## drop-types-from-anormcode.pkg
# "This phase compiles away the type passing where it is used.
# In other words, it turns types into runtime data wherever
# this is needed. The output of this phase is not strongly
# typed any more, although it still has type annotations."
# -- Principled Compilation and Scavenging
# Stefan Monnier, 2003 [PhD Thesis, U Montreal]
# http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/~monnier/master.ps.gz
# Reify does the following things:
# (1) Conreps in CON and DECON are given type-specific meanings.
# (2) Type abstractions TYPEFUN are converted into function abstractions;
# (3) Type applications APPLY_TYPEFUN are converted into function applications;
# (4) Type-dependent baseops such as WRAP/UNWRAP are given
# type-specific meanings;
# (5) Anormcode is now transformed into a typelockedally typed lambda
# calculus. Type mismatches are fixed via the use of type cast
# Compiled by:
src/lib/compiler/core.sublib# Compiled by:
src/lib/compiler/core.sublib# This is one of the A-Normal Form compiler passes --
# for context see the comments in
package acf = anormcode_form; # anormcode_form is from
api Drop_Types_From_Anormcode {
drop_types_from_anormcode: acf::Function -> acf::Function;
package acf = anormcode_form; # anormcode_form is from
src/lib/compiler/back/top/anormcode/anormcode-form.pkg package acs = anormcode_junk; # anormcode_junk is from
src/lib/compiler/back/top/anormcode/anormcode-junk.pkg package di = debruijn_index; # debruijn_index is from
src/lib/compiler/front/typer/basics/debruijn-index.pkg package dts = drop_types_from_anormcode_junk; # drop_types_from_anormcode_junk is from
src/lib/compiler/back/top/forms/drop-types-from-anormcode-junk.pkg package hbo = highcode_baseops; # highcode_baseops is from
src/lib/compiler/back/top/highcode/highcode-baseops.pkg package hcf = highcode_form; # highcode_form is from
src/lib/compiler/back/top/highcode/highcode-form.pkg# package hv = highcode_codetemp; # highcode_codetemp is from
src/lib/compiler/back/top/highcode/highcode-codetemp.pkg package rat = recover_anormcode_type_info; # recover_anormcode_type_info is from
src/lib/compiler/back/top/improve/recover-anormcode-type-info.pkg package vh = varhome; # varhome is from
package drop_types_from_anormcode
: (weak) Drop_Types_From_Anormcode # Drop_Types_From_Anormcode is from
src/lib/compiler/back/top/forms/drop-types-from-anormcode.pkg {
fun bug s = error_message::impossible ("Reify: " + s);
say = control_print::say;
make_var = highcode_codetemp::issue_highcode_codetemp;
ident = \\ le = le;
fun option f (THE x) => THE (f x);
option f NULL => NULL;
# A special version of WRAP and UNWRAP
# for post-reify typechecking:
lt_arw = hcf::make_type_uniqtypoid o hcf::make_arrow_uniqtype;
lt_vfn = lt_arw (hcf::fixed_calling_convention, [hcf::truevoid_uniqtype], [hcf::truevoid_uniqtype]);
fun wty tc = (NULL, hbo::WRAP, lt_arw (hcf::fixed_calling_convention, [tc], [hcf::truevoid_uniqtype]), []);
fun uwty tc = (NULL, hbo::UNWRAP, lt_arw (hcf::fixed_calling_convention, [hcf::truevoid_uniqtype], [tc]), []);
fun wrap_baseop (tc, vs, v, e) = acf::BASEOP ( wty tc, vs, v, e);
fun unwrap_baseop (tc, vs, v, e) = acf::BASEOP (uwty tc, vs, v, e);
# Major gross hack: use of fct_lty in WCAST baseops
fun make_wcast (u, oldt, newt)
{ v = make_var();
( \\ e = acf::BASEOP ( (NULL, hbo::WCAST, hcf::make_generic_package_uniqtypoid([oldt],[newt]), []),
fun mcast_single (oldt, newt)
if (hcf::same_uniqtypoid (oldt, newt)) NULL;
else THE (\\ u = make_wcast (u, oldt, newt));
