## sourcecode-making-junk.api -- derived from ~/src/sml/nj/smlnj-110.60/MLRISC/Tools/ADL/mdl-compile.sig
# Compiled by:
src/lib/compiler/back/low/tools/arch/make-sourcecode-for-backend-packages.lib# Compiled by:
src/lib/compiler/back/low/tools/arch/make-sourcecode-for-backend-packages.lib# This api is implemented in:
package ard = architecture_description; # architecture_description is from
src/lib/compiler/back/low/tools/arch/architecture-description.pkg package cst = adl_raw_syntax_constants; # adl_raw_syntax_constants is from
src/lib/compiler/back/low/tools/adl-syntax/adl-raw-syntax-constants.pkg package spp = simple_prettyprinter; # simple_prettyprinter is from
src/lib/prettyprint/simple/simple-prettyprinter.pkg package mst = adl_symboltable; # adl_symboltable is from
src/lib/compiler/back/low/tools/arch/adl-symboltable.pkg package raw = adl_raw_syntax_form; # adl_raw_syntax_form is from
# This api is implemented in:
src/lib/compiler/back/low/tools/arch/sourcecode-making-junk.pkg #
api Sourcecode_Making_Junk {
Seal = WEAK_SEAL # foo: (weak) Bar
# foo: Bar
# Code generation functions:
Module = String;
Arguments = List( String );
Api_Name = String;
make_query_by_registerkind: ard::Architecture_Description -> String -> raw::Declaration;
forall_user_registersets: ard::Architecture_Description -> (raw::Register_Set -> X) -> List(X); # Map all real registersets in 'architecture_description' by given function.
error_handler: ard::Architecture_Description -> (String -> String) -> raw::Declaration; # Fn maps architecture_name -> module_name for error handler.
make_api_name: ard::Architecture_Description -> String -> String; # E.g. "registerkinds" -> "Registerkinds_Intel32"
make_package_name: ard::Architecture_Description -> String -> String; # E.g. "registerkinds" -> "registerkinds_intel32"
make_generic_package_name: ard::Architecture_Description -> String -> String; # E.g. "registerkinds" -> "registerkinds_intel32_g"
make_code: List( raw::Declaration ) -> spp::Prettyprint_Expression; # Nowhere invoked.
make_package: ard::Architecture_Description -> String -> Api_Name -> List(raw::Declaration) -> spp::Prettyprint_Expression;
make_api: ard::Architecture_Description -> Module -> List(raw::Declaration) -> spp::Prettyprint_Expression;
make_generic : ard::Architecture_Description -> (String -> String) -> Arguments -> Seal -> Api_Name -> List( raw::Declaration ) -> spp::Prettyprint_Expression;
make_generic' : ard::Architecture_Description -> (String -> String) -> raw::Declaration -> Seal -> Api_Name -> List( raw::Declaration ) -> spp::Prettyprint_Expression;
make_sourcecode_filename # E.g., "src/lib/compiler/back/low/intel32/code/registers-intel32.pkg"
{ architecture_description: ard::Architecture_Description, # E.g. parsed from "src/lib/compiler/back/low/intel32/one_word_int.architecture-description">
subdir: String, # E.g. "instruction" (or "") -- understood as being relative to directory containing the architecture description file.
make_filename: String -> String # E.g. maps "intel32" -> "registerkinds-intel32.codemade.pkg"
-> String;
# Construct name for an automatically generated sourcefile.
# For example if Architecture_Description is from "src/lib/compiler/back/low/intel32/one_word_int.architecture-description"
# and subdir is "instruction"
# and make_filename maps "intel32" -> "registerkinds-intel32.codemade.pkg"
# then result will be "src/lib/compiler/back/low/intel32/code/registerkinds-intel32.codemade.pkg"
{ architecture_description: ard::Architecture_Description, # architecture description from which we are synthesizing code.
created_by_package: String, # Package which synthesized the this sourcefile, e.g. "src/lib/compiler/back/low/tools/arch/make-sourcecode-for-registerkinds-xxx-package.pkg".
subdir: String, # Subdirectory for new sourcecode file, relative to directory containing the architecture description file.
make_filename: String -> String, # Given architecture name (e.g. "pwrpc32"
|"sparc32"|"intel32"|), construct name for sourcefile (e.g. 'registerkinds-intel32.codemade.pkg").
code: List(spp::Prettyprint_Expression) # Code for new sourcecode file.
-> Void;