## make-core-utils-g.pkg
# Mythryl-Yacc Parser Generator (c) 1989 Andrew W. Appel, David R. Tarditi
# Compiled by:
src/app/yacc/src/mythryl-yacc.lib### "There is music in everything,
### if you know how to find it."
### -- Terry Pratchett, Soul Music
generic package make_core_utils (package core: Core;) # Core is from
src/app/yacc/src/core.api: (weak)
Core_Stuff # Core_Stuff is from
include package rw_vector;
include package list;
infix my 9 sub;
debug = TRUE;
package core = core;
package internal_grammar = core::internal_grammar;
package grammar = internal_grammar::grammar;
include package grammar;
include package internal_grammar;
include package core;
package assoc = symbol_assoc;
package nt_list
list_ord_set_g (
package {
Element = Nonterminal;
eq = eq_nonterm;
gt = gt_nonterm;
fun make_funcs (GRAMMAR { rules, terms, nonterms, ... } )
{ produces, shifts, rules, eps_prods }
derives = make_rw_vector (nonterms, NIL: List( Rule ));
# Sort rules by their lhs nonterminal
# by placing them in an rw_vector indexed
# in their lhs nonterminal:
{ fun f { lhs as (NONTERM n), rhs, precedence, rulenum }
{ rule = RULE { lhs, rhs, precedence, rulenum, num=>0 };
rw_vector::set (derives, n, rule ! derives[n]);
apply f rules;
# Renumber rules so that rule numbers increase monotonically with
# the number of their lhs nonterminal, and so that rules are numbered
# sequentially. **Functions below assume that this number is TRUE**,
# i.e. productions for nonterm i are numbered from j to k,
# productions for nonterm i+1 are numbered from k+1 to m, and
# productions for nonterm 0 start at 0
fun f (RULE { lhs, rhs, precedence, rulenum, num }, (l, i))
(RULE { lhs, rhs, precedence, rulenum, num=>i } ! l, i+1);
fun g (i, num)
if (i < nonterms)
my (l, n)
list::fold_backward f ([], num) derives[i];
rw_vector::set (derives, i, reverse l); g (i+1, n);
g (0, 0);
# list of rules - sorted by rule number.
g 0
fun g i
if (i < nonterms)
derives[i] @ (g (i+1));
# produces: set of productions with nonterminal n as the lhs. The set
# of productions *must* be sorted by rule number, because functions
# below assume that this list is sorted
fun produces (NONTERM n)
if (debug and (n<0 or n>=nonterms))
exception PRODUCES Int;
raise exception (PRODUCES n);
fun memoize f
{ fun loop i
if (i == nonterms)
f (NONTERM i) ! (loop (i+1));
data = rw_vector::from_list (loop 0);
\\ (NONTERM i) = data[i];
# compute nonterminals which must be added to a closure when a given
# nonterminal is added, i.e. all nonterminals 'c' for each nonterminal 'a' such
# that 'a' =*=> 'c'x
{ collect_nonterms
\\ n
(\\ (r, l)
case r
RULE { rhs=>NONTERMINAL n ! _, ... }
nt_list::set (n, l);
_ => l;
(produces n);
\\ n
nt_list::closure (nt_list::singleton n, collect_nonterms);
memoize closure_nonterm;
# ntShifts: Take the items produced by a nonterminal, and sort them
# by their first symbol. For each first symbol, make sure the item
# list associated with the symbol is sorted also. ** This function
# assumes that the item list returned by produces is sorted **
# Create a table of item lists keyed by symbols. Scan the list
# of items produced by a nonterminal, and insert those with a first
# symbol on to the beginning of the item list for that symbol, creating
# a list if necessary. Since produces returns an item list that is
# already in order, the list for each symbol will also end up in order.
fun sort_items nt
{ fun add_item (a as RULE { rhs=>symbol ! rest, ... }, r)
{ item = ITEM { rule=>a, dot=>1, rhs_after=>rest };
( symbol,
case (assoc::find (symbol, r))
THE l => item ! l;
NULL => [item];
add_item (_, r)
list::fold_backward add_item assoc::empty (produces nt);
nt_shifts = memoize sort_items;
