## treecode-rtl-g.pkg -- derived from ~/src/sml/nj/smlnj-110.58/new/new/src/MLRISC/mltree/mltree-rtl.sml
# Basic RTLs and query functions on these RTLs
# -- Allen Leung
# Compiled by:
package lem = lowhalf_error_message; # lowhalf_error_message is from
src/lib/compiler/back/low/control/lowhalf-error-message.pkg package rkj = registerkinds_junk; # registerkinds_junk is from
src/lib/compiler/back/low/code/registerkinds-junk.pkg package w = unt;
# This generic is invoked (only) from:
src/lib/compiler/back/low/tools/arch/adl-rtl.pkg #
generic package treecode_rtl_g ( # RTL is "Register Transfer Language" -- see src/lib/compiler/back/low/doc/latex/lowhalf-md.tex
# ==============
package tcj: Treecode_Hashing_Equality_And_Display; # Treecode_Hashing_Equality_And_Display is from
src/lib/compiler/back/low/treecode/treecode-hashing-equality-and-display.api package tcr: Treecode_Rewrite; # Treecode_Rewrite is from
src/lib/compiler/back/low/treecode/treecode-rewrite.api package fld: Treecode_Fold; # Treecode_Fold is from
src/lib/compiler/back/low/treecode/treecode-fold.api sharing tcj::tcf
== tcr::tcf
== fld::tcf # "tcf" == "treecode_form".
: (weak) Treecode_Rtl # Treecode_Rtl is from
src/lib/compiler/back/low/treecode/treecode-rtl.api {
# Export to client packages:
package tcf = tcj::tcf; # "tcf" == "treecode_form".
package tcj = tcj;
package tcr = tcr;
package fld = fld;
fun error msg
lem::error("treecode_rtl", msg);
Pos = IN Int
| OUT Int
| IO (Int, Int)
Arity = ZERO
itow = unt::from_int;
infix my
| ;
# Shouldn't be necessary XXX SUCKO FIXME
| = w::bitwise_or;
# Probably not necessary either XXX SUCKO FIXME
Type = tcf::Int_Bitsize;
Rtl = tcf::Void_Expression;
Expression = tcf::Int_Expression;
Flag_Expression = tcf::Flag_Expression; # Flag expressions handle zero/parity/overflow/... flag stuff.
Hasher = tcf::Hash_Fns;
Equality = tcf::Eq_Fns;
Printer = tcf::Prettyprint_Fns;
Div_Rounding_Mode = tcf::d::Div_Rounding_Mode; # d:: is a special rounding mode just for divide instructions.
hash_rtl = tcj::hash_void_expression;
eq_rtl = tcj::same_void_expression;
show_rtl = tcj::show;
rtl_to_string = tcj::void_expression_to_string;
exp_to_string = tcj::int_expression_to_string;
# Attributes
a_trapping = w::(<<)(0u1, 0u1); # May cause traps.
a_pinned = w::(<<)(0u1, 0u2); # Cannot be moved.
a_side_effect = w::(<<)(0u1, 0u3); # Has side effect.
a_mutator = w::(<<)(0u1, 0u4);
a_looker = w::(<<)(0u1, 0u5);
a_branch = w::(<<)(0u1, 0u6); # Conditional branch.
a_jump = w::(<<)(0u1, 0u7); # Has control flow.
a_pure = 0ux0;
fun is_on (a, flag)
unt::bitwise_and (a, flag) != 0u0;
# Create new RTL operators
hash_cnt = REF 0u0;
fun new_hash ()
{ h = *hash_cnt;
hash_cnt := h + 0u124127;
fun new_op { name, attributes }
{ name,
attributes => REF attributes,
hash => new_hash ()
# Reduce a RTL to compiled internal form
fun reduce rtl
# Collect attributes
fun attribs_of rtl
{ fun void_expression (tcf::STORE_INT _, a) => a
| (a_side_effect | a_mutator);
void_expression (tcf::GOTO _, a) => a
| (a_jump | a_side_effect);
void_expression (tcf::IF _, a) => a
| (a_branch | a_jump | a_side_effect);
void_expression (tcf::RET _, a) => a
| (a_jump | a_side_effect);
void_expression (tcf::CALL _, a) => a
| a_side_effect;
void_expression (tcf::ASSIGN(_, tcf::ATATAT(_, rkj::RAM_BYTE, address), value), a)
| (a_side_effect | a_mutator);
void_expression(_, a)
fun int_expression (tcf::ADD_OR_TRAP _, a) => a
| a_trapping;
int_expression (tcf::SUB_OR_TRAP _, a) => a
| a_trapping;
int_expression (tcf::MULS_OR_TRAP _, a) => a
| a_trapping;
int_expression (tcf::DIVS_OR_TRAP _, a) => a
| a_trapping;
int_expression (tcf::LOAD _, a) => a
| a_looker;
int_expression (tcf::ATATAT(_, rkj::RAM_BYTE, _), a)
| a_looker;
int_expression(_, a)
fun float_expression (_, a)
fun flag_expression (_, a)
(fld::fold { void_expression, int_expression, float_expression, flag_expression } ).void_expression rtl;
# Create a uniq RTL
fun new rtl
{ rtl = reduce rtl;
attributes = attribs_of (rtl, a_pure);
rtl = case rtl
tcf::MOVE_INT_REGISTERS _ => rtl;
_ => tcf::RTL { e=>rtl, hash=>new_hash(), attributes=>REF attributes };
copy = tcf::MOVE_INT_REGISTERS (0,[],[]); # Not used in this file.