fun mcast (oldts, newts)
f (oldts, newts, [], TRUE)
fun f (a ! r, b ! s, z, flag)
case (mcast_single (a, b) )
NULL => f (r, s, NULL ! z, flag);
x => f (r, s, x ! z, FALSE);
f ([], [], z, flag)
if flag
\\ le = le;
vs = map (\\ _ = make_var()) oldts;
my (header, nvs)
g (reverse z, vs, ident, [])
fun g (NULL ! xx, v ! yy, h, q)
g (xx, yy, h, (acf::VAR v) ! q);
g ((THE vh) ! xx, v ! yy, h, q)
{ my (h', k) = vh (acf::VAR v);
g (xx, yy, h o h', (acf::VAR k) ! q);
g([], [], h, q)
(h, reverse q);
g _ => bug "unexpected case in mcast";
\\ e = acf::LET (vs, e, header (acf::RET nvs));
f _ => bug "unexpected case in mcast";
fun drop_types_from_anormcode fdec
{ (rat::recover_anormcode_type_info (fdec, FALSE))
{ get_uniqtypoid_for_anormcode_value, clean_up, ... };
(hcf::tnarrow_fn ()) -> (tcf, ltf, clear);
fun dcf ((name, representation, lt), ts)
= (name, representation, lt_vfn);
fun dargtyc ((name, representation, lt), ts)
{ skt = hcf::apply_typeagnostic_type_to_arglist_with_single_result (lt, map (\\ _ = hcf::truevoid_uniqtype) ts);
my (tc, _) = hcf::unpack_lambdacode_arrow_uniqtype (hcf::unpack_type_uniqtypoid skt);
nt = ltf (hcf::apply_typeagnostic_type_to_arglist_with_single_result (lt, ts));
my (rt, _) = hcf::unpack_lambdacode_arrow_uniqtype (hcf::unpack_type_uniqtypoid nt);
(tc, rt, (name, representation, lt_vfn));
# transform: (kenv, di::depth) -> Lambda_Expression -> Lambda_Expression
fun transform kenv
# lpfundec: fundec -> fundec
fun lpfundec (fk, f, vts, e)
{ nfk = case fk
{ loop_info=>THE (lts, lk), call_as, private, inlining_hint }
=> { loop_info=>THE (map ltf lts, lk), call_as, private, inlining_hint };
_ => fk;
nvts = map (\\ (v, t) = (v, ltf t))
(nfk, f, nvts, loop e);
# lpcasetag: Casetag -> (Casetag, (Lambda_Expression -> Lambda_Expression))
fun lpcasetag (acf::VAL_CASETAG (dc as (_, vh::EXCEPTION _, nt), [], v))
{ ndc = dcf (dc, []);
z = make_var();
w = make_var();
# WARNING: the 3rd field should List( string )
my (ax, _) = hcf::unpack_lambdacode_arrow_uniqtype (hcf::unpack_type_uniqtypoid nt);
lt_exr = hcf::make_tuple_uniqtype [hcf::truevoid_uniqtype, tcf ax, hcf::int_uniqtype];
( acf::VAL_CASETAG (ndc, [], z),
\\ le = unwrap_baseop (lt_exr, [acf::VAR z], w, acf::GET_FIELD (acf::VAR w, 1, v, le))
lpcasetag (acf::VAL_CASETAG (dc as (name, vh::CONSTANT _, lt), ts, v))
{ ndc = dcf (dc, ts);
z = make_var();
(acf::VAL_CASETAG (ndc, [], z),
\\ le = acf::RECORD (acs::rk_tuple, [], v, le));
lpcasetag (acf::VAL_CASETAG (dc as (_, vh::UNTAGGED, _), ts, v))
{ my (tc, rt, ndc) = dargtyc (dc, ts);
header = dts::utgd (tc, kenv, rt);
z = make_var();
(acf::VAL_CASETAG (ndc, [], z),
\\ le = acf::LET([v], header (acf::VAR z), le));
lpcasetag (acf::VAL_CASETAG (dc as (_, vh::TAGGED i, _), ts, v))
{ my (tc, rt, ndc) = dargtyc (dc, ts);
header = dts::tgdd (i, tc, kenv, rt);
z = make_var();
(acf::VAL_CASETAG (ndc, [], z),
\\ le = acf::LET([v], header (acf::VAR z), le));
lpcasetag (acf::VAL_CASETAG _) => bug "unexpected case in lpcasetag";
lpcasetag c => (c, ident);
# lpev: Lambda_Expression -> (value, (Lambda_Expression -> Lambda_Expression))
fun lpev (acf::RET [v])
(v, ident);
lpev e
{ x= make_var();
(acf::VAR x, \\ y = acf::LET([x], e, y));
fun loop (le: acf::Expression): acf::Expression
case le
acf::RET _ => le;
acf::LET (vs, e1, e2)
acf::LET (vs, loop e1, loop e2);
acf::MUTUALLY_RECURSIVE_FNS (map lpfundec fdecs, loop e);
acf::APPLY _
acf::TYPEFUN ((tfk, v, tvks, e1), e2)
{ my (nkenv, header) = dts::tk_abs (kenv, tvks, v);
ne1 = transform (nkenv) e1;
header (ne1, loop e2);
acf::APPLY_TYPEFUN (v, ts)
