## highcode-type.pkg
# See overview comments in:
src/lib/compiler/back/top/highcode/highcode-type.api# Compiled by:
src/lib/compiler/core.sublib### "One should expect that the expected
### can be prevented, but the unexpected
### should have been expected."
### -- Norman Augustine
package di = debruijn_index; # debruijn_index is from
src/lib/compiler/front/typer/basics/debruijn-index.pkg package err = error_message; # error_message is from
src/lib/compiler/front/basics/errormsg/error-message.pkg package hbt = highcode_basetypes; # highcode_basetypes is from
src/lib/compiler/back/top/highcode/highcode-basetypes.pkg package tmp = highcode_codetemp; # highcode_codetemp is from
src/lib/compiler/back/top/highcode/highcode-codetemp.pkg package hut = highcode_uniq_types; # highcode_uniq_types is from
src/lib/compiler/back/top/highcode/highcode-uniq-types.pkg fun bug msg
err::impossible("highcode_type: " + msg);
say = global_controls::print::say;
# We get 'included' by:
package highcode_type
: (weak) Highcode_Type # Highcode_Type is from
src/lib/compiler/back/top/highcode/highcode-type.api {
# highcode hut::Uniqkind is roughly equivalent to:
# hut::Kind
# = TYPE
| TYPESEQ List( hut::Kind )
| TYPEFUN (List( hut::Kind ), hut::Kind)
# ;
# We treat Uniqkind as an abstract type
# to isolate clients from the complexity of the
# hashconsing machinery; this has the downside
# of preventing them from using pattern matching.
# Some hut::Uniqkind constructors:
my plaintype_uniqkind: hut::Uniqkind = hut::kind_to_uniqkind hut::kind::PLAINTYPE;
my boxedtype_uniqkind: hut::Uniqkind = hut::kind_to_uniqkind hut::kind::BOXEDTYPE;
my make_kindseq_uniqkind: List(hut::Uniqkind) -> hut::Uniqkind = hut::kind_to_uniqkind o hut::kind::KINDSEQ;
my make_kindfun_uniqkind: (List(hut::Uniqkind), hut::Uniqkind) -> hut::Uniqkind = hut::kind_to_uniqkind o hut::kind::KINDFUN;
# Matching hut::Uniqkind deconstructors:
my unpack_plaintype_uniqkind: hut::Uniqkind -> Void = \\ _ = ();
my unpack_boxedtype_uniqkind: hut::Uniqkind -> Void = \\ _ = ();
my unpack_kindseq_uniqkind: hut::Uniqkind -> List( hut::Uniqkind )
\\ tk
case (hut::uniqkind_to_kind tk)
hut::kind::KINDSEQ x => x;
_ => bug "unexpected hut::Kind in unpack_kindseq_uniqkind";
my unpack_kindfun_uniqkind: hut::Uniqkind -> (List( hut::Uniqkind ), hut::Uniqkind)
\\ tk
case (hut::uniqkind_to_kind tk)
hut::kind::KINDFUN x => x;
_ => bug "unexpected hut::Kind in unpack_kindfun_uniqkind";
# Some hut::Uniqkind predicates:
my uniqkind_is_plaintype: hut::Uniqkind -> Bool = \\ tk = hut::same_uniqkind (tk, plaintype_uniqkind);
my uniqkind_is_boxedtype: hut::Uniqkind -> Bool = \\ tk = hut::same_uniqkind (tk, boxedtype_uniqkind);
my uniqkind_is_kindseq: hut::Uniqkind -> Bool = \\ tk = case (hut::uniqkind_to_kind tk) hut::kind::KINDSEQ _ => TRUE; _ => FALSE; esac;
my uniqkind_is_kindfun: hut::Uniqkind -> Bool = \\ tk = case (hut::uniqkind_to_kind tk) hut::kind::KINDFUN _ => TRUE; _ => FALSE; esac;
# Some hut::Uniqkind one-arm switches:
fun if_uniqkind_is_plaintype (tk, f, g) = if (hut::same_uniqkind (tk, plaintype_uniqkind)) f (); else g tk; fi;
fun if_uniqkind_is_boxedtype (tk, f, g) = if (hut::same_uniqkind (tk, boxedtype_uniqkind )) f (); else g tk; fi;
fun if_uniqkind_is_kindseq (tk, f, g) = case (hut::uniqkind_to_kind tk) hut::kind::KINDSEQ x => f x; _ => g tk; esac;
fun if_uniqkind_is_kindfun (tk, f, g) = case (hut::uniqkind_to_kind tk) hut::kind::KINDFUN x => f x; _ => g tk; esac;
