## print-junk.api
# Compiled by:
src/lib/compiler/front/basics/basics.sublib### "It is a capital mistake
### to theorize in advance
### of the facts."
### -- "Sherlock Holmes"
# This api is implemented in:
api Print_Junk {
package symbol: Symbol; # Symbol is from
src/lib/compiler/front/basics/map/symbol.api newline: Void -> Void;
tab: Int -> Void;
print_sequence: String
-> (X -> Void)
-> List(X)
-> Void;
print_closed_sequence: ((String, String, String))
-> (X -> Void)
-> List(X)
-> Void;
print_symbol: symbol::Symbol -> Void;
newline_then_indent: Int -> Void;
printvseq: Int -> String -> (X -> Void) -> List(X) -> Void;
print_int_path: List( Int ) -> Void;
print_symbol_path: List( symbol::Symbol ) -> Void;
format_qid: List( symbol::Symbol ) -> String;
heap_string: String -> String;
print_heap_string: String -> String;
print_heap_string': String -> String;
print_integer: multiword_int::Int -> String;
## Copyright 1996 by AT&T Bell Laboratories
## Subsequent changes by Jeff Prothero Copyright (c) 2010-2015,
## released per terms of SMLNJ-COPYRIGHT.