## probability.pkg
# Compiled by:
src/lib/compiler/back/low/lib/lib.lib# A representation of probabilities for branch prediction.
### "The function of genius is not to give
### new answers, but to pose new questions
### which time and mediocrity can resolve."
### -- Hugh Trevor-Roper
package f8b = eight_byte_float; # eight_byte_float is from
api Probability {
never: Probability; # 0% probability
unlikely: Probability; # very close to 0%
likely: Probability; # very close to 100%
always: Probability; # 100% probability
prob: ((Int, Int)) -> Probability;
from_freq: List( Int ) -> List( Probability );
+ : ((Probability, Probability)) -> Probability;
- : ((Probability, Probability)) -> Probability;
* : ((Probability, Probability)) -> Probability;
/ : ((Probability, Int)) -> Probability;
not: Probability -> Probability; # not p == always - p
percent: Int -> Probability;
# combine a conditional branch probability (trueProb) with a
# prediction heuristic (takenProb) using Dempster-Shafer theory.
combine_prob2: { true_prob: Probability, taken_prob: Probability } -> { t: Probability, f: Probability };
to_float: Probability -> Float;
to_string: Probability -> String;
package probability: Probability { # Probability is from
src/lib/compiler/back/low/library/probability.pkg #
include package multiword_int;
zero = from_int 0;
one = from_int 1;
two = from_int 2;
hundred = from_int 100;
fun eq (a, b)
compare (a, b) == EQUAL;
# Probabilities are represented as positive rationals. Zero is
# represented as PROB (0w0, 0w0) and one is represented as
# PROB (0w1, 0w1). There are several invariants about PROB (n, d):
# 1) n <= d
# 2) if n == 0w0, then d == 0w0 (uniqueness of zero)
# 3) if d == 0w1, then n == 0w1 (uniqueness of one)
Probability = PROB ((multiword_int::Int, multiword_int::Int));
never = PROB (zero, one);
unlikely = PROB (one, from_int 1000);
likely = PROB (from_int 999, from_int 1000);
always = PROB (one, one);
fun gcd (m, n)
eq (n, zero)
?? m
:: gcd (n, m % n);
fun normalize (n, d)
if (eq (n, zero))
case (compare (n, d))
LESS => {
g = gcd (n, d);
if (eq (g, one))
PROB (n, d);
else PROB (n / g, d / g); fi;
EQUAL => always;
GREATER => raise exception BAD_PROBABILITY;
fi; # end case
fun prob (n, d)
if (int::(>) (n, d) or
int::(<) (n, 0) or
int::(<=) (d, 0)
raise exception DOMAIN;
else normalize (from_int n, from_int d);
fun add (PROB (n1, d1), PROB (n2, d2))
normalize (d2*n1 + d1*n2, d1*d2);
fun sub (PROB (n1, d1), PROB (n2, d2))
n1' = d2*n1;
n2' = d1*n2;
if (n1' < n2') raise exception BAD_PROBABILITY;
else normalize (n1'-n2', d1*d2);
fun mul (PROB (n1, d1), PROB (n2, d2))
normalize (n1*n2, d1*d2);
fun divide (PROB (n, d), m)
if (int::(<=) (m, 0)) raise exception BAD_PROBABILITY;
elif (eq (n, zero)) never;
else normalize (n, d * from_int m);
fun percent n
if (int::(<) (n, 0) ) raise exception BAD_PROBABILITY;
else normalize (from_int n, hundred);
fun from_freq l
fun sum ([], tot)
sum (w ! r, tot)
if (int::(<) (w, 0)) raise exception BAD_PROBABILITY;
else sum (r, from_int w + tot);
tot = sum (l, zero);
list::map (\\ w = normalize (from_int w, tot))
fun to_float (PROB (n, d))
if (eq (n, zero)) 0.0;
elif (eq (d, one )) 1.0;
size = log2 d;
my (n, d)
if (int::(>=) (size, 30))
scale = pow (two, int::(-) (size, 30));
n = n / scale;
( n > zero ?? n :: one,
d / scale
(n, d);
fun to_float n
f8b::from_multiword_int (to_multiword_int n);
n = to_float n;
d = to_float d;
f8b::(/) (n, d);
fun to_string (PROB (n, d))
if (eq (n, zero)) "0";
elif (eq (d, one )) "1";
else cat [multiword_int::to_string n, "/", multiword_int::to_string d];
# I'd guess the "Wu-Larus 1994" below is:
# Statis Branch Frequency and Program Profile Analysis
# Youfeng Wu + James R Larus
# http://www.cs.wisc.edu/techreports/1994/TR1248.pdf
# or a close relative thereof. -- 2011-08-15 CrT
# "combine a conditional branch probability (trueProb) with a
# prediction heuristic (takenProb) using Dempster-Shafer theory.
# The basic equations (from Wu-Larus 1994) are:
# t = trueProb*takenProb / d
# f = ((1-trueProb)*(1-takenProb)) / d
# where
# d = trueProb*takenProb + ((1-trueProb)*(1-takenProb))
fun combine_prob2 { true_prob=>PROB (n1, d1), taken_prob=>PROB (n2, d2) }
# compute sn/sd, where
# sd/sn = (trueProb*takenProb) + (1-trueProb)*(1-takenProb)
d12 = d1*d2;
n12 = n1*n2;
my (sn, sd)
n = d12 + two*n12 - (d2*n1) - (d1*n2);
(d12, n);
# Compute the TRUE probability
my t as PROB (tn, td) = normalize (n12*sn, d12*sd);
# Compute the FALSE probability
f = PROB (td-tn, td);
{ t, f };
fun not (PROB (n, d)) = PROB (d-n, d);
my (+) = add;
my (-) = sub;
my (*) = mul;
my (/) = divide;