# Highcode Calling_Convention and Useless_Recordflag are used to classify different kinds of typelocked
# functions and records. As of now, they are roughly equivalent to:
# Calling_Convention
# body_is_raw: Bool
# }
# Useless_Recordflag = USELESS_RECORDFLAG
# We treat both as abstract types so pattern matching no longer applies.
# NOTE: VARIABLE_CALLING_CONVENTION flags are used by HIGHCODEs before we perform representation
# analysis while FIXED_CALLING_CONVENTION is used by HIGHCODEs after we perform representation
# analysis.
# Calling_Convention and record_flag constructors:
my fixed_calling_convention: hut::Calling_Convention = hut::FIXED_CALLING_CONVENTION;
my useless_recordflag: hut::Useless_Recordflag = hut::USELESS_RECORDFLAG;
my make_variable_calling_convention: { arg_is_raw: Bool, body_is_raw: Bool } -> hut::Calling_Convention
\\ arg_is_raw__body_is_raw
hut::VARIABLE_CALLING_CONVENTION arg_is_raw__body_is_raw;
# Calling_Convention and Useless_Recordflag deconstructors:
my unpack_variable_calling_convention: hut::Calling_Convention -> { arg_is_raw: Bool, body_is_raw: Bool } # This function is never used.
\\ x = case x
hut::VARIABLE_CALLING_CONVENTION arg_is_raw__body_is_raw
=> arg_is_raw__body_is_raw;
_ => bug "unexpected Calling_Convention in unpack_variable_calling_convention";
my unpack_fixed_calling_convention: hut::Calling_Convention -> Void
\\ x = case x hut::FIXED_CALLING_CONVENTION => ();
_ => bug "unexpected Calling_Convention in unpack_fixed_calling_convention";
my unpack_useless_recordflag: hut::Useless_Recordflag -> Void
\\ (hut::USELESS_RECORDFLAG) = ();
# Calling_Convention and Useless_Recordflag predicates:
my calling_convention_is_variable: hut::Calling_Convention -> Bool
_ => FALSE;
my calling_convention_is_fixed: hut::Calling_Convention -> Bool
\\ x = case x hut::FIXED_CALLING_CONVENTION => TRUE;
_ => FALSE;
my useless_recordflag_is: hut::Useless_Recordflag -> Bool
# Calling_Convention and Useless_Recordflag one-arm switches:
fun if_calling_convention_is_variable (calling_convention, then_fn, else_fn)
case calling_convention
hut::VARIABLE_CALLING_CONVENTION arg_is_raw__body_is_raw => then_fn arg_is_raw__body_is_raw;
_ => else_fn calling_convention;
fun if_calling_convention_is_fixed (calling_convention, then_fn, else_fn)
case calling_convention
hut::FIXED_CALLING_CONVENTION => then_fn ();
_ => else_fn calling_convention;
fun if_useless_recordflag_is (rf, then_fn, else_fn) # Useless fn on a useless value. :-)
then_fn ();
# highcode hut::Uniqtype is roughly equivalent
# to the following Mythryl sumtype:
# Uniqtype
# = TYPEVAR (Debruijn_Index, Int)
| NAMED_TYPEVAR tmp::Codetemp
| BASETYPE hut::Basetype
| TYPEFUN (List( hut::Uniqkind ), hut::Uniqtype)
| APPLY_TYPEFUN (hut::Uniqtype, List( hut::Uniqtype ))
| TYPESEQ List( hut::Uniqtype )
| TYPE_PROJECTION (hut::Uniqtype, Int)
| SUM_TYPE List( hut::Uniqtype )
| RECURSIVE_TYPE (hut::Uniqtype, Int)
| TUPLE_TYPE List( hut::Uniqtype )
# record_flag hidden
| ARROW_TYPE (hut::Calling_Convention, List(hut::Uniqtype), List(hut::Uniqtype))
| BOXED_TYPE hut::Uniqtype
| ABSTRACT_TYPE hut::Uniqtype
| EXTENSIBLE_TOKEN_TYPE (Token, hut::Uniqtype)
| FATE_TYPE List(hut::Uniqtype)
| INDIRECT_TYPE_THUNK (hut::Uniqtype, hut::Uniqtypoid)
| TYPE_CLOSURE (Uniqtype, Int, Int, Uniqtype_Dictionary)
