, last_match) = (case (yygetc (stream))
NULL => yystuck (last_match);
THE (inp, stream') =>
if (inp == 'd')
yy_q54 (stream', last_match);
else yystuck (last_match);fi; esac
); # end case
fun yy_q52 (stream, last_match) = (case (yygetc (stream))
NULL => yystuck (last_match);
THE (inp, stream') =>
if (inp == 'a')
yy_q53 (stream', last_match);
else yystuck (last_match);fi; esac
); # end case
fun yy_q51 (stream, last_match) = (case (yygetc (stream))
NULL => yystuck (last_match);
THE (inp, stream') =>
if (inp == 'e')
yy_q52 (stream', last_match);
else yystuck (last_match);fi; esac
); # end case
fun yy_q43 (stream, last_match) = (case (yygetc (stream))
NULL => yystuck (last_match);
THE (inp, stream') =>
if (inp == 'g')
yystuck (last_match);
else if (inp < 'g')
if (inp == 'b')
yystuck (last_match);
else if (inp < 'b')
if (inp == '&')
yystuck (last_match);
else if (inp < '&')
if (inp == '%')
yy_q44 (stream', last_match);
else yystuck (last_match);fi;
else if (inp == 'a')
yy_q50 (stream', last_match);
else yystuck (last_match);fi;fi;fi;
else if (inp == 'd')
yystuck (last_match);
else if (inp < 'd')
yy_q49 (stream', last_match);
else if (inp == 'f')
yy_q46 (stream', last_match);
else yystuck (last_match);fi;fi;fi;fi;fi;
else if (inp == 's')
yy_q45 (stream', last_match);
else if (inp < 's')
if (inp == 'i')
yystuck (last_match);
else if (inp < 'i')
yy_q51 (stream', last_match);
else if (inp == 'r')
yy_q48 (stream', last_match);
else yystuck (last_match);fi;fi;fi;
else if (inp == 'u')
yy_q47 (stream', last_match);
else yystuck (last_match);fi;fi;fi;fi;fi; esac
); # end case
fun yy_q1 (stream, last_match) = (case (yygetc (stream))
if (yy_input::eof (stream))
user_declarations::eof (yyarg);
else yystuck (last_match);fi;
THE (inp, stream') =>
if (inp == '%')
yy_q43 (stream', last_match);
else if (inp < '%')
if (inp == '\r')
yy_q40 (stream', last_match);
else if (inp < '\r')
if (inp == '\t')
yy_q40 (stream', last_match);
else if (inp < '\t')
if (yy_input::eof (stream))
user_declarations::eof (yyarg);
else yystuck (last_match);fi;
else if (inp <= '\n')
yy_q40 (stream', last_match);
else if (yy_input::eof (stream))
user_declarations::eof (yyarg);
else yystuck (last_match);fi;fi;fi;fi;
else if (inp == ' ')
yy_q40 (stream', last_match);
else if (yy_input::eof (stream))
user_declarations::eof (yyarg);
else yystuck (last_match);fi;fi;fi;fi;
else if (inp == 'A')
yy_q42 (stream', last_match);
else if (inp < 'A')
if (inp == '=')
yy_q41 (stream', last_match);
else if (yy_input::eof (stream))
user_declarations::eof (yyarg);
else yystuck (last_match);fi;fi;
else if (inp == 'a')
yy_q42 (stream', last_match);
else if (inp < 'a')
if (inp <= 'Z')
yy_q42 (stream', last_match);
else if (yy_input::eof (stream))
user_declarations::eof (yyarg);
else yystuck (last_match);fi;fi;
else if (inp <= 'z')
yy_q42 (stream', last_match);
else if (yy_input::eof (stream))
user_declarations::eof (yyarg);
else yystuck (last_match);fi;fi;fi;fi;fi;fi;fi;fi; esac
); # end case
fun yy_q8 (stream, last_match) = yy_action14 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
fun yy_q9 (stream, last_match) = yy_action14 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
fun yy_q10 (stream, last_match) = yy_action15 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
fun yy_q11 (stream, last_match) = yy_action16 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
fun yy_q12 (stream, last_match) = yy_action17 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
fun yy_q13 (stream, last_match) = yy_action18 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
fun yy_q14 (stream, last_match) = yy_action19 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
fun yy_q15 (stream, last_match) = yy_action20 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
fun yy_q16 (stream, last_match) = yy_action21 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
fun yy_q17 (stream, last_match) = yy_action22 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
fun yy_q18 (stream, last_match) = yy_action23 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
fun yy_q19 (stream, last_match) = yy_action24 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
fun yy_q20 (stream, last_match) = yy_action25 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
fun yy_q21 (stream, last_match) = yy_action26 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
fun yy_q22 (stream, last_match) = yy_action27 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
fun yy_q23 (stream, last_match) = yy_action28 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
fun yy_q24 (stream, last_match) = yy_action30 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
fun yy_q29 (stream, last_match) = yy_action29 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
fun yy_q28 (stream, last_match) = (case (yygetc (stream))
NULL => yystuck (last_match);
THE (inp, stream') =>
if (inp == '\^N')
yystuck (last_match);
else if (inp < '\^N')
if (inp == '\v')
yystuck (last_match);
else if (inp < '\v')
if (inp <= '\b')
yystuck (last_match);
else yy_q28 (stream', last_match);fi;
else if (inp == '\r')
yy_q28 (stream', last_match);
else yystuck (last_match);fi;fi;fi;
else if (inp == '!')
