# (c) 1989, 1991 Andrew W. Appel, David R. Tarditi
# VERBOSE: api for a package which takes a table and creates a
# verbose description of it
# Compiled by:
src/app/yacc/src/mythryl-yacc.lib### "Verbosity leads to unclear, inarticulate things."
### -- Dan Quayle
api Verbose {
package errs: Lr_Errs; # Lr_Errs is from
src/app/yacc/src/lr-errors.api print_verbose :
{ table: errs::lr_table::Table,
entries: Int,
term_to_string: errs::lr_table::Terminal -> String,
nonterm_to_string: errs::lr_table::Nonterminal -> String,
state_errors: errs::lr_table::State -> List( errs::Err ),
errs: List( errs::Err ),
print: String -> Void,
print_cores: (String -> Void) -> errs::lr_table::State -> Void,
print_rule: (String -> Void) -> Int -> Void } -> Void;