# ;
# We treat Uniqtype as an abstract type
# to isolate clients from the complexity of the
# hashconsing machinery; this has the downside
# of preventing them from using pattern matching.
# hut::Uniqtype applications (TC_APPLY) and projections
# (TC_PROJ) are automatically reduced as needed, that is, the
# client does not need to worry about whether a hut::Uniqtype is in the
# normal form or not, all functions defined here automatically
# take care of this.
# Some hut::Uniqtype constructors
my make_debruijn_typevar_uniqtype: (di::Debruijn_Index, Int) -> hut::Uniqtype = hut::type_to_uniqtype o hut::type::DEBRUIJN_TYPEVAR;
my make_named_typevar_uniqtype: tmp::Codetemp -> hut::Uniqtype = hut::type_to_uniqtype o hut::type::NAMED_TYPEVAR;
my make_basetype_uniqtype: hbt::Basetype -> hut::Uniqtype = hut::type_to_uniqtype o hut::type::BASETYPE;
my make_typefun_uniqtype: ( List(hut::Uniqkind),
) -> hut::Uniqtype = hut::type_to_uniqtype o hut::type::TYPEFUN;
my make_apply_typefun_uniqtype: ( hut::Uniqtype,
) -> hut::Uniqtype = hut::type_to_uniqtype o hut::type::APPLY_TYPEFUN;
my make_typeseq_uniqtype: List(hut::Uniqtype) -> hut::Uniqtype = hut::type_to_uniqtype o hut::type::TYPESEQ;
my make_ith_in_typeseq_uniqtype: (hut::Uniqtype, Int) -> hut::Uniqtype = hut::type_to_uniqtype o hut::type::ITH_IN_TYPESEQ;
my make_sum_uniqtype: List(hut::Uniqtype) -> hut::Uniqtype = hut::type_to_uniqtype o hut::type::SUM;
my make_abstract_uniqtype: hut::Uniqtype -> hut::Uniqtype = hut::type_to_uniqtype o hut::type::ABSTRACT;
my make_boxed_uniqtype: hut::Uniqtype -> hut::Uniqtype = hut::type_to_uniqtype o hut::type::BOXED;
my make_tuple_uniqtype: List(hut::Uniqtype) -> hut::Uniqtype = \\ ts = hut::type_to_uniqtype (hut::type::TUPLE (useless_recordflag, ts));
my make_extensible_token_uniqtype: hut::Uniqtype -> hut::Uniqtype = \\ tc = hut::type_to_uniqtype (hut::type::EXTENSIBLE_TOKEN (hut::wrap_token, tc));
my make_arrow_uniqtype: (hut::Calling_Convention, List(hut::Uniqtype), List(hut::Uniqtype)) -> hut::Uniqtype = hut::make_arrow_uniqtype;
my make_recursive_uniqtype: ((Int, hut::Uniqtype, List(hut::Uniqtype)), Int) -> hut::Uniqtype = hut::type_to_uniqtype o hut::type::RECURSIVE;
# hut::Uniqtype deconstructors -- these are
# basically inverse to the above functions:
my unpack_debruijn_typevar_uniqtype: hut::Uniqtype -> (di::Debruijn_Index, Int)
\\ tc = case (hut::uniqtype_to_type tc) hut::type::DEBRUIJN_TYPEVAR x => x;
_ => bug "unexpected type in unpack_debruijn_typevar_uniqtype";
my unpack_named_typevar_uniqtype: hut::Uniqtype -> tmp::Codetemp
\\ tc = case (hut::uniqtype_to_type tc) hut::type::NAMED_TYPEVAR x => x;
_ => bug "unexpected type in unpack_named_typevar_uniqtype";
my unpack_basetype_uniqtype: hut::Uniqtype -> hbt::Basetype
\\ tc = case (hut::uniqtype_to_type tc) hut::type::BASETYPE x => x;
_ => bug "unexpected type in unpack_basetype_uniqtype";
my unpack_typefun_uniqtype: hut::Uniqtype -> (List( hut::Uniqkind ), hut::Uniqtype)
\\ tc = case (hut::uniqtype_to_type tc) hut::type::TYPEFUN x => x;
_ => bug "unexpected hut::Uniqtype in unpack_typefun_uniqtype";
my unpack_apply_typefun_uniqtype: hut::Uniqtype -> (hut::Uniqtype, List( hut::Uniqtype ))
\\ tc = case (hut::uniqtype_to_type tc) hut::type::APPLY_TYPEFUN x => x;
_ => bug "unexpected hut::Uniqtype in unpack_apply_typefun_uniqtype";
my unpack_typeseq_uniqtype: hut::Uniqtype -> List( hut::Uniqtype )
\\ tc = case (hut::uniqtype_to_type tc) hut::type::TYPESEQ x => x;
_ => bug "unexpected hut::Uniqtype in unpack_typeseq_uniqtype";
my unpack_ith_in_typeseq_uniqtype: hut::Uniqtype -> (hut::Uniqtype, Int)
\\ tc = case (hut::uniqtype_to_type tc) hut::type::ITH_IN_TYPESEQ x => x;
_ => bug "unexpected hut::Uniqtype in unpack_ith_in_typeseq_uniqtype";
my unpack_sum_uniqtype: hut::Uniqtype -> List( hut::Uniqtype )
\\ tc = case (hut::uniqtype_to_type tc) hut::type::SUM x => x;
_ => bug "unexpected hut::Uniqtype in unpack_sum_uniqtype";
my unpack_recursive_uniqtype: hut::Uniqtype -> (((Int, hut::Uniqtype, List( hut::Uniqtype)) ), Int)
