## pickler-junk.api
# The revised pickler using the new "generic" pickling facility.
# March 2000, Matthias Blume
# Compiled by:
package acf = anormcode_form; # anormcode_form is from
src/lib/compiler/back/top/anormcode/anormcode-form.pkg package tmp = highcode_codetemp; # highcode_codetemp is from
src/lib/compiler/back/top/highcode/highcode-codetemp.pkg package ix = inlining_mapstack; # inlining_mapstack is from
src/lib/compiler/toplevel/compiler-state/inlining-mapstack.pkg package ph = picklehash; # picklehash is from
src/lib/compiler/front/basics/map/picklehash.pkg package pkr = pickler; # pickler is from
src/lib/compiler/src/library/pickler.pkg package sta = stamp; # stamp is from
src/lib/compiler/front/typer-stuff/basics/stamp.pkg package stx = stampmapstack; # stampmapstack is from
src/lib/compiler/front/typer-stuff/modules/stampmapstack.pkg package syx = symbolmapstack; # symbolmapstack is from
src/lib/compiler/front/typer-stuff/symbolmapstack/symbolmapstack.pkg package sy = symbol; # symbol is from
src/lib/compiler/front/basics/map/symbol.pkg package vh = varhome; # varhome is from
# This api is implemented in:
src/lib/compiler/front/semantic/pickle/pickler-junk.pkg #
api Pickler_Junk {
# There are three situations in which we run the pickler.
# Each form of Pickling_Context (see below) corresponds to one of them:
# 1. The initial pickle. This is done right after a new symbol
# table has been constructed by the typer. The pickle_context
# is used to identify those identifiers (stampmapstack.<xxx>Id) that
# correspond to stubs. Only the domain of the given map is relevant
# here, but since we (usually) need the full map right afterwards
# for unpickling, there is no gain in using a set.
# 2. Pickling a previously pickled-and-unpickled dictionary from
# which some parts may have been pruned. This is used to calculate
# a new hash value that