## treecode-hashing-equality-and-display-g.pkg
# Common operations on Treecode
# -- Allen Leung
# "basic hashing, equality and pretty printing functions,"
# -- http://www.cs.nyu.edu/leunga/MLRISC/Doc/html/mltree-util.html
# Compiled by:
src/lib/compiler/back/low/lib/treecode.lib### "I have a feeling that if over the next ten years
### we train a third of our undergraduates at M.I.T.
### in programming, this will generate enough worthwhile
### languages for us to be able to stop, and that succeeding
### undergraduates will face the console with such a natural
### keyboard and such a natural language that there will be
### very little left, if anything, to the teaching of programming."
### -- Peter Elias
package lbl = codelabel; # codelabel is from
src/lib/compiler/back/low/code/codelabel.pkg package lem = lowhalf_error_message; # lowhalf_error_message is from
src/lib/compiler/back/low/control/lowhalf-error-message.pkg package rkj = registerkinds_junk; # registerkinds_junk is from
src/lib/compiler/back/low/code/registerkinds-junk.pkg package tcp = treecode_pith; # treecode_pith is from
src/lib/compiler/back/low/treecode/treecode-pith.pkg package w = unt; # unt is from
# This generic is invoked (only) from:
src/lib/compiler/back/low/main/intel32/backend-lowhalf-intel32-g.pkg #
src/lib/compiler/back/low/tools/arch/adl-rtl.pkg #
generic package treecode_hashing_equality_and_display_g (
# =======================================
package tcf: Treecode_Form; # Treecode_Form is from
src/lib/compiler/back/low/treecode/treecode-form.api # Hashing extensions
hash_sext: tcf::Hash_Fns -> tcf::Sext -> Unt;
hash_rext: tcf::Hash_Fns -> tcf::Rext -> Unt;
hash_fext: tcf::Hash_Fns -> tcf::Fext -> Unt;
hash_ccext: tcf::Hash_Fns -> tcf::Ccext -> Unt;
# Equality extensions
eq_sext: tcf::Eq_Fns -> (tcf::Sext, tcf::Sext ) -> Bool;
eq_rext: tcf::Eq_Fns -> (tcf::Rext, tcf::Rext ) -> Bool;
eq_fext: tcf::Eq_Fns -> (tcf::Fext, tcf::Fext ) -> Bool;
eq_ccext: tcf::Eq_Fns -> (tcf::Ccext, tcf::Ccext) -> Bool;
# Pretty printing extensions:
show_sext: tcf::Prettyprint_Fns -> tcf::Sext -> String;
show_rext: tcf::Prettyprint_Fns -> (tcf::Int_Bitsize, tcf::Rext ) -> String;
show_fext: tcf::Prettyprint_Fns -> (tcf::Float_Bitsize, tcf::Fext ) -> String;
show_ccext: tcf::Prettyprint_Fns -> (tcf::Int_Bitsize, tcf::Ccext) -> String;
: (weak) Treecode_Hashing_Equality_And_Display # Treecode_Hashing_Equality_And_Display is from
src/lib/compiler/back/low/treecode/treecode-hashing-equality-and-display.api {
# Export to client packages:
package tcf = tcf;
package mi = tcf::mi; # "mi" == "machine_int".
package lac = tcf::lac; # "lac" == "late_constant".
package rgn = tcf::rgn; # "rgn" == "region"
w = w::from_int;
i2s = int::to_string;
to_lower = string::map char::to_lower;
fun error msg
lem::error("treecode_junk", msg);
fun wv (rkj::CODETEMP_INFO { id, ... } )
w id;
fun wvs is
f (is, 0u0)
fun f ([], h) => h;
f (i ! is, h) => f (is, wv i+h);
# Hashing
hash_label = lbl::codelabel_to_hashcode;
fun hasher ()
{ void_expression => hash_void_expression,
int_expression => hash_int_expression,
float_expression => hash_float_expression,
flag_expression => hash_flag_expression # flag expressions handle zero/parity/overflow/... flag stuff.
fun hash_ctrl ctrl
wv ctrl
fun hash_void_expression void_expression
case void_expression
tcf::LOAD_INT_REGISTER (t, dst, int_expression) => 0u123 + w t + wv dst + hash_int_expression int_expression;
tcf::LOAD_INT_REGISTER_FROM_FLAGS_REGISTER (dst, flag_expression) => 0u1234 + wv dst + hash_flag_expression flag_expression;
tcf::LOAD_FLOAT_REGISTER (fty, dst, float_expression) => 0u12345 + w fty + wv dst + hash_float_expression float_expression;
tcf::MOVE_INT_REGISTERS (type, dst, src) => 0u234 + w type + wvs dst + wvs src;
tcf::MOVE_FLOAT_REGISTERS (fty, dst, src) => 0u456 + w fty + wvs dst + wvs src;
tcf::GOTO (ea, labels) => 0u45 + hash_int_expression ea;
tcf::FLOW_TO (void_expression, _) => hash_void_expression void_expression;
tcf::RET _ => 0u567;
tcf::STORE_INT (type, ea, data, mem) => 0u888 + w type + hash_int_expression ea + hash_int_expression data;
tcf::STORE_FLOAT (fty, ea, data, mem) => 0u7890 + w fty + hash_int_expression ea + hash_float_expression data;
tcf::IF_GOTO (a, lab) => 0u233 + hash_flag_expression a + hash_label lab;
tcf::IF (a, b, c) => 0u233 + hash_flag_expression a + hash_void_expression b + hash_void_expression c;
tcf::NOTE (void_expression, a) => hash_void_expression void_expression;
tcf::PHI { preds, block } => w block;
tcf::SOURCE => 0u123;
tcf::SINK => 0u423;
tcf::REGION (void_expression, ctrl) => hash_void_expression void_expression + hash_ctrl ctrl;
tcf::RTL { hash, ... } => hash;
tcf::SEQ ss => hash_void_expressions (ss, 0u23);
tcf::ASSIGN (type, lhs, rhs) => w type + hash_int_expression lhs + hash_int_expression rhs;
tcf::CALL { funct, targets, defs, uses, region, pops }
hash_int_expression funct + hash_lowhalfs defs + hash_lowhalfs uses;
_ => error "hashStm";
fun hash_void_expressions ([], h) => h;
hash_void_expressions (s ! ss, h) => hash_void_expressions (ss, hash_void_expression s + h);
fun hash_lowhalf (tcf::FLAG_EXPRESSION flag_expression) => hash_flag_expression flag_expression;
hash_lowhalf (tcf::INT_EXPRESSION int_expression) => hash_int_expression int_expression;
hash_lowhalf (tcf::FLOAT_EXPRESSION float_expression) => hash_float_expression float_expression;
fun hash_lowhalfs [] => 0u123;
hash_lowhalfs (m ! ms) => hash_lowhalf m + hash_lowhalfs ms;
fun hash2 (type, x, y)
w type + hash_int_expression x + hash_int_expression y
fun hashm tcf::d::ROUND_TO_ZERO => 0u158; # Special rounding mode just for divide instructions.