\\ tc = case (hut::uniqtype_to_type tc) hut::type::RECURSIVE x => x;
_ => bug "unexpected hut::Uniqtype in unpack_recursive_uniqtype";
my unpack_extensible_token_uniqtype: hut::Uniqtype -> hut::Uniqtype
\\ tc = case (hut::uniqtype_to_type tc)
hut::type::EXTENSIBLE_TOKEN (tk, x)
if (hut::same_token (tk, hut::wrap_token)) x;
else bug "unexpected token hut::Uniqtype in unpack_extensible_token_uniqtype";
_ => bug "unexpected regular hut::Uniqtype in unpack_extensible_token_uniqtype";
my unpack_abstract_uniqtype: hut::Uniqtype -> hut::Uniqtype
\\ tc = case (hut::uniqtype_to_type tc) hut::type::ABSTRACT x => x;
_ => bug "unexpected hut::Uniqtype in unpack_abstract_uniqtype";
my unpack_boxed_uniqtype: hut::Uniqtype -> hut::Uniqtype
\\ tc = case (hut::uniqtype_to_type tc) hut::type::BOXED x => x;
_ => bug "unexpected hut::Uniqtype in unpack_boxed_uniqtype";
my unpack_tuple_uniqtype: hut::Uniqtype -> List( hut::Uniqtype )
\\ tc = case (hut::uniqtype_to_type tc) hut::type::TUPLE (_, x) => x;
_ => bug "unexpected hut::Uniqtype in unpack_tuple_uniqtype";
my unpack_arrow_uniqtype: hut::Uniqtype -> (hut::Calling_Convention, List( hut::Uniqtype ), List( hut::Uniqtype ))
\\ tc = case (hut::uniqtype_to_type tc) hut::type::ARROW x => x;
_ => bug "unexpected hut::Uniqtype in unpack_arrow_uniqtype";
# Some hut::Uniqtype predicates:
my uniqtype_is_debruijn_typevar: hut::Uniqtype -> Bool
\\ tc = case (hut::uniqtype_to_type tc) hut::type::DEBRUIJN_TYPEVAR _ => TRUE;
_ => FALSE;
my uniqtype_is_named_typevar: hut::Uniqtype -> Bool
\\ tc = case (hut::uniqtype_to_type tc) hut::type::NAMED_TYPEVAR _ => TRUE;
_ => FALSE;
my uniqtype_is_basetype: hut::Uniqtype -> Bool
\\ tc = case (hut::uniqtype_to_type tc) hut::type::BASETYPE _ => TRUE;
_ => FALSE;
my uniqtype_is_typefun: hut::Uniqtype -> Bool
\\ tc = case (hut::uniqtype_to_type tc) hut::type::TYPEFUN _ => TRUE;
_ => FALSE;
my uniqtype_is_apply_typefun: hut::Uniqtype -> Bool
\\ tc = case (hut::uniqtype_to_type tc) hut::type::APPLY_TYPEFUN _ => TRUE;
_ => FALSE;
my uniqtype_is_typeseq: hut::Uniqtype -> Bool
\\ tc = case (hut::uniqtype_to_type tc) hut::type::TYPESEQ _ => TRUE;
_ => FALSE;
my uniqtype_is_ith_in_typeseq: hut::Uniqtype -> Bool
\\ tc = case (hut::uniqtype_to_type tc) hut::type::ITH_IN_TYPESEQ _ => TRUE;
_ => FALSE;
my uniqtype_is_sum: hut::Uniqtype -> Bool
\\ tc = case (hut::uniqtype_to_type tc) hut::type::SUM _ => TRUE;
_ => FALSE;
my uniqtype_is_recursive: hut::Uniqtype -> Bool
\\ tc = case (hut::uniqtype_to_type tc) hut::type::RECURSIVE _ => TRUE;
_ => FALSE;
my uniqtype_is_extensible_token: hut::Uniqtype -> Bool
\\ tc = case (hut::uniqtype_to_type tc) hut::type::EXTENSIBLE_TOKEN (tk, _) => hut::same_token (tk, hut::wrap_token);
_ => FALSE;
my uniqtype_is_abstract: hut::Uniqtype -> Bool
\\ tc = case (hut::uniqtype_to_type tc) hut::type::ABSTRACT _ => TRUE;
_ => FALSE;
my uniqtype_is_boxed: hut::Uniqtype -> Bool
\\ tc = case (hut::uniqtype_to_type tc) hut::type::BOXED _ => TRUE;
_ => FALSE;
my uniqtype_is_tuple: hut::Uniqtype -> Bool
\\ tc = case (hut::uniqtype_to_type tc) hut::type::TUPLE _ => TRUE;
_ => FALSE;
my uniqtype_is_arrow: hut::Uniqtype -> Bool
\\ tc = case (hut::uniqtype_to_type tc) hut::type::ARROW _ => TRUE;
_ => FALSE;
# Some hut::Uniqtype one-arm switches:
fun if_uniqtype_is_debruijn_typevar (tc, f, g) = case (hut::uniqtype_to_type tc) hut::type::DEBRUIJN_TYPEVAR x => f x; _ => g tc; esac;
fun if_uniqtype_is_named_typevar (tc, f, g) = case (hut::uniqtype_to_type tc) hut::type::NAMED_TYPEVAR x => f x; _ => g tc; esac;
fun if_uniqtype_is_basetype (tc, f, g) = case (hut::uniqtype_to_type tc) hut::type::BASETYPE x => f x; _ => g tc; esac;
fun if_uniqtype_is_typefun (tc, f, g) = case (hut::uniqtype_to_type tc) hut::type::TYPEFUN x => f x; _ => g tc; esac;
fun if_uniqtype_is_apply_typefun (tc, f, g) = case (hut::uniqtype_to_type tc) hut::type::APPLY_TYPEFUN x => f x; _ => g tc; esac;
fun if_uniqtype_is_typeseq (tc, f, g) = case (hut::uniqtype_to_type tc) hut::type::TYPESEQ x => f x; _ => g tc; esac;
