# (c) 1989, 1991 Andrew W. Appel, David R. Tarditi
# PRINT_PACKAGE: prints a package which includes a value 'table' and a
# package 'table' whose api matches LR_TABLE. The table in the printed
# package will contain the same information as the one passed to
# printStruct, although the representation may be different. It returns
# the number of entries left in the table after compaction.
# Compiled by:
src/app/yacc/src/mythryl-yacc.libapi Print_Package {
package lr_table: Lr_Table; # Lr_Table is from
src/app/yacc/lib/base.api make_package :
{ table: lr_table::Table,
name: String,
print: String -> Void,
verbose: Bool
} -> Int;