hashm tcf::d::ROUND_TO_NEGINF => 0u159; # XXX SUCKO FIXME ? Why do we duplicate this fn from
src/lib/compiler/back/low/treecode/treecode-hash-g.pkg end # How much of the rest of this crap is just duplication?
fun hash3 (m, type, x, y)
hashm m + w type + hash_int_expression x + hash_int_expression y
fun hash_int_expression int_expression
case int_expression
tcf::CODETEMP_INFO (type, src) => w type + wv src;
tcf::LITERAL i => mi::hash i;
tcf::LABEL l => hash_label l;
tcf::LABEL_EXPRESSION le => hash_int_expression int_expression;
tcf::LATE_CONSTANT lateconst => lac::late_constant_to_hashcode lateconst;
tcf::NEG (type, x) => w type + hash_int_expression x + 0u24;
tcf::ADD x => hash2 x + 0u234;
tcf::SUB x => hash2 x + 0u456;
tcf::MULS x => hash2 x + 0u2131;
tcf::DIVS x => hash3 x + 0u156;
tcf::REMS x => hash3 x + 0u231;
tcf::MULU x => hash2 x + 0u123;
tcf::DIVU x => hash2 x + 0u1234;
tcf::REMU x => hash2 x + 0u211;
tcf::NEG_OR_TRAP (type, x) => w type + hash_int_expression x + 0u1224;
tcf::ADD_OR_TRAP x => hash2 x + 0u1219;
tcf::SUB_OR_TRAP x => hash2 x + 0u999;
tcf::MULS_OR_TRAP x => hash2 x + 0u7887;
tcf::DIVS_OR_TRAP x => hash3 x + 0u88884;
tcf::BITWISE_AND x => hash2 x + 0u12312;
tcf::BITWISE_OR x => hash2 x + 0u558;
tcf::BITWISE_XOR x => hash2 x + 0u234;
tcf::BITWISE_EQV x => hash2 x + 0u734;
tcf::BITWISE_NOT (type, x) => w type + hash_int_expression x;
tcf::RIGHT_SHIFT x => hash2 x + 0u874;
tcf::RIGHT_SHIFT_U x => hash2 x + 0u223;
tcf::LEFT_SHIFT x => hash2 x + 0u499;
tcf::CONDITIONAL_LOAD (type, e, e1, e2) => w type + hash_flag_expression e + hash_int_expression e1 + hash_int_expression e2;
tcf::SIGN_EXTEND (type, type', int_expression) => 0u232 + w type + w type' + hash_int_expression int_expression;
tcf::ZERO_EXTEND (type, type', int_expression) => 0u737 + w type + w type' + hash_int_expression int_expression;
tcf::FLOAT_TO_INT (type, round, type', float_expression) =>
w type + tcp::hash_rounding_mode round + w type' + hash_float_expression float_expression;
tcf::LOAD (type, ea, mem) => w type + hash_int_expression ea + 0u342;
tcf::LET (void_expression, int_expression) => hash_void_expression void_expression + hash_int_expression int_expression;
tcf::PRED (e, ctrl) => hash_int_expression e + hash_ctrl ctrl;
tcf::RNOTE (e, _) => hash_int_expression e;
tcf::REXT (type, rext) => w type + hash_rext (hasher()) rext;
tcf::QQQ => 0u485;
tcf::OP (type, op, es) => hash_rexps (es, w type + hash_operator op);
tcf::ARG _ => 0u23;
tcf::ATATAT(type, k, e) => w type + hash_int_expression e;
tcf::PARAM n => w n;
tcf::BITSLICE (type, sl, e) => w type + hash_int_expression e;
fun hash_operator (tcf::OPERATOR { hash, ... } )
fun hash_rexps ([], h)
hash_rexps (e ! es, h)
hash_rexps (es, hash_int_expression e + h);
fun hash2'(type, x, y)
w type + hash_float_expression x + hash_float_expression y
fun hash_float_expression float_expression
case float_expression
tcf::CODETEMP_INFO_FLOAT (fty, src) => w fty + wv src;
tcf::FLOAD (fty, ea, mem) => w fty + hash_int_expression ea;
tcf::FADD x => hash2' x + 0u123;
tcf::FMUL x => hash2' x + 0u1234;
tcf::FSUB x => hash2' x + 0u12345;
tcf::FDIV x => hash2' x + 0u234;
tcf::COPY_FLOAT_SIGN x => hash2' x + 0u883;
tcf::FCONDITIONAL_LOAD (fty, c, x, y) => w fty + hash_flag_expression c + hash_float_expression x + hash_float_expression y;
tcf::FABS (fty, float_expression) => w fty + hash_float_expression float_expression + 0u2345;
tcf::FNEG (fty, float_expression) => w fty + hash_float_expression float_expression + 0u23456;
tcf::FSQRT (fty, float_expression) => w fty + hash_float_expression float_expression + 0u345;
tcf::INT_TO_FLOAT (fty, type, int_expression) => w fty + w type + hash_int_expression int_expression;
tcf::FLOAT_TO_FLOAT (fty, fty', float_expression) => w fty + hash_float_expression float_expression + w fty';
tcf::FNOTE (e, _) => hash_float_expression e;
tcf::FPRED (e, ctrl) => hash_float_expression e + hash_ctrl ctrl;
tcf::FEXT (fty, fext) => w fty + hash_fext (hasher()) fext;
fun hash_fexps ([], h) => h;
hash_fexps (e ! es, h) => hash_fexps (es, hash_float_expression e + h);
fun hash_flag_expression flag_expression
case flag_expression