fun if_uniqtype_is_ith_in_typeseq (tc, f, g) = case (hut::uniqtype_to_type tc) hut::type::ITH_IN_TYPESEQ x => f x; _ => g tc; esac;
fun if_uniqtype_is_sum (tc, f, g) = case (hut::uniqtype_to_type tc) hut::type::SUM x => f x; _ => g tc; esac;
fun if_uniqtype_is_recursive (tc, f, g) = case (hut::uniqtype_to_type tc) hut::type::RECURSIVE x => f x; _ => g tc; esac;
fun if_uniqtype_is_abstract (tc, f, g) = case (hut::uniqtype_to_type tc) hut::type::ABSTRACT x => f x; _ => g tc; esac;
fun if_uniqtype_is_boxed (tc, f, g) = case (hut::uniqtype_to_type tc) hut::type::BOXED x => f x; _ => g tc; esac;
fun if_uniqtype_is_tuple (tc, f, g) = case (hut::uniqtype_to_type tc) hut::type::TUPLE (_, x)=> f x; _ => g tc; esac;
fun if_uniqtype_is_arrow (tc, f, g) = case (hut::uniqtype_to_type tc) hut::type::ARROW x => f x; _ => g tc; esac;
fun if_uniqtype_is_extensible_token (tc, f, g)
case (hut::uniqtype_to_type tc)
hut::type::EXTENSIBLE_TOKEN (rk, x)
if (hut::same_token (rk, hut::wrap_token)) f x;
else g tc;
_ => g tc;
# highcode hut::Uniqtypoid is roughly equivalent to:
# Type
# = TYPE hut::Uniqtype
| PACKAGE List(hut::Uniqtypoid)
| GENERIC_PACKAGE (List(hut::Uniqtypoid), List(hut::Uniqtypoid))
| TYPEAGNOSTIC (List(hut::Uniqkind), List(hut::Uniqtypoid))
# We treat Uniqtypoid as an abstract type
# to isolate clients from the complexity of the
# hashconsing machinery; this has the downside
# of preventing them from using pattern matching.
# Clients do not need to worry about whether an
# hut::Uniqtypoid is in normal form or not.
# hut::Uniqtypoid constructors
my make_type_uniqtypoid: hut::Uniqtype -> hut::Uniqtypoid = hut::typoid_to_uniqtypoid o hut::typoid::TYPE;
my make_package_uniqtypoid: List(hut::Uniqtypoid) -> hut::Uniqtypoid = hut::typoid_to_uniqtypoid o hut::typoid::PACKAGE;
my make_generic_package_uniqtypoid: (List(hut::Uniqtypoid), List(hut::Uniqtypoid)) -> hut::Uniqtypoid = hut::typoid_to_uniqtypoid o hut::typoid::GENERIC_PACKAGE;
my make_typeagnostic_uniqtypoid: (List(hut::Uniqkind), List(hut::Uniqtypoid)) -> hut::Uniqtypoid = hut::typoid_to_uniqtypoid o hut::typoid::TYPEAGNOSTIC;
# hut::Uniqtypoid deconstructors
my unpack_type_uniqtypoid: hut::Uniqtypoid -> hut::Uniqtype
\\ lt = case (hut::uniqtypoid_to_typoid lt) hut::typoid::TYPE x => x;
hut::typoid::PACKAGE _ => bug "hut::typoid::PACKAGE unsupported in unpack_type_uniqtypoid";
hut::typoid::GENERIC_PACKAGE _ => bug "hut::typoid::GENERIC unsupported in unpack_type_uniqtypoid";
hut::typoid::TYPEAGNOSTIC _ => bug "hut::typoid::TYPEAGNOSTIC unsupported in unpack_type_uniqtypoid";
_ => bug "Unexpected hut::Uniqtypoid in unpack_type_uniqtypoid";
my unpack_package_uniqtypoid: hut::Uniqtypoid -> List( hut::Uniqtypoid )
\\ lt = case (hut::uniqtypoid_to_typoid lt)
hut::typoid::PACKAGE x => x;
_ => bug "unexpected hut::Uniqtypoid in unpack_package_uniqtypoid";
my unpack_generic_package_uniqtypoid: hut::Uniqtypoid -> (List( hut::Uniqtypoid ), List( hut::Uniqtypoid ))
\\ lt = case (hut::uniqtypoid_to_typoid lt)
hut::typoid::GENERIC_PACKAGE x => x;
_ => bug "unexpected hut::Uniqtypoid in unpack_generic_package_uniqtypoid";
my unpack_typeagnostic_uniqtypoid: hut::Uniqtypoid -> (List( hut::Uniqkind ), List( hut::Uniqtypoid ))
\\ lt = case (hut::uniqtypoid_to_typoid lt)
hut::typoid::TYPEAGNOSTIC x => x;
_ => bug "unexpected hut::Uniqtypoid in unpack_typeagnostic_uniqtypoid";
# hut::Uniqtypoid predicates
my uniqtypoid_is_type: hut::Uniqtypoid -> Bool
\\ lt = case (hut::uniqtypoid_to_typoid lt)
hut::typoid::TYPE _ => TRUE;
_ => FALSE;
my uniqtypoid_is_package: hut::Uniqtypoid -> Bool
\\ lt = case (hut::uniqtypoid_to_typoid lt)
hut::typoid::PACKAGE _ => TRUE;
_ => FALSE;
my uniqtypoid_is_generic_package: hut::Uniqtypoid -> Bool
\\ lt = case (hut::uniqtypoid_to_typoid lt)
hut::typoid::GENERIC_PACKAGE _ => TRUE;
_ => FALSE;
my uniqtypoid_is_typeagnostic: hut::Uniqtypoid -> Bool
\\ lt = case (hut::uniqtypoid_to_typoid lt)
hut::typoid::TYPEAGNOSTIC _ => TRUE;
_ => FALSE;