jmp = new (tcf::GOTO (tcf::PARAM 0,[])); # Not used in this file.
fun pin (x as tcf::RTL { attributes, ... } )
{ attributes := (*attributes
| a_pinned);
pin _ => error "pin";
# Type queries
fun has_side_effect (tcf::RTL { attributes, ... } )
is_on (*attributes, a_side_effect);
has_side_effect _
fun is_conditional_branch (tcf::RTL { attributes, ... } )
is_on (*attributes, a_branch);
is_conditional_branch _
fun is_jump (tcf::RTL { attributes, ... } ) => is_on (*attributes, a_jump);
is_jump (tcf::GOTO _ ) => TRUE;
is_jump _ => FALSE;
fun is_looker (tcf::RTL { attributes, ... } ) => is_on (*attributes, a_looker);
is_looker _ => FALSE;
# Def/use queries
fun def_use rtl
{ fun contains x
list::exists (\\ y = tcj::same_int_expression (x, y));
fun diff (a, b)
list::filter (\\ z = not (contains z b)) a;
fun uniq ([], l) => reverse l;
uniq (x ! xs, l) => if (contains x l) uniq (xs, l);
else uniq (xs, x ! l);
fun void_expression (tcf::ASSIGN (_, x, y), d, u)
{ (lhs (x, d, u)) -> (d, u);
rhs (y, d, u);
void_expression (tcf::MOVE_INT_REGISTERS _, d, u) => (d, u); # XXX
void_expression (tcf::RET _, d, u) => (d, u);
void_expression (tcf::RTL { e, ... }, d, u) => void_expression (e, d, u) ;
void_expression (tcf::GOTO (e, _), d, u) => rhs (e, d, u);
void_expression (tcf::IF (x, y, z), d, u)
{ (cond (x, d, u)) -> (d, u);
(void_expression (y, [], u)) -> (d1, u);
(void_expression (z, [], u)) -> (d2, u);
u1 = diff (d1, d2);
u2 = diff (d2, d1);
( d @ d1 @ d2,
u @ u1 @ u2
void_expression (tcf::SEQ rtls, d, u) => void_expressions (rtls, d, u);
void_expression (tcf::CALL { funct, ... }, d, u) => rhs (funct, d, u);
void_expression (rtl, d, u) => error ("def_use::void_expression: " + rtl_to_string rtl);
fun void_expressions([], d, u)
(d, u);
void_expressions (s ! ss, d, u)
{ my (d, u) = void_expression (s, d, u);
void_expressions (ss, d, u);
fun rhs (tcf::LITERAL _, d, u) => (d, u);
rhs (x as tcf::ARG _, d, u) => (d, x ! u);
rhs (x as tcf::PARAM _, d, u) => (d, x ! u);
rhs (tcf::ADD (_, x, y), d, u) => bin_op (x, y, d, u);
rhs (tcf::SUB (_, x, y), d, u) => bin_op (x, y, d, u);
rhs (tcf::MULS(_, x, y), d, u) => bin_op (x, y, d, u);
rhs (tcf::MULU(_, x, y), d, u) => bin_op (x, y, d, u);
rhs (tcf::DIVS(_, _, x, y), d, u) => bin_op (x, y, d, u);
rhs (tcf::DIVU(_, x, y), d, u) => bin_op (x, y, d, u);
rhs (tcf::REMS(_, _, x, y), d, u) => bin_op (x, y, d, u);
rhs (tcf::REMU(_, x, y), d, u) => bin_op (x, y, d, u);
rhs (tcf::ADD_OR_TRAP(_, x, y), d, u) => bin_op (x, y, d, u);
rhs (tcf::SUB_OR_TRAP(_, x, y), d, u) => bin_op (x, y, d, u);
rhs (tcf::MULS_OR_TRAP(_, x, y), d, u) => bin_op (x, y, d, u);
rhs (tcf::DIVS_OR_TRAP(_, _, x, y), d, u) => bin_op (x, y, d, u);
rhs (tcf::LEFT_SHIFT (_, x, y), d, u) => bin_op (x, y, d, u);
rhs (tcf::RIGHT_SHIFT_U(_, x, y), d, u) => bin_op (x, y, d, u);
rhs (tcf::RIGHT_SHIFT (_, x, y), d, u) => bin_op (x, y, d, u);
rhs (tcf::BITWISE_AND(_, x, y), d, u) => bin_op (x, y, d, u);
rhs (tcf::BITWISE_OR (_, x, y), d, u) => bin_op (x, y, d, u);
rhs (tcf::BITWISE_XOR(_, x, y), d, u) => bin_op (x, y, d, u);