yystuck (last_match);
else if (inp < '!')
if (inp == ' ')
yy_q28 (stream', last_match);
else yystuck (last_match);fi;
else if (inp == '(')
yy_q29 (stream', last_match);
else yystuck (last_match);fi;fi;fi;fi;fi; esac
); # end case
fun yy_q27 (stream, last_match) = (case (yygetc (stream))
NULL => yy_action44 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);
THE (inp, stream') =>
if (inp == '>')
yy_q28 (stream', YY_MATCH (stream, yy_action44, YY_NO_MATCH));
else yy_action44 (stream, YY_NO_MATCH);fi; esac
); # end case
fun yy_q0 (stream, last_match) = (case (yygetc (stream))
if (yy_input::eof (stream))
user_declarations::eof (yyarg);
else yystuck (last_match);fi;
THE (inp, stream') =>
if (inp == ',')
yy_q25 (stream', last_match);
else if (inp < ',')
if (inp == '"')
yy_q20 (stream', last_match);
else if (inp < '"')
if (inp == '\r')
yy_q8 (stream', last_match);
else if (inp < '\r')
if (inp == '\n')
yy_q9 (stream', last_match);
else if (inp < '\n')
if (inp == '\t')
yy_q8 (stream', last_match);
else yy_q25 (stream', last_match);fi;
else yy_q25 (stream', last_match);fi;fi;
else if (inp == ' ')
yy_q8 (stream', last_match);
else yy_q25 (stream', last_match);fi;fi;fi;
else if (inp == '(')
yy_q14 (stream', last_match);
else if (inp < '(')
if (inp == '$')
yy_q16 (stream', last_match);
else yy_q25 (stream', last_match);fi;
else if (inp == '*')
yy_q11 (stream', last_match);
else if (inp == ')')
yy_q15 (stream', last_match);
else yy_q12 (stream', last_match);fi;fi;fi;fi;fi;fi;
else if (inp == '?')
yy_q10 (stream', last_match);
else if (inp < '?')
if (inp == ';')
yy_q24 (stream', last_match);
else if (inp < ';')
if (inp == '/')
yy_q17 (stream', last_match);
else if (inp < '/')
if (inp == '.')
yy_q18 (stream', last_match);
else yy_q25 (stream', last_match);fi;
else yy_q25 (stream', last_match);fi;fi;
else if (inp == '=')
yy_q27 (stream', last_match);
else if (inp == '<')
yy_q22 (stream', last_match);
else yy_q23 (stream', last_match);fi;fi;fi;fi;
else if (inp == '{')
yy_q19 (stream', last_match);
else if (inp < '{')
if (inp == '\\')
yy_q26 (stream', last_match);
else if (inp < '\\')
if (inp == '[')
yy_q21 (stream', last_match);
else yy_q25 (stream', last_match);fi;
else yy_q25 (stream', last_match);fi;fi;
else if (inp == '}')
yy_q25 (stream', last_match);
else if (inp < '}')
yy_q13 (stream', last_match);
else if (inp <= '\x7f')
yy_q25 (stream', last_match);
else if (yy_input::eof (stream))
user_declarations::eof (yyarg);
else yystuck (last_match);fi;fi;fi;fi;fi;fi;fi;fi;fi;fi; esac
); # end case
(case (*(yyss))
RE => yy_q0(*(yystrm), YY_NO_MATCH);
DEFS => yy_q1(*(yystrm), YY_NO_MATCH);
RECB => yy_q2(*(yystrm), YY_NO_MATCH);
STRING => yy_q3(*(yystrm), YY_NO_MATCH);
CHARILK => yy_q4(*(yystrm), YY_NO_MATCH);
LEXSTATES => yy_q5(*(yystrm), YY_NO_MATCH);
ACTION => yy_q6(*(yystrm), YY_NO_MATCH);
INITIAL => yy_q7(*(yystrm), YY_NO_MATCH); esac
); # end case
continue(); };
fun make_lexer yyinput_n = mk (yy_input::mk_stream yyinput_n);
fun make_lexer' ins = mk (yy_input::mk_stream ins);