## use-virtual-framepointer-in-cccomponent.pkg
# This file is a temporary hack that records if the virtual # Nomenclature: "cccomponent" == "callgraph connected component". (At the nextcode level we compile one cccomponent at a time.)
# frame pointer is being used for the current cluster compilation.
# use_virtual_framepointer is required for spilling, however, at the
# current time the spill callbacks only take the block annotations
# and nothing else. So the spill routine checks this variable to
# decide which base pointer to use.
# Eventually the spill callbacks will take an enum indicating the
# source of the annotation, and the cluster annotation will also be
# bundled as an input. But until then ... XXX BUGGO FIXME
# Compiled by:
src/lib/compiler/core.sublib### "It's not like a woman -- there's always a reason."
### -- Roger Johnson
package use_virtual_framepointer_in_cccomponent {
# This gets set in
src/lib/compiler/back/low/main/main/translate-nextcode-to-treecode-g.pkg #
# I believe that is the only place. -- 2011-06-15 CrT
use_virtual_framepointer = REF FALSE; # XXX BUGGO FIXME More icky global variables :-(