rhs (tcf::BITWISE_EQV(_, x, y), d, u) => bin_op (x, y, d, u);
rhs (tcf::NEG (_, x), d, u) => rhs (x, d, u);
rhs (tcf::NEG_OR_TRAP (_, x), d, u) => rhs (x, d, u);
rhs (tcf::BITWISE_NOT(_, x), d, u) => rhs (x, d, u);
rhs (tcf::SIGN_EXTEND(_, _, x), d, u) => rhs (x, d, u);
rhs (tcf::ZERO_EXTEND(_, _, x), d, u) => rhs (x, d, u);
rhs (x as tcf::ATATAT(_, _, tcf::ARG _), d, u) => (d, x ! u);
rhs (x as tcf::ATATAT(_, _, tcf::PARAM _), d, u) => (d, x ! u);
rhs (x as tcf::ATATAT(_, _, e ), d, u) => rhs (e, d, x ! u);
rhs (tcf::OP (_, _, es), d, u) => rexps (es, d, u);
rhs (tcf::FLOAT_TO_INT(_, _, _, x), d, u)
float_expression (x, d, u);
rhs (tcf::CONDITIONAL_LOAD (_, x, y, z), d, u)
{ (cond (x, d, u)) -> (d, u);
bin_op (y, z, d, u);
rhs (tcf::BITSLICE(_, _, e), d, u)
rhs (e, d, u);
rhs (tcf::QQQ, d, u)
(d, u);
rhs (e, d, u)
error ("def_use::rhs: " + tcj::int_expression_to_string e);
fun bin_op (x, y, d, u)
{ my (d, u) = rhs (x, d, u);
rhs (y, d, u);
fun rexps ([], d, u)
(d, u);
rexps (e ! es, d, u)
{ my (d, u) = rhs (e, d, u);
rexps (es, d, u);
fun lhs (x as tcf::ATATAT(_, _, tcf::ARG _), d, u) => (x ! d, u);
lhs (x as tcf::ATATAT(_, _, tcf::PARAM _), d, u) => (x ! d, u);
lhs (x as tcf::ATATAT(_, _, address ), d, u) => rhs (address, x ! d, u);
lhs (x as tcf::ARG _, d, u) => (x ! d, u);
lhs (x as tcf::PARAM _, d, u) => (x ! d, u);
lhs (tcf::QQQ, d, u) => (d, u);
lhs (e, d, u) => error("def_hse::lhs: " + tcj::int_expression_to_string e);
fun float_expression (tcf::FADD(_, x, y), d, u) => fbin_op (x, y, d, u);
float_expression (tcf::FSUB(_, x, y), d, u) => fbin_op (x, y, d, u);
float_expression (tcf::FMUL(_, x, y), d, u) => fbin_op (x, y, d, u);
float_expression (tcf::FDIV(_, x, y), d, u) => fbin_op (x, y, d, u);
float_expression (tcf::COPY_FLOAT_SIGN (_, x, y), d, u)
fbin_op (x, y, d, u);
float_expression (tcf::FCONDITIONAL_LOAD (_, x, y, z), d, u)
{ (cond (x, d, u)) -> (d, u);
fbin_op (y, z, d, u);
float_expression (tcf::FSQRT(_, x), d, u) => float_expression (x, d, u);
float_expression (tcf::FABS (_, x), d, u) => float_expression (x, d, u);
float_expression (tcf::FNEG (_, x), d, u) => float_expression (x, d, u);
float_expression (tcf::INT_TO_FLOAT(_, _, x), d, u)
rhs (x, d, u);
float_expression (e, d, u)
error ("def_ese::float_expression: " + tcj::float_expression_to_string e);
fun fbin_op (x, y, d, u)
{ (float_expression (x, d, u)) -> (d, u);
float_expression (y, d, u);
fun cond (tcf::CMP (_, _, x, y), d, u) => bin_op (x, y, d, u);
cond (tcf::FCMP(_, _, x, y), d, u) => fbin_op (x, y, d, u);
cond (tcf::TRUE, d, u) => (d, u);
cond (tcf::FALSE, d, u) => (d, u);
cond (tcf::NOT x, d, u) => cond (x, d, u);
cond (tcf::AND (x, y), d, u) => cond2 (x, y, d, u);
cond (tcf::OR (x, y), d, u) => cond2 (x, y, d, u);
cond (tcf::XOR (x, y), d, u) => cond2 (x, y, d, u);
cond (tcf::EQV (x, y), d, u) => cond2 (x, y, d, u);
cond (e, d, u) => error("def_use::cond: " + tcj::flag_expression_to_string e);
fun cond2 (x, y, d, u)
{ my (d, u) = cond (x, d, u);
cond (y, d, u);
my (d, u)
void_expression (rtl, [], []);
( uniq (d, []),
uniq (u, [])
