## state.api
# Compiled by:
src/lib/c-kit/src/ast/ast.sublib# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# State: a local package for operating on context state during the build-ast
# (elaboration) phase.
# State includes:
# - a global symbol table envContext.global_dictionary
# - a stack of local symbol tables envContext.local_dictionary
# - a stack of locations for error reporting locContext.locStack
# - a table of named type identifiers (uidTables::ttab)
# - a table of adornment types (uidTables::atab) giving the type for each expression
# - a table of adornment types (uidTables::implicits)
# giving implicit coercions for each expression (if any)
# - a list of type identifiers (defined in the current "context")
# (tidsContext::newTids)
# - a stack of tables of switch statement labels (switchContext::switchLabels)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
api State {
# Finite map packages:
package st: Map # Map is from
src/lib/src/map.api where
key::Key == symbol::Symbol;
package it: Map # Map is from
src/lib/src/map.api where
key::Key == large_int::Int;
# Dictionaries
Symtab = st::Map( namings::Sym_Naming );
Dictionary = List( Symtab ); # local dictionary stack
# global context types
Uid_Tables =
{ ttab: tables::Tidtab, # type name table
atab: tables::Aidtab, # Adornment table
implicits: tables::Aidtab }; # "optional" adornment table -- for special casts
Env_Context =
{ global_dictionary: Ref( Symtab ), # the global symbol table
local_dictionary: Ref( Dictionary ) }; # the local dictionary stack
# local context types: temporary information used during elaboration
# tidsContext: sequence of tids of types created while processing a phrase
Tids_Context =
{ new_tids: Ref( List( tid::Uid ) ) };
# tmpVariables: sequence of (pid, type) pairs created while processing a phrase
# used when inserting explicit coercions in the case of ++, --, +=
Tmp_Variables =
{ new_variables: Ref( List( raw_syntax::Id ) ) };
# for use in D
Type_Context =
{ type_cxts: Ref( List( Null_Or( raw_syntax::Ctype ) ) ) };
# funContext: information for the current function def
Fun_Context =
{ label_tab: Ref( st::Map( (raw_syntax::Label, Bool)) ),
gotos: Ref( List( symbol::Symbol ) ),
return_type: Ref( Null_Or( raw_syntax::Ctype ) ) };
# table for collecting switch labels while processing switch statements
Switch_Context =
{ switch_labels: Ref( List { switch_tab: it::Map( Void ), default: Bool } ) };
Loc_Context = # location context
{ loc_stack: Ref( List( line_number_db::Location ) ) };
# global state components
Global_State =
{ uid_tables: Uid_Tables,
env_context: Env_Context, # Contains some local working state in local_dictionary
error_state: error::Error_State };
# local, "working", state components, holding temporary information
Local_State =
{ loc_context: Loc_Context,
tids_context: Tids_Context,
tmp_variables: Tmp_Variables,
fun_context: Fun_Context,
switch_context: Switch_Context,
type_context: Type_Context };
# initial information for calling makeRawSyntaxTree
= STATE (Uid_Tables, Symtab) # state carried over from previous translation unit
# no previous state
# packages of functions to manipulate state implicitly
State_Funs =
{ global_state: Global_State,
local_state: Local_State,
# the state records, included in case direct access to the
# state is required (probably shouldn't be) *)
loc_funs :
{ push_loc: line_number_db::Location -> Void, # push location onto location stack
pop_loc: Void -> Void, # pop location stack
get_loc: Void -> line_number_db::Location, # get top location from location stack
error: String -> Void, # report an error and its location
warn: String -> Void # (if warnings are on) report a warning and its location
tids_funs :
{ push_tids: tid::Uid -> Void, # records tids from new structs/unions/typdefs
# introduced in declarations, casts, etc.
reset_tids: Void -> List( tid::Uid ) }, # returns list of recently generated tids (since last resetTids call)
tmp_vars_funs :
{ push_tmp_vars: raw_syntax::Id -> Void, # records pids for temporary introduced in decompilation of ++, --, +=, and their friends
reset_tmp_vars: Void -> List( raw_syntax::Id ) }, # returns list of recently generated pids (since last resetTmpVars call)
env_funs :
{ top_level: Void -> Bool, # Are we at top level?
push_local_dictionary: Void -> Void, # push a fresh symbol table onto the stack
pop_local_dictionary: Void -> Void, # pop symbol table stack
get_sym: symbol::Symbol -> Null_Or( namings::Sym_Naming ), # lookup type of a symbol in symbol table stack
bind_sym: (symbol::Symbol, namings::Sym_Naming) -> Void, # insert (i.e. bind) a symbol in the top (most local) symbol table
get_sym__global: symbol::Symbol -> Null_Or( namings::Sym_Naming ), # lookup type of a symbol in the global symbol table
bind_sym__global: (symbol::Symbol, namings::Sym_Naming) -> Void, # insert (i.e. bind) a symbol in the global symbol table
get_local_scope: symbol::Symbol -> Null_Or( namings::Sym_Naming ), # get for a naming in the most local symbol table
get_global_dictionary: Void -> Symtab }, # return the global symbol table
uid_tab_funs :
{ bind_aid: raw_syntax::Ctype -> aid::Uid,
# generate a new adornment identifier and bind it to the type
get_aid: aid::Uid -> Null_Or( raw_syntax::Ctype ),
# lookup adornment identifier in state aidtab
bind_tid: (tid::Uid, namings::Tid_Naming) -> Void,
# insert a type identifier into the type symbol table
get_tid: tid::Uid -> Null_Or( namings::Tid_Naming ) },
# lookup a type identifier in the type symbol table
fun_funs: # manipulate current function context
{ new_function: raw_syntax::Ctype -> Void,
# enter a new function context with the given return type
get_return_type: Void -> Null_Or( raw_syntax::Ctype ),
# get the return type of the current function context
check_labels: Void -> Null_Or( (symbol::Symbol, line_number_db::Location) ),
# verify that all goto targets are defined as labels
add_label: (symbol::Symbol, line_number_db::Location) -> raw_syntax::Label,
# Define a label, returning an error flag if multiple defs
add_goto: (symbol::Symbol, line_number_db::Location) -> raw_syntax::Label },
# record a label as a goto target
switch_funs: # manipulate current switch context
{ push_switch_labels: Void -> Void, # enter a switch statement
pop_switch_labels: Void -> Void, # leave a switch statement
add_switch_label: large_int::Int -> Null_Or( String ),
# record a new switch label; returns THE errormsg if duplicate
# or not within a switch
add_default_label: Void -> Null_Or( String ) } };
# record a default label; returns THE errormsg if multiple defaults,
# or not within a switch
# state initialization functions
init_global: ((State_Info, error::Error_State)) -> Global_State;
init_local: Void -> Local_State;
state_funs: (Global_State, Local_State) -> State_Funs;
# Returns a collection of state functions specialized to
# operate on the state passed as argument
}; # sigature STATE
## Copyright (c) 1998 by Lucent Technologies
## Subsequent changes by Jeff Prothero Copyright (c) 2010-2015,
## released per terms of SMLNJ-COPYRIGHT.