# hut::Uniqtypoid one-arm switches.
# These are if-then-else constructs which may be
# daisy-chained to implement a complete 'case' statement:
fun if_uniqtypoid_is_type (lt, f, g) = case (hut::uniqtypoid_to_typoid lt) hut::typoid::TYPE x => f x; _ => g lt; esac;
fun if_uniqtypoid_is_package (lt, f, g) = case (hut::uniqtypoid_to_typoid lt) hut::typoid::PACKAGE x => f x; _ => g lt; esac;
fun if_uniqtypoid_is_generic_package (lt, f, g) = case (hut::uniqtypoid_to_typoid lt) hut::typoid::GENERIC_PACKAGE x => f x; _ => g lt; esac;
fun if_uniqtypoid_is_typeagnostic (lt, f, g) = case (hut::uniqtypoid_to_typoid lt) hut::typoid::TYPEAGNOSTIC x => f x; _ => g lt; esac;
# Because highcode hut::Uniqtype is embedded inside
# highcode hut::Uniqtypoid, we supply the the following
# utility functions for building types that are based
# on simple typelocked types.
# hut::Uniqtype-hut::Uniqtypoid constructors
my make_debruijn_typevar_uniqtypoid: (di::Debruijn_Index, Int) -> hut::Uniqtypoid = make_type_uniqtypoid o make_debruijn_typevar_uniqtype;
my make_basetype_uniqtypoid: hbt::Basetype -> hut::Uniqtypoid = make_type_uniqtypoid o make_basetype_uniqtype;
my make_tuple_uniqtypoid: List(hut::Uniqtypoid) -> hut::Uniqtypoid = make_type_uniqtypoid o (make_tuple_uniqtype o (map unpack_type_uniqtypoid));
my make_arrow_uniqtypoid: (hut::Calling_Convention, List( hut::Uniqtypoid ), List( hut::Uniqtypoid )) -> hut::Uniqtypoid
\\ (r, t1, t2)
{ ts1 = map unpack_type_uniqtypoid t1;
ts2 = map unpack_type_uniqtypoid t2;
make_type_uniqtypoid (make_arrow_uniqtype (r, ts1, ts2));
# Some hut::Uniqtype-hut::Uniqtypoid deconstructors
my unpack_debruijn_typevar_uniqtypoid: hut::Uniqtypoid -> (di::Debruijn_Index, Int) = unpack_debruijn_typevar_uniqtype o unpack_type_uniqtypoid;
my unpack_basetype_uniqtypoid: hut::Uniqtypoid -> hbt::Basetype = unpack_basetype_uniqtype o unpack_type_uniqtypoid;
my unpack_tuple_uniqtypoid: hut::Uniqtypoid -> List( hut::Uniqtypoid ) = (map make_type_uniqtypoid) o (unpack_tuple_uniqtype o unpack_type_uniqtypoid);
my unpack_arrow_uniqtypoid: hut::Uniqtypoid -> (hut::Calling_Convention, List(hut::Uniqtypoid), List(hut::Uniqtypoid))
\\ t = { my (r, ts1, ts2) = unpack_arrow_uniqtype (unpack_type_uniqtypoid t);
(r, map make_type_uniqtypoid ts1, map make_type_uniqtypoid ts2);
# Some hut::Uniqtype-hut::Uniqtypoid predicates
my uniqtypoid_is_debruijn_typevar: hut::Uniqtypoid -> Bool
\\ t = case (hut::uniqtypoid_to_typoid t) hut::typoid::TYPE x => uniqtype_is_debruijn_typevar x;
_ => FALSE;
my uniqtypoid_is_basetype: hut::Uniqtypoid -> Bool
\\ t = case (hut::uniqtypoid_to_typoid t) hut::typoid::TYPE x => uniqtype_is_basetype x;
_ => FALSE;
my uniqtypoid_is_tuple_type: hut::Uniqtypoid -> Bool
\\ t = case (hut::uniqtypoid_to_typoid t) hut::typoid::TYPE x => uniqtype_is_tuple x;
_ => FALSE;
my uniqtypoid_is_arrow_type: hut::Uniqtypoid -> Bool
\\ t = case (hut::uniqtypoid_to_typoid t) hut::typoid::TYPE x => uniqtype_is_arrow x;
_ => FALSE;
# Some hut::Uniqtype-hut::Uniqtypoid one-arm switches:
fun if_uniqtypoid_is_debruijn_typevar (lt, f, g)
case (hut::uniqtypoid_to_typoid lt)
hut::typoid::TYPE tc
case (hut::uniqtype_to_type tc) hut::type::DEBRUIJN_TYPEVAR x => f x;
_ => g lt;
_ => g lt;
fun if_uniqtypoid_is_basetype (lt, f, g)
case (hut::uniqtypoid_to_typoid lt)
hut::typoid::TYPE tc
case (hut::uniqtype_to_type tc) hut::type::BASETYPE x => f x;
_ => g lt;
_ => g lt;
fun if_uniqtypoid_is_tuple_type (lt, f, g)
case (hut::uniqtypoid_to_typoid lt)
hut::typoid::TYPE tc
case (hut::uniqtype_to_type tc) hut::type::TUPLE (_, x) => f x;
_ => g lt;
_ => g lt;
fun if_uniqtypoid_is_arrow_type (lt, f, g)
case (hut::uniqtypoid_to_typoid lt)
hut::typoid::TYPE tc
case (hut::uniqtype_to_type tc)
hut::type::ARROW x => f x;
_ => g lt;
_ => g lt;