tcf::CC (cc, src) => tcp::hash_cond cc + wv src;
tcf::FCC (fcc, src) => tcp::hash_fcond fcc + wv src;
tcf::CMP (type, cond, x, y) =>
w type + tcp::hash_cond cond + hash_int_expression x + hash_int_expression y;
tcf::FCMP (fty, fcond, x, y) =>
w fty + tcp::hash_fcond fcond + hash_float_expression x + hash_float_expression y;
tcf::NOT x => 0u2321 + hash_flag_expression x;
tcf::AND (x, y) => 0u2321 + hash_flag_expression x + hash_flag_expression y;
tcf::OR (x, y) => 0u8721 + hash_flag_expression x + hash_flag_expression y;
tcf::XOR (x, y) => 0u6178 + hash_flag_expression x + hash_flag_expression y;
tcf::EQV (x, y) => 0u178 + hash_flag_expression x + hash_flag_expression y;
tcf::TRUE => 0u0;
tcf::FALSE => 0u1232;
tcf::CCNOTE (e, _) => hash_flag_expression e;
tcf::CCEXT (type, ccext) => w type + hash_ccext (hasher()) ccext;
fun hash_flag_expressions ([], h)
hash_flag_expressions (e ! es, h)
hash_flag_expressions (es, hash_flag_expression e + h);
# Equality
eq_label = lbl::same_codelabel;
fun eq_labels ([],[]) => TRUE;
eq_labels (a ! b, c ! d) => eq_label (a, c) and eq_labels (b, d);
eq_labels _ => FALSE;
fun eq_cell ( rkj::CODETEMP_INFO { id=>x, ... },
rkj::CODETEMP_INFO { id=>y, ... }
x == y
fun eq_cells ([], []) => TRUE;
eq_cells (x ! xs, y ! ys) => eq_cell (x, y) and eq_cells (xs, ys);
eq_cells _ => FALSE;
fun eq_copy ((t1, dst1, src1), (t2, dst2, src2))
t1==t2 and eq_cells (dst1, dst2) and eq_cells (src1, src2)
fun eq_ctrl (c1, c2)
eq_cell (c1, c2)
fun eq_ctrls (c1, c2)
eq_cells (c1, c2)
# void_expressions
fun equality ()
{ void_expression=>same_void_expression, int_expression=>same_int_expression, float_expression=>same_float_expression, flag_expression=>same_flag_expression }
fun same_void_expression (tcf::LOAD_INT_REGISTER (a, b, c), tcf::LOAD_INT_REGISTER (d, e, f))
a==d and eq_cell (b, e) and same_int_expression (c, f);
eq_cell (a, c) and same_flag_expression (b, d);
same_void_expression (tcf::LOAD_FLOAT_REGISTER (a, b, c), tcf::LOAD_FLOAT_REGISTER (d, e, f))
a==d and eq_cell (b, e) and same_float_expression (c, f);
same_void_expression (tcf::MOVE_INT_REGISTERS x, tcf::MOVE_INT_REGISTERS y) => eq_copy (x, y);
same_void_expression (tcf::MOVE_FLOAT_REGISTERS x, tcf::MOVE_FLOAT_REGISTERS y) => eq_copy (x, y);
same_void_expression (tcf::GOTO (a, b), tcf::GOTO (a', b')) => same_int_expression (a, a');
same_void_expression (tcf::CALL { funct=>a, defs=>b, uses=>c, ... }, tcf::CALL { funct=>d, defs=>e, uses=>f, ... } )
same_int_expression (a, d) and same_expressionlists (b, e) and same_expressionlists (c, f);
same_void_expression (tcf::FLOW_TO (x, a), tcf::FLOW_TO (y, b))
same_void_expression (x, y) and eq_labels (a, b);
same_void_expression (tcf::RET _, tcf::RET _) => TRUE;
same_void_expression (tcf::STORE_INT (a, b, c, _), tcf::STORE_INT (d, e, f, _))
a==d and same_int_expression (b, e) and same_int_expression (c, f);
same_void_expression (tcf::STORE_FLOAT (a, b, c, _), tcf::STORE_FLOAT (d, e, f, _))
a==d and same_int_expression (b, e) and same_float_expression (c, f);
same_void_expression (tcf::NOTE (s1, _), s2) => same_void_expression (s1, s2);
same_void_expression (s1, tcf::NOTE (s2, _)) => same_void_expression (s1, s2);
same_void_expression (tcf::PHI x, tcf::PHI y) => x == y;
same_void_expression (tcf::SOURCE, tcf::SOURCE) => TRUE;
same_void_expression (tcf::SINK, tcf::SINK) => TRUE;
same_void_expression (tcf::IF_GOTO (b, c), tcf::IF_GOTO (b', c'))
same_flag_expression (b, b') and eq_label (c, c');
same_void_expression (tcf::IF (b, c, d), tcf::IF (b', c', d'))
same_flag_expression (b, b') and same_void_expression (c, c') and same_void_expression (d, d');
same_void_expression (tcf::RTL { attributes=>x, ... }, tcf::RTL { attributes=>y, ... } ) => x == y;
same_void_expression (tcf::REGION (a, b), tcf::REGION (a', b')) => eq_ctrl (b, b') and same_void_expression (a, a');
same_void_expression (tcf::EXT a, tcf::EXT a') => eq_sext (equality()) (a, a');
same_void_expression _ => FALSE;
fun same_void_expressions ([],[]) => TRUE;
same_void_expressions (a ! b, c ! d) => same_void_expression (a, c) and same_void_expressions (b, d);
same_void_expressions _ => FALSE;
