## linkage-dlopen.pkg
# This module implements a high-level interface for dlopen.
# While addresses (those obtained by applying function "address" below
# or addresses derived from those) will not remain valid across
# (fork
|spawn)_to_disk/restart, handles *will* stay valid.
# Compiled by:
package at = runtime_internals::at; # runtime_internals is from
src/lib/std/src/nj/runtime-internals.pkg package ci = unsafe::mythryl_callable_c_library_interface; # unsafe is from
package dynamic_linkage
: Dynamic_Linkage # Dynamic_Linkage is from
src/lib/c-glue-lib/ram/linkage.api {
exception DYNAMIC_LINK_ERROR String;
Era = Ref( Void );
Addr = one_word_unt::Unt;
# A handle remembers an address and the era of its creation as
# well as a function to re-create the address when necessary:
Handle = (Ref( (Addr, Era) ), (Void -> Addr));
Lib_Handle = Handle;
Addr_Handle = Handle;
# Low-level linkage via dlopen/dlsym
my dlopen: (Null_Or( String ), Bool, Bool) -> one_word_unt::Unt = ci::find_c_function { lib_name => "dynamic_loading", fun_name => "dlopen" };
my dlsym: (one_word_unt::Unt, String) -> one_word_unt::Unt = ci::find_c_function { lib_name => "dynamic_loading", fun_name => "dlsym" };
my dlerror: Void -> Null_Or( String ) = ci::find_c_function { lib_name => "dynamic_loading", fun_name => "dlerror" };
my dlclose: one_word_unt::Unt -> Void = ci::find_c_function { lib_name => "dynamic_loading", fun_name => "dlclose" };
# Label used for clean up:
label = "DynLinkNewEra";
# Generate a new "era" indicator:
fun new_era () = REF ();
# The current era:
now = REF (new_era ());
# Make a handle, remember era of creation of its current value
fun make_handle f
(REF (f (), *now), f);
# Fetch from a handle.
# Use the stored address if it was created
# in the current era, otherwise regenerate the address:
fun get (r as REF (a, e), f)
if (e == *now)
a = f ();
r := (a, *now);
# Call a dl-function and check for errors:
fun checked dlf x
{ r = dlf x;
case (dlerror ())
NULL => r;
THE s => raise exception DYNAMIC_LINK_ERROR s;
# Add a startup/shutdown fn that causes a new era to start
# every time the runtime system is started anew:
my _ = at::schedule (
label, # Arbitrary human-readable descriptive string for debugging displays.
[ at::STARTUP_PHASE_10_START_NEW_DLOPEN_ERA ], # When to run the function.
\\ _ = now := new_era () # Function to run.
make_handle (\\ () = checked dlopen (NULL, TRUE, TRUE) );
fun open_lib' { name, lazy, global, dependencies }
make_handle (\\ () = { apply (ignore o get) dependencies;
checked dlopen (THE name, lazy, global);
fun open_lib { name, lazy, global }
open_lib' { name, lazy, global, dependencies => [] };
fun lib_symbol (lh, s)
make_handle (\\ () = checked dlsym (get lh, s) );
address = get;
fun close_lib lh
dlclose (get lh);