# The following functions are written for nextcode only.
# If you are writing writing code for highcode,
# you should not use any of these functions.
# The fate referred here is the internal
# fate introduced via nextcode conversion;
# it is different from the source-level fate
# (Fate(X)) or control fate (Control_Fate(X))
# where are represented hbt::primTypeCon_fate and
# hbt::primTypeCon_control_fate respectively.
# Our fate-hut::Uniqtype-hut::Uniqtypoid constructors
my make_uniqtype_fate: List( hut::Uniqtype ) -> hut::Uniqtype = hut::type_to_uniqtype o hut::type::FATE;
my make_uniqtypoid_fate: List( hut::Uniqtypoid) -> hut::Uniqtypoid = hut::typoid_to_uniqtypoid o hut::typoid::FATE;
# Our fate-hut::Uniqtype-hut::Uniqtypoid deconstructors.
# These are inverse to the above two:
my unpack_uniqtype_fate: hut::Uniqtype -> List( hut::Uniqtype )
\\ tc = case (hut::uniqtype_to_type tc) hut::type::FATE x => x;
_ => bug "unexpected hut::Uniqtype in unpack_uniqtype_fate";
my unpack_uniqtypoid_fate: hut::Uniqtypoid -> List( hut::Uniqtypoid )
\\ lt = case (hut::uniqtypoid_to_typoid lt) hut::typoid::FATE x => x;
_ => bug "unexpected hut::Uniqtypoid in unpack_uniqtypoid_fate";
# Our fate-hut::Uniqtype-hut::Uniqtypoid predicates
my uniqtype_is_fate: hut::Uniqtype -> Bool
\\ tc = case (hut::uniqtype_to_type tc) hut::type::FATE _ => TRUE;
_ => FALSE;
my uniqtypoid_is_fate: hut::Uniqtypoid -> Bool
\\ lt = case (hut::uniqtypoid_to_typoid lt) hut::typoid::FATE _ => TRUE;
_ => FALSE;
# Our fate-hut::Uniqtype-hut::Uniqtypoid one-arm switches
fun if_uniqtype_is_fate (tc, f, g)
case (hut::uniqtype_to_type tc) hut::type::FATE x => f x;
_ => g tc;
fun if_uniqtypoid_is_fate (lt, f, g)
case (hut::uniqtypoid_to_typoid lt) hut::typoid::FATE x => f x;
_ => g lt;