fun eq_lowhalf (tcf::FLAG_EXPRESSION a, tcf::FLAG_EXPRESSION b) => same_flag_expression (a, b);
eq_lowhalf (tcf::INT_EXPRESSION a, tcf::INT_EXPRESSION b) => same_int_expression (a, b);
eq_lowhalf (tcf::FLOAT_EXPRESSION a, tcf::FLOAT_EXPRESSION b) => same_float_expression (a, b);
eq_lowhalf _ => FALSE;
fun same_expressionlists ([],[]) => TRUE;
same_expressionlists (a ! b, c ! d) => eq_lowhalf (a, c) and same_expressionlists (b, d);
same_expressionlists _ => FALSE;
fun eq2 ((a, b, c), (d, e, f))
a == d and same_int_expression (b, e) and same_int_expression (c, f)
fun eq3 ((m, a, b, c), (n, d, e, f))
m==n and a==d and same_int_expression (b, e) and same_int_expression (c, f)
fun same_int_expression (tcf::CODETEMP_INFO (a, b), tcf::CODETEMP_INFO (c, d)) => a == c and eq_cell (b, d);
same_int_expression (tcf::LITERAL a, tcf::LITERAL b) => a == b;
same_int_expression (tcf::LABEL a, tcf::LABEL b) => eq_label (a, b);
same_int_expression (tcf::LABEL_EXPRESSION a, tcf::LABEL_EXPRESSION b) => same_int_expression (a, b);
same_int_expression (tcf::LATE_CONSTANT a, tcf::LATE_CONSTANT b) => lac::same_late_constant (a, b);
same_int_expression (tcf::NEG (t, x), tcf::NEG (t', x')) => t == t' and same_int_expression (x, x');
same_int_expression (tcf::ADD x, tcf::ADD y) => eq2 (x, y);
same_int_expression (tcf::SUB x, tcf::SUB y) => eq2 (x, y);
same_int_expression (tcf::MULS x, tcf::MULS y) => eq2 (x, y);
same_int_expression (tcf::DIVS x, tcf::DIVS y) => eq3 (x, y);
same_int_expression (tcf::REMS x, tcf::REMS y) => eq3 (x, y);
same_int_expression (tcf::MULU x, tcf::MULU y) => eq2 (x, y);
same_int_expression (tcf::DIVU x, tcf::DIVU y) => eq2 (x, y);
same_int_expression (tcf::REMU x, tcf::REMU y) => eq2 (x, y);
same_int_expression (tcf::NEG_OR_TRAP (t, x), tcf::NEG_OR_TRAP (t', x')) => t == t' and same_int_expression (x, x');
same_int_expression (tcf::ADD_OR_TRAP x, tcf::ADD_OR_TRAP y) => eq2 (x, y);
same_int_expression (tcf::SUB_OR_TRAP x, tcf::SUB_OR_TRAP y) => eq2 (x, y);
same_int_expression (tcf::MULS_OR_TRAP x, tcf::MULS_OR_TRAP y) => eq2 (x, y);
same_int_expression (tcf::DIVS_OR_TRAP x, tcf::DIVS_OR_TRAP y) => eq3 (x, y);
same_int_expression (tcf::BITWISE_AND x, tcf::BITWISE_AND y) => eq2 (x, y);
same_int_expression (tcf::BITWISE_OR x, tcf::BITWISE_OR y) => eq2 (x, y);
same_int_expression (tcf::BITWISE_XOR x, tcf::BITWISE_XOR y) => eq2 (x, y);
same_int_expression (tcf::BITWISE_EQV x, tcf::BITWISE_EQV y) => eq2 (x, y);
same_int_expression (tcf::BITWISE_NOT (a, b), tcf::BITWISE_NOT (c, d)) => a == c and same_int_expression (b, d);
same_int_expression (tcf::RIGHT_SHIFT x, tcf::RIGHT_SHIFT y) => eq2 (x, y);
same_int_expression (tcf::RIGHT_SHIFT_U x, tcf::RIGHT_SHIFT_U y) => eq2 (x, y);
same_int_expression (tcf::LEFT_SHIFT x, tcf::LEFT_SHIFT y) => eq2 (x, y);
same_int_expression ( tcf::CONDITIONAL_LOAD (a, b, c, d),
tcf::CONDITIONAL_LOAD (e, f, g, h)
and same_flag_expression (b, f)
and same_int_expression (c, g)
and same_int_expression (d, h);
same_int_expression (tcf::SIGN_EXTEND (a, b, c), tcf::SIGN_EXTEND (a', b', c')) =>
a==a' and b==b' and same_int_expression (c, c');
same_int_expression (tcf::ZERO_EXTEND (a, b, c), tcf::ZERO_EXTEND (a', b', c')) =>
a==a' and b==b' and same_int_expression (c, c');
same_int_expression (tcf::FLOAT_TO_INT (a, b, c, d), tcf::FLOAT_TO_INT (e, f, g, h)) =>
a==e and b==f and c==g and same_float_expression (d, h);
same_int_expression (tcf::LOAD (a, b, _), tcf::LOAD (c, d, _)) => a == c and same_int_expression (b, d);
same_int_expression (tcf::LET (a, b), tcf::LET (c, d)) => same_void_expression (a, c) and same_int_expression (b, d);
same_int_expression (tcf::ARG x, tcf::ARG y) => x == y;
same_int_expression (tcf::PARAM x, tcf::PARAM y) => x == y;
same_int_expression (tcf::QQQ, tcf::QQQ) => TRUE;
same_int_expression (tcf::ATATAT(t1, k1, e1), tcf::ATATAT(t2, k2, e2)) =>
t1==t2 and k1==k2 and same_int_expression (e1, e2);
same_int_expression (tcf::BITSLICE (t1, s1, e1), tcf::BITSLICE (t2, s2, e2)) =>
t1==t2 and s1==s2 and same_int_expression (e1, e2);
same_int_expression (tcf::RNOTE (a, _), b) => same_int_expression (a, b);