# Giving definitions and uses. Find out the naming constraints.
fun naming_constraints (defs, uses)
{ fun collect_fixed((x as tcf::ATATAT(_, _, tcf::LITERAL r)) ! xs, fixed, rest)
collect_fixed (xs, (x, multiword_int::to_int r) ! fixed, rest);
collect_fixed (x ! xs, fixed, rest)
collect_fixed (xs, fixed, x ! rest);
collect_fixed ([], fixed, rest)
(fixed, rest);
(collect_fixed (uses, [], [])) -> (fixed_uses, other_uses);
(collect_fixed (defs, [], [])) -> (fixed_defs, other_defs);
fixed = list::filter
(\\ x = list::exists (\\ y = tcj::same_int_expression (x, y)) other_uses)
{ fixed_uses => fixed_uses,
fixed_defs => fixed_defs,
two_address => fixed
# Assign positions to each argument
fun arg_pos rtl
(ds, us)
(def_use rtl) -> (defs, uses);
fun pos ([], i, ds) => ds;
pos (d ! defs, i, ds) => pos (defs, i+1, (d, i) ! ds);
ds = pos (defs, 0, []);
us = pos (uses, 0, []);
exception NOT_AN_ARGUMENT;
fun arg_of rtl
(arg_pos rtl) -> (defs, uses);
fun find (this, (x as (tcf::ATATAT(_, _, tcf::ARG(_, _, name)), _)) ! xs)
if (this == name) THE x;
else find (this, xs);
find (this, (x as (tcf::ARG(_, _, name), _)) ! xs)
if (this == name) THE x;
else find (this, xs);
find (this, _ ! xs)
find (this, xs);
find (this, [])
fun lookup name
case ( find (name, defs),
find (name, uses)
(THE (x, i), THE (_, j)) => (x, IO (i, j));
(THE (x, i), NULL ) => (x, OUT i);
(NULL, THE (x, i)) => (x, IN i);
(NULL, NULL ) => raise exception NOT_AN_ARGUMENT;
# Return the arity of an argument
fun arity (tcf::ARG _ ) => MANY;
arity (tcf::ATATAT(_, rkj::RAM_BYTE, _)) => MANY;
arity (tcf::ATATAT(_, _, _) ) => ONE;
arity _ => raise exception NOT_AN_ARGUMENT;
fun non_const_arity (tcf::ARG _ ) => MANY;
non_const_arity (tcf::ATATAT(_, rkj::RAM_BYTE, _)) => MANY;
non_const_arity (tcf::ATATAT(_, _, _) ) => ONE;
non_const_arity _ => raise exception NOT_AN_ARGUMENT;
# Code motion queries
fun can't_move_up (tcf::RTL { attributes, ... } ) => is_on (*attributes, a_side_effect
| a_trapping | a_pinned);
can't_move_up (tcf::PHI _) => TRUE;
can't_move_up (tcf::SOURCE) => TRUE;
can't_move_up (tcf::SINK ) => TRUE;
can't_move_up _ => FALSE;
fun can't_move_down (tcf::RTL { attributes, ... } ) => is_on (*attributes, a_side_effect
| a_branch | a_jump | a_trapping | a_pinned | a_looker /* can be avoided with pure loads! XXX */);
can't_move_down (tcf::PHI _) => TRUE;
can't_move_down (tcf::SOURCE) => TRUE;
can't_move_down (tcf::SINK ) => TRUE;
can't_move_down rtl => error("can't_move_down: " + rtl_to_string rtl);
fun pinned (tcf::RTL { attributes, ... } ) => is_on (*attributes, a_side_effect
| a_trapping | a_pinned);
pinned (tcf::PHI _) => TRUE;
pinned (tcf::SOURCE) => TRUE;
pinned (tcf::SINK ) => TRUE;
pinned _ => FALSE;
fun can't_be_removed (tcf::RTL { attributes, ... } ) => is_on (*attributes, a_side_effect
| a_branch | a_jump);
can't_be_removed (tcf::SOURCE) => TRUE;
can't_be_removed (tcf::SINK ) => TRUE;
can't_be_removed _ => FALSE;