# The following functions are written for lambdacode_type only. If you
# are writing code for highcode only, don't use any of these functions.
# The idea is that in lambdacode, all (value or type) functions have single
# argument and single return-result. Ideally, we should define
# another sets of sumtypes for types and ltys. But we want to avoid
# the translation from lambdacode_type to highcode types, so we let them
# share the same representations as much as possible.
# Ultimately, highcode_type should be separated into two files: one for
# highcode, another for lambdacode, but we will see if this is necessary.
# The implementation here is TEMPORARY; Stefan needs to take a look at XXX BUGGO FIXME
# this. Note parrow could share the representation with arrow if there
# is one-to-one mapping between parrow and arrow.
# plambda hut::Uniqtype-hut::Uniqtypoid constructors
my make_lambdacode_arrow_uniqtype: (hut::Uniqtype, hut::Uniqtype) -> hut::Uniqtype
\\ (x, y) = make_arrow_uniqtype (make_variable_calling_convention { arg_is_raw => FALSE, body_is_raw => FALSE }, [x], [y]);
my make_lambdacode_arrow_uniqtypoid: (hut::Uniqtypoid, hut::Uniqtypoid) -> hut::Uniqtypoid
\\ (x, y) = make_type_uniqtypoid (make_lambdacode_arrow_uniqtype (unpack_type_uniqtypoid x, unpack_type_uniqtypoid y));
my make_lambdacode_typeagnostic_uniqtypoid: (List( hut::Uniqkind ), hut::Uniqtypoid) -> hut::Uniqtypoid
\\ (ks, t) = make_typeagnostic_uniqtypoid (ks, [t]);
my make_lambdacode_generic_package_uniqtypoid: (hut::Uniqtypoid, hut::Uniqtypoid) -> hut::Uniqtypoid
\\ (x, y) = make_generic_package_uniqtypoid ([x], [y]);
# Our* plambda hut::Uniqtype-hut::Uniqtypoid deconstructors:
my unpack_lambdacode_arrow_uniqtype: hut::Uniqtype -> (hut::Uniqtype, hut::Uniqtype)
\\ tc = {
if *log::debugging printf "unpack_lambdacode_arrow_uniqtype/AAA -- highcode-type.pkg\n"; fi;
case (hut::uniqtype_to_type tc)
hut::type::ARROW (_, xs, ys) => {
if *log::debugging printf "unpack_lambdacode_arrow_uniqtype/BBB -- highcode-type.pkg\n"; fi;
( hut::uniqtype_list_to_uniqtype_tuple xs,
hut::uniqtype_list_to_uniqtype_tuple ys
_ => bug "unexpected hut::Uniqtype in unpack_lambdacode_arrow_uniqtype";
my unpack_lambdacode_arrow_uniqtypoid: hut::Uniqtypoid -> (hut::Uniqtypoid, hut::Uniqtypoid)
\\ t = {
if *log::debugging printf "unpack_lambdacode_arrow_uniqtypoid/AAA -- highcode-type.pkg\n"; fi;
my (t1, t2)
unpack_lambdacode_arrow_uniqtype (unpack_type_uniqtypoid t);
if *log::debugging printf "unpack_lambdacode_arrow_uniqtypoid/ZZZ -- highcode-type.pkg\n"; fi;
( make_type_uniqtypoid t1,
make_type_uniqtypoid t2
my unpack_lambdacode_typeagnostic_uniqtypoid: hut::Uniqtypoid -> (List( hut::Uniqkind ), hut::Uniqtypoid)
\\ t = { my (ks, ts)
unpack_typeagnostic_uniqtypoid t;
case ts [x] => (ks, x);
_ => bug "unexpected case in unpack_lambdacode_typeagnostic_uniqtypoid";
my unpack_lambdacode_generic_package_uniqtypoid: hut::Uniqtypoid -> (hut::Uniqtypoid, hut::Uniqtypoid)
\\ t = { my (ts1, ts2)
unpack_generic_package_uniqtypoid t;
case (ts1, ts2) ([x], [y]) => (x, y);
_ => bug "unexpected case in unpack_lambdacode_generic_package_uniqtypoid";
# Our plambda hut::Uniqtype-hut::Uniqtypoid predicates
my uniqtype_is_lambdacode_arrow: hut::Uniqtype -> Bool
\\ tc = case (hut::uniqtype_to_type tc) hut::type::ARROW (_, [x], [y]) => TRUE;
_ => FALSE;
my uniqtypoid_is_lambdacode_arrow: hut::Uniqtypoid -> Bool
\\ t = case (hut::uniqtypoid_to_typoid t) hut::typoid::TYPE x => uniqtype_is_lambdacode_arrow x;
_ => FALSE;
my uniqtypoid_is_lambdacode_typeagnostic: hut::Uniqtypoid -> Bool
\\ t = case (hut::uniqtypoid_to_typoid t) hut::typoid::TYPEAGNOSTIC (_, [x]) => TRUE;
_ => FALSE;
my uniqtypoid_is_lambdacode_generic_package: hut::Uniqtypoid -> Bool
\\ t = case (hut::uniqtypoid_to_typoid t) hut::typoid::GENERIC_PACKAGE ([x], [y]) => TRUE;
_ => FALSE;
# Our plambda hut::Uniqtype-hut::Uniqtypoid one-arm switches
fun if_uniqtype_is_lambdacode_arrow (tc, f, g)
case (hut::uniqtype_to_type tc) hut::type::ARROW (_,[x],[y]) => f (x, y);
_ => g tc;
fun if_uniqtypoid_is_lambdacode_arrow (lt, f, g)
case (hut::uniqtypoid_to_typoid lt)
hut::typoid::TYPE tc
case (hut::uniqtype_to_type tc) hut::type::ARROW (_,[x],[y]) => f (x, y);
_ => g lt;
_ => g lt;
fun if_uniqtypoid_is_lambdacode_typeagnostic (lt, f, g)
case (hut::uniqtypoid_to_typoid lt) hut::typoid::TYPEAGNOSTIC (ks,[x]) => f (ks, x);
_ => g lt;
fun if_uniqtypoid_is_lambdacode_generic_package (lt, f, g)
case (hut::uniqtypoid_to_typoid lt)
hut::typoid::GENERIC_PACKAGE ([x],[y]) => f (x, y);
_ => g lt;
}; # package highcode_type
end; # top-level stipulate