same_int_expression (a, tcf::RNOTE (b, _)) => same_int_expression (a, b);
same_int_expression (tcf::PRED (a, b), tcf::PRED (a', b')) => eq_ctrl (b, b') and same_int_expression (a, a');
same_int_expression (tcf::REXT (a, b), tcf::REXT (a', b')) =>
a==a' and eq_rext (equality()) (b, b');
same_int_expression _ => FALSE;
fun eq_rexps ([],[]) => TRUE;
eq_rexps (a ! b, c ! d) => same_int_expression (a, c) and eq_rexps (b, d);
eq_rexps _ => FALSE;
fun eq2'((a, b, c), (d, e, f))
a==d and same_float_expression (b, e) and same_float_expression (c, f)
fun eq1'((a, b), (d, e))
a==d and same_float_expression (b, e)
fun same_float_expression (tcf::CODETEMP_INFO_FLOAT (t1, x), tcf::CODETEMP_INFO_FLOAT (t2, y)) => t1==t2 and eq_cell (x, y);
same_float_expression (tcf::FLOAD (a, b, _), tcf::FLOAD (c, d, _)) => a==c and same_int_expression (b, d);
same_float_expression (tcf::FADD x, tcf::FADD y) => eq2'(x, y);
same_float_expression (tcf::FMUL x, tcf::FMUL y) => eq2'(x, y);
same_float_expression (tcf::FSUB x, tcf::FSUB y) => eq2'(x, y);
same_float_expression (tcf::FDIV x, tcf::FDIV y) => eq2'(x, y);
same_float_expression (tcf::COPY_FLOAT_SIGN x, tcf::COPY_FLOAT_SIGN y) => eq2'(x, y);
same_float_expression (tcf::FCONDITIONAL_LOAD (t, x, y, z), tcf::FCONDITIONAL_LOAD (t', x', y', z')) =>
t==t' and same_flag_expression (x, x') and same_float_expression (y, y') and same_float_expression (z, z');
same_float_expression (tcf::FABS x, tcf::FABS y) => eq1'(x, y);
same_float_expression (tcf::FNEG x, tcf::FNEG y) => eq1'(x, y);
same_float_expression (tcf::FSQRT x, tcf::FSQRT y) => eq1'(x, y);
same_float_expression (tcf::INT_TO_FLOAT (a, b, c), tcf::INT_TO_FLOAT (a', b', c')) =>
a==a' and b==b' and same_int_expression (c, c');
same_float_expression (tcf::FLOAT_TO_FLOAT (a, b, c), tcf::FLOAT_TO_FLOAT (a', b', c')) =>
a==a' and b==b' and same_float_expression (c, c');
same_float_expression (tcf::FEXT (a, f), tcf::FEXT (b, g)) => a==b and eq_fext (equality()) (f, g);
same_float_expression (tcf::FNOTE (a, _), b) => same_float_expression (a, b);
same_float_expression (a, tcf::FNOTE (b, _)) => same_float_expression (a, b);
same_float_expression (tcf::FPRED (a, b), tcf::FPRED (a', b')) => eq_ctrl (b, b') and same_float_expression (a, a');
same_float_expression _ => FALSE;
fun eq_fexps ([],[]) => TRUE;
eq_fexps (a ! b, c ! d) => same_float_expression (a, c) and eq_fexps (b, d);
eq_fexps _ => FALSE;
fun same_flag_expression (tcf::CC (c1, x), tcf::CC (c2, y)) => c1 == c2 and eq_cell (x, y);
same_flag_expression (tcf::FCC (c1, x), tcf::FCC (c2, y)) => c1 == c2 and eq_cell (x, y);
same_flag_expression (tcf::CMP (x, a, b, c), tcf::CMP (y, d, e, f)) =>
a==d and same_int_expression (b, e) and same_int_expression (c, f) and x == y;
same_flag_expression (tcf::FCMP (x, a, b, c), tcf::FCMP (y, d, e, f)) =>
a==d and same_float_expression (b, e) and same_float_expression (c, f) and x == y;
same_flag_expression (tcf::NOT x, tcf::NOT y) => same_flag_expression (x, y);
same_flag_expression (tcf::AND x, tcf::AND y) => same_flag_expression2 (x, y);
same_flag_expression (tcf::OR x, tcf::OR y) => same_flag_expression2 (x, y);
same_flag_expression (tcf::XOR x, tcf::XOR y) => same_flag_expression2 (x, y);
same_flag_expression (tcf::EQV x, tcf::EQV y) => same_flag_expression2 (x, y);
same_flag_expression (tcf::CCNOTE (a, _), b) => same_flag_expression (a, b);
same_flag_expression (a, tcf::CCNOTE (b, _)) => same_flag_expression (a, b);
same_flag_expression (tcf::CCEXT (t, a), tcf::CCEXT (t', b)) =>
t==t' and eq_ccext (equality()) (a, b);
same_flag_expression (tcf::TRUE, tcf::TRUE) => TRUE;
same_flag_expression (tcf::FALSE, tcf::FALSE) => TRUE;
same_flag_expression _ => FALSE;
fun same_flag_expression2 ((x, y), (x', y'))
same_flag_expression (x, x') and same_flag_expression (y, y')
fun same_flag_expressions ([],[]) => TRUE;
same_flag_expressions (a ! b, c ! d) => same_flag_expression (a, c) and same_flag_expressions (b, d);
same_flag_expressions _ => FALSE;
# Prettyprinting:
fun show { def, uses, region_def, region_use }
{ fun type t
"." + i2s t;
fun fty 32 => ".s";
fty 64 => ".d";
fty 128 => ".q";
fty t => type t;
fun reg (t, v) = rkj::register_to_string v + type t;