# getNonterms: get the nonterminals with a ! before them in a core.
# Returns a list of nonterminals in ascending order
fun get_nonterms l
\\ (ITEM { rhs_after=>NONTERMINAL symbol ! _, ... }, r)
nt_list::set (symbol, r);
(_, r)
# closureNonterms: compute the nonterminals that would have a ! before them
# in the closure of the core. Returns a list of nonterminals in ascending
# order
fun closure_nonterms a
{ nonterms = get_nonterms a;
(\\ (nt, r) = nt_list::union (nonterm_closure nt, r))
# shifts: compute the core sets that result from shift/gotoing on
# the closure of a kernel set. The items in core sets are sorted, of
# course.
# (1) compute the core sets that result just from items added
# through the closure operation.
# (2) then add the shift/gotos on kernel items.
# We can do (1) the following way. Keep a table which for each shift/goto
# symbol gives the list of items that result from shifting or gotoing on the
# symbol. Compute the nonterminals that would have dots before them in the
# closure of the kernel set. For each of these nonterminals, we already have an
# item list in sorted order for each possible shift symbol. Scan the nonterminal
# list from back to front. For each nonterminal, prepend the shift/goto list
# for each shift symbol to the list already in the table.
# We end up with the list of items in correct order for each shift/goto
# symbol. We have kept the item lists in order, scanned the nonterminals from
# back to front (=> that the items end up in ascending order), and never had any
# duplicate items (each item is derived from only one nonterminal).
fun shifts (CORE (item_list, _))
{ # mergeShiftItems: add an item list for a shift/goto symbol to the table
fun merge_shift_items (args as ((k, l), r))
case (assoc::find (k, r))
THE old => assoc::set ((k, l@old), r);
NULL => assoc::set args;
# mergeItems: add all items derived from a nonterminal to the table.
# We've kept these items sorted by their shift/goto symbol
# (the first symbol on their rhs)
fun merge_items (n, r)
assoc::fold merge_shift_items (nt_shifts n) r;
# nonterms: a list of nonterminals that are in a core after the
# closure operation
nonterms = closure_nonterms item_list;
# now create a table which for each shift/goto symbol gives the sorted list
# of closure items which would result from first taking all the closure items
# and then sorting them by the shift/goto symbols
newsets = list::fold_backward merge_items assoc::empty nonterms;
# finally prepare to insert the kernel items of a core
fun insert_item ((k, i), r)
case (assoc::find (k, r))
THE l => assoc::set((k, core::set (i, l)), r);
NULL => assoc::set((k,[i]), r);
fun shift_cores (ITEM { rule, dot, rhs_after=>symbol ! rest }, r)
ITEM { rule, dot=>dot+1, rhs_after=>rest } ), r);
shift_cores(_, r)
# Insert the kernel items of a core
newsets = list::fold_backward shift_cores newsets item_list;
assoc::make_list newsets;
# nontermEpsProds: returns a list of epsilon productions produced by a
# nonterminal sorted by rule number. ** Depends on produces returning
# an ordered list **. It does not alter the order in which the rules
# were returned by produces; it only removes non-epsilon productions
memoize f
fun f nt
\\ (rule as RULE { rhs=>NIL, ... }, results) => rule ! results;
(_, results) => results;
(produces nt);
# epsProds: take a core and compute a list of epsilon productions for it
# sorted by rule number. ** Depends on closureNonterms returning a list
# of nonterminals sorted by nonterminal #, rule numbers increasing
# monotonically with their lhs production #, and nontermEpsProds returning
# an ordered item list for each production
fun eps_prods (CORE (item_list, state))
{ prods = map nonterm_eps_prods (closure_nonterms item_list);
list::cat prods;
end; # fun make_funcs