{ (lpev (dts::ts_lexp (kenv, ts)))
(u, header);
# A temporary hack that fixes type mismatches # XXX SUCKO FIXME
lt = get_uniqtypoid_for_anormcode_value v;
oldts = map ltf (#2 (hcf::unpack_typeagnostic_uniqtypoid lt));
newts = map ltf (hcf::apply_typeagnostic_type_to_arglist (lt, ts));
nhdr = mcast (oldts, newts);
nhdr (header (acf::APPLY (v, [u])));
acf::RECORD (acf::RK_VECTOR tc, vs, v, e)
acf::RECORD (acf::RK_VECTOR (tcf tc), vs, v, loop e);
acf::RECORD (rk, vs, v, e)
acf::RECORD (rk, vs, v, loop e);
acf::GET_FIELD (u, i, v, e)
acf::GET_FIELD (u, i, v, loop e);
acf::CONSTRUCTOR ((_, vh::CONSTANT i, _), _, _, v, e)
wrap_baseop (hcf::int_uniqtype, [acf::INT i], v, loop e);
acf::CONSTRUCTOR ((_, vh::EXCEPTION (vh::HIGHCODE_VARIABLE x), nt), [], u, v, e)
{ z = make_var();
my (ax, _) = hcf::unpack_lambdacode_arrow_uniqtype (hcf::unpack_type_uniqtypoid nt);
lt_exr = hcf::make_tuple_uniqtype [hcf::truevoid_uniqtype, tcf ax, hcf::int_uniqtype];
acf::RECORD (acs::rk_tuple, [acf::VAR x, u, acf::INT 0], z, wrap_baseop (lt_exr, [acf::VAR z], v, loop e));
acf::CONSTRUCTOR (dc as (_, vh::UNTAGGED, _), ts, u, v, e)
{ my (tc, rt, _) = dargtyc (dc, ts);
header = dts::utgc (tc, kenv, rt);
acf::LET ([v], header (u), loop e);
acf::CONSTRUCTOR (dc as (_, vh::TAGGED i, _), ts, u, v, e)
{ my (tc, rt, _) = dargtyc (dc, ts);
header = dts::tgdc (i, tc, kenv, rt);
acf::LET([v], header (u), loop e);
acf::CONSTRUCTOR (_, ts, u, v, e)
bug "unexpected case CON in loop";
acf::SWITCH (v, csig, cases, opp)
acf::SWITCH (v, csig, map g cases, option loop opp)
fun g (c, x)
{ my (nc, header) = lpcasetag c;
(nc, header (loop x));
acf::RAISE (u, ts)
acf::RAISE (u, map ltf ts);
acf::EXCEPT (e, v)
acf::EXCEPT (loop e, v);
acf::BRANCH (xp as (NULL, po, lt, []), vs, e1, e2)
acf::BRANCH((NULL, po, ltf lt, []), vs, loop e1, loop e2);
acf::BRANCH(_, vs, e1, e2)
bug "type-directed branch baseops are not supported";
acf::BASEOP (xp as (_, hbo::WRAP, _, _), u, v, e)
{ tc = acs::get_wrap_type xp;
header = dts::make_wrap (tc, kenv, TRUE, tcf tc);
acf::LET([v], header (acf::RET u), loop e);
acf::BASEOP (xp as (_, hbo::UNWRAP, _, _), u, v, e)
{ tc = acs::get_un_wrap_type xp;
header = dts::make_unwrap (tc, kenv, TRUE, tcf tc);
acf::LET([v], header (acf::RET u), loop e);
acf::BASEOP (xp as (NULL, po, lt, []), vs, v, e)
acf::BASEOP((NULL, po, ltf lt, []), vs, v, loop e);
acf::BASEOP ((d, hbo::RW_VECTOR_GET, lt, [tc]), u, v, e)
{ blt = ltf (hcf::apply_typeagnostic_type_to_arglist_with_single_result (lt, [tc]));
rlt = ltf (hcf::apply_typeagnostic_type_to_arglist_with_single_result (lt, [hcf::float64_uniqtype]));
header = dts::rw_vector_get (tc, kenv, blt, rlt);
acf::LET ([v], header (u), loop e);
( (d, po as (hbo::RW_VECTOR_SET
{ blt = ltf (hcf::apply_typeagnostic_type_to_arglist_with_single_result (lt, [tc]));
rlt = ltf (hcf::apply_typeagnostic_type_to_arglist_with_single_result (lt, [hcf::float64_uniqtype]));
header = dts::rw_vector_set (tc, kenv, po, blt, rlt);
acf::LET ([v], header (u), loop e);
( (THE { default=>pv, table => [(_, rv)] }, hbo::MAKE_NONEMPTY_RW_VECTOR_MACRO, lt, [tc]),
u, v, e
{ header = dts::make_rw_vector (tc, pv, rv, kenv);
acf::LET ([v], header (u), loop e);
acf::BASEOP((_, po, _, _), vs, v, e)
{ say ("\n####" + (highcode_baseops::baseop_to_string po) + "####\n");
bug "unexpected acf::BASEOP in loop";
end; # where (fun transform)
fdec -> (fk, f, vts, e);
( fk,
map (\\ (v, t) = (v, ltf t)) vts,
transform dts::init_ke e
{ clean_up();
}; # fun drop_types_from_anormcode
}; # package drop_types_from_anormcode
end; # toplevel stipulate