fun freg (t, v) = rkj::register_to_string v + fty t;
fun ccreg v = rkj::register_to_string v;
fun ctrlreg v = rkj::register_to_string v;
fun src_reg (t, v) = reg (t, v);
fun src_freg (t, v) = freg (t, v);
fun src_ccreg v = ccreg v;
fun src_ctrlreg v = ctrlreg v;
fun dst_reg (t, v) = reg (t, v);
fun dst_freg (t, v) = freg (t, v);
fun dst_ccreg v = ccreg v;
fun dst_ctrlreg v = ctrlreg v;
fun src_param (i) = def i except _ = "<" + i2s i + ">";
fun dst_param (i) = uses i except _ = "<" + i2s i + ">";
fun listify f
fun g (t, [] ) => "";
g (t, [r] ) => f (t, r);
g (t, r ! rs) => f (t, r) + ", " + g (t, rs);
fun listify' f
(string::join ", ") o (list::map f);
src_regs = listify src_reg;
dst_regs = listify dst_reg;
src_fregs = listify src_freg;
dst_fregs = listify dst_freg;
src_ccregs = listify' src_ccreg;
dst_ccregs = listify' dst_ccreg;
src_ctrlregs = listify' src_ctrlreg;
dst_ctrlregs = listify' dst_ctrlreg;
fun usectrl cr = " [" + src_ctrlreg cr + "]";
fun usectrls [] => "";
usectrls cr => " [" + src_ctrlregs cr + "]";
fun defctrl cr
"" + dst_ctrlreg cr + " <- ";
fun defctrls [] => "";
defctrls cr => "" + dst_ctrlregs cr + " <- ";
fun copy (t, dst, src)
dst_regs (t, dst) + " := " + src_regs (t, src);
fun fcopy (t, dst, src)
dst_fregs (t, dst) + " := " + src_fregs (t, src);
fun shower ()
{ void_expression, int_expression, float_expression, flag_expression, dst_reg, src_reg }
# pretty print a void_expression
fun void_expression (tcf::LOAD_INT_REGISTER (t, dst, e)) => dst_reg (t, dst) + " := " + int_expression e;
void_expression (tcf::LOAD_INT_REGISTER_FROM_FLAGS_REGISTER (dst, e)) => dst_ccreg dst + " := " + flag_expression e;
void_expression (tcf::LOAD_FLOAT_REGISTER (fty, dst, e)) => dst_freg (fty, dst) + " := " + float_expression e;
void_expression (tcf::MOVE_INT_REGISTERS (type, dst, src)) => copy (type, dst, src);
void_expression (tcf::MOVE_FLOAT_REGISTERS (fty, dst, src)) => fcopy (fty, dst, src);
void_expression (tcf::GOTO (ea, labels)) => "jmp " + int_expression ea;
void_expression (tcf::IF_GOTO (a, lab)) =>
"bcc " + flag_expression a + " " + lbl::codelabel_to_string lab;
void_expression (tcf::CALL { funct, targets, defs, uses, region, pops } ) =>
"call " + int_expression funct;
void_expression (tcf::FLOW_TO (s, targets)) =>
void_expression s + " [" + listify' lbl::codelabel_to_string targets + "]";
void_expression (tcf::RET (flow)) => "ret";
void_expression (tcf::IF (a, b, tcf::SEQ [])) => "if " + flag_expression a + " then " + void_expression b;
void_expression (tcf::IF (a, b, c)) => "if " + flag_expression a + " then " + void_expression b + " else " + void_expression c;
void_expression (tcf::STORE_INT (type, ea, e, mem)) => store (type, "", ea, mem, e);
void_expression (tcf::STORE_FLOAT (fty, ea, e, mem)) => fstore (fty, "", ea, mem, e);
void_expression (tcf::REGION (s, cr)) => void_expression s + usectrl cr;
void_expression (tcf::SEQ []) => "skip";
void_expression (tcf::SEQ s) => void_expressions(";\n", s);
void_expression (tcf::DEFINE lab) => lbl::codelabel_to_string lab + ":";
void_expression (tcf::NOTE (s, a)) => void_expression s;
void_expression (tcf::EXT x) => show_sext (shower()) x;
void_expression (tcf::LIVE exps) => "live: " + lowhalfs exps;
void_expression (tcf::DEAD exps) => "dead: " + lowhalfs exps;
void_expression (tcf::PHI { preds, block } ) => "phi[" + i2s block + "]";
void_expression (tcf::ASSIGN (type, lhs, tcf::QQQ)) => "define " + int_expression lhs;
void_expression (tcf::ASSIGN (type, tcf::QQQ, rhs)) => "use " + int_expression rhs;
void_expression (tcf::ASSIGN (type, x, rhs)) => lhs x + " := " + int_expression rhs;
void_expression (tcf::SOURCE) => "source";
void_expression (tcf::SINK) => "sink";
void_expression (tcf::RTL { e, ... } ) => void_expression e;
fun void_expressions (sep,[]) => "";
void_expressions (sep,[s]) => void_expression s;
void_expressions (sep, s ! ss) => void_expression s + sep + void_expressions (sep, ss);
fun lhs (tcf::PARAM i) => dst_param i;
lhs (tcf::ATATAT(type, k, tcf::PARAM i)) => dst_param i;
lhs (e) => int_expression e;
# prettyprint an expression
fun int_expression (tcf::CODETEMP_INFO (type, src)) => src_reg (type, src);
int_expression (tcf::LITERAL i) => multiword_int::to_string i;
int_expression (tcf::LABEL l) => lbl::codelabel_to_string l;
int_expression (tcf::LATE_CONSTANT lateconst) => lac::late_constant_to_string lateconst;
int_expression (tcf::LABEL_EXPRESSION le) => int_expression le;
int_expression (tcf::NEG x) => unary("-_", x);
int_expression (tcf::ADD x) => binary("+", x);
int_expression (tcf::SUB x) => binary("-", x);
int_expression (tcf::MULS x) => two("muls", x);
int_expression (tcf::DIVS x) => three("divs", x);
int_expression (tcf::REMS x) => three("rems", x);
int_expression (tcf::MULU x) => two("mulu", x);
int_expression (tcf::DIVU x) => two("divu", x);
int_expression (tcf::REMU x) => two("remu", x);
int_expression (tcf::NEG_OR_TRAP x) => one("negt", x);
int_expression (tcf::ADD_OR_TRAP x) => two("addt", x);
int_expression (tcf::SUB_OR_TRAP x) => two("subt", x);
int_expression (tcf::MULS_OR_TRAP x) => two("mult", x);
int_expression (tcf::DIVS_OR_TRAP x) => three("divt", x);
int_expression (tcf::BITWISE_AND x) => binary("&", x);
int_expression (tcf::BITWISE_OR x) => binary("
|", x);
int_expression (tcf::BITWISE_XOR x) => binary("^", x);
int_expression (tcf::BITWISE_EQV x) => binary("eqvb", x);
int_expression (tcf::BITWISE_NOT x) => unary("!", x);
int_expression (tcf::RIGHT_SHIFT x) => binary(">>>", x);
int_expression (tcf::RIGHT_SHIFT_U x) => binary(">>", x);
int_expression (tcf::LEFT_SHIFT x) => binary("<<", x);
int_expression (tcf::CONDITIONAL_LOAD (t, cc, e1, e2)) =>
"cond" + type t + "(" + flag_expression cc + ", " + int_expression e1 + ", " + int_expression e2 + ")";
int_expression (tcf::SIGN_EXTEND (t, t', e)) => "sx" + type t + type t' + " " + int_expression e;
int_expression (tcf::ZERO_EXTEND (t, t', e)) => "zx" + type t + type t' + " " + int_expression e;
int_expression (tcf::FLOAT_TO_INT (t, round, t', e)) =>
"cvtf2i" + type t + to_lower (tcp::rounding_mode_to_string round) +
fty t' + " " + float_expression e;
int_expression (tcf::LOAD (type, ea, mem)) => load (type, "", ea, mem);
int_expression (tcf::LET (s, e)) => void_expression s + ";" + int_expression e;
int_expression (tcf::PRED (e, cr)) => int_expression e + usectrl cr;
int_expression (tcf::RNOTE (e, _)) => int_expression e;
int_expression (tcf::REXT e) => show_rext (shower()) e;
int_expression (tcf::QQQ) => "???";
int_expression (tcf::OP (t, opc, es)) => operator opc + type t + " " + rexps es;
int_expression (tcf::ARG (t, REF (tcf::REPX kind), name)) => name + ":" + kind + (if (t == 0) ""; else type t;fi);
int_expression (tcf::PARAM n) => src_param n;
int_expression (tcf::ATATAT(type, k, e)) => "@@@" + rkj::nickname_of_registerkind k + "[" + int_expression e + "]";
int_expression (tcf::BITSLICE (type, sl, e)) => int_expression e + " at " + slices sl;
fun operator (tcf::OPERATOR { name, ... } )
fun paren_int_expression
(e as (tcf::CODETEMP_INFO _
| tcf::LITERAL _ | tcf::ATATAT _ | tcf::ARG _)) =>
int_expression e;
paren_int_expression e => "(" + int_expression e + ")";
fun slices sc
(\\ (from, to) = i2s from + ".." + i2s to)
# Prettyprint a float expression:
fun float_expression (tcf::CODETEMP_INFO_FLOAT f) => src_freg f;
float_expression (tcf::FLOAD (fty, ea, mem)) => fload (fty, "", ea, mem);
float_expression (tcf::FADD x) => two'("fadd", x);
float_expression (tcf::FMUL x) => two'("fmul", x);
float_expression (tcf::FSUB x) => two'("fsub", x);
float_expression (tcf::FDIV x) => two'("fdiv", x);
float_expression (tcf::COPY_FLOAT_SIGN x) => two'("fcopysign", x);
float_expression (tcf::FABS x) => one'("fabs", x);
float_expression (tcf::FNEG x) => one'("fneg", x);
float_expression (tcf::FSQRT x) => one'("fsqrt", x);
float_expression (tcf::FCONDITIONAL_LOAD (t, cc, e1, e2)) => "fcond" + fty t + flag_expression cc + "(" + float_expression e1 + ", " + float_expression e2 + ")";
float_expression (tcf::INT_TO_FLOAT (t, t', e)) => "cvti2f" + type t' + " " + int_expression e;
float_expression (tcf::FLOAT_TO_FLOAT (t, t', e)) => "cvtf2f" + fty t + fty t' + " " + float_expression e;
float_expression (tcf::FPRED (e, cr)) => float_expression e + usectrl cr;
float_expression (tcf::FNOTE (e, _)) => float_expression e;
float_expression (tcf::FEXT e) => show_fext (shower()) e;
fun flag_expression (tcf::CC (cc, r)) => src_ccreg r + to_lower (tcp::cond_to_string cc);
flag_expression (tcf::FCC (fcc, r)) => src_ccreg r + to_lower (tcp::fcond_to_string fcc);
flag_expression (tcf::CMP (t, tcf::SETCC, x, y)) => "setcc" + type t + pair (x, y);
flag_expression (tcf::CMP (t, cc, x, y)) => "cmp" + to_lower (tcp::cond_to_string cc) + type t + pair (x, y);
flag_expression (tcf::FCMP (t, tcf::SETFCC, x, y)) => "setfcc" + type t + pair'(x, y);
flag_expression (tcf::FCMP (t, fcc, x, y)) => "fcmp" + to_lower (tcp::fcond_to_string fcc) + fty t + pair'(x, y);
flag_expression (tcf::NOT x) => "not " + flag_expression x;
flag_expression (tcf::AND (x, y)) => two''(" and ", x, y);
flag_expression (tcf::OR (x, y)) => two''(" or ", x, y);
flag_expression (tcf::XOR (x, y)) => two''(" xor ", x, y);
flag_expression (tcf::EQV (x, y)) => two''(" eqv ", x, y);
flag_expression (tcf::CCNOTE (e, _)) => flag_expression e;
flag_expression (tcf::TRUE) => "TRUE";
flag_expression (tcf::FALSE) => "FALSE";
flag_expression (tcf::CCEXT (e)) => show_ccext (shower()) e;
fun lowhalf (tcf::INT_EXPRESSION e) => int_expression e;
lowhalf (tcf::FLOAT_EXPRESSION e) => float_expression e;
lowhalf (tcf::FLAG_EXPRESSION e) => flag_expression e;
fun lowhalfs l
listify' lowhalf l
# Auxiliary functions
fun one (opcode, (t, x))
opcode + type t + "(" + int_expression x + ")"
fun two (opcode, (t, x, y))
opcode + type t + pair (x, y)
fun three (opcode, (m, t, x, y))
opcode + dmr m + type t + pair (x, y)
fun dmr tcf::d::ROUND_TO_ZERO => "{ 0 }"; # Special rounding mode just for divide instructions.
dmr tcf::d::ROUND_TO_NEGINF => "{-inf }";
fun binary (opcode, (t, x, y))
paren_int_expression x + " " + opcode + type t + " " + paren_int_expression y
fun unary (opcode, (t, x))
opcode + type t + " " + paren_int_expression x
fun pair (x, y)
"(" + int_expression x + ", " + int_expression y + ")"
fun one'(opcode, (t, x))
opcode + fty t + "(" + float_expression x + ")"
fun two'(opcode, (t, x, y))
opcode + fty t + pair'(x, y)
fun two''(c, x, y)
"(" + flag_expression x + c + flag_expression y + ")"
fun pair'(x, y)
"(" + float_expression x + ", " + float_expression y + ")"
fun rexps es
(\\ (e, "") => int_expression e;
(e, x) => int_expression e + ", " + x;
fun fexps es
"(" + fold_backward
(\\ (e, "") => float_expression e;
(e, x) => float_expression e + ", " + x;
end ) "" es + ")"
fun flag_expressions es
"(" + fold_backward (\\ (e, "") => flag_expression e;
(e, x) => flag_expression e + ", " + x;
) "" es + ")"
fun store (t, u, ea, m, e)
memdef (t, u, ea, m) + " := " + int_expression e
fun fstore (t, u, ea, m, e)
fmemdef (t, u, ea, m) + " := " + float_expression e
fun ccstore (u, ea, m, e)
ccmemdef (u, ea, m) + " := " + flag_expression e
fun load (t, u, ea, m)
memuse (t, u, ea, m)
fun fload (t, u, ea, m)
fmemuse (t, u, ea, m)
fun ccload (u, ea, m)
ccmemuse (u, ea, m)
fun address (u, ea, m, show)
{ r = show m
_ = rgn::ramregion_to_string m;
r = if (r == "") r;
else ":" + r;
u + "[" + int_expression ea + r + "]";
fun mem (t, u, ea, m, show)
"mem" + type t + address (u, ea, m, show)
fun fmem (t, u, ea, m, show)
"mem" + fty t + address (u, ea, m, show)
fun ccmem (u, ea, m, show)
"mem" + address (u, ea, m, show)
fun memdef (t, u, ea, m)
mem (t, u, ea, m, region_def)
fun fmemdef (t, u, ea, m)
fmem (t, u, ea, m, region_def)
fun ccmemdef (u, ea, m)
ccmem (u, ea, m, region_def)
fun memuse (t, u, ea, m)
mem (t, u, ea, m, region_use)
fun fmemuse (t, u, ea, m)
fmem (t, u, ea, m, region_use)
fun ccmemuse (u, ea, m)
ccmem (u, ea, m, region_use);
shower ();
exception NOTHING;
fun dummy _
raise exception NOTHING;
{ def => dummy,
uses => dummy,
region_def => dummy,
region_use => dummy
fun void_expression_to_string s = (show dummy).void_expression s;
fun int_expression_to_string s = (show dummy).int_expression s;
fun float_expression_to_string s = (show dummy).float_expression s;
fun flag_expression_to_string s = (show dummy).flag_expression s;
end; # stipulate
}; # generic package treecode_hashing_equality_and_display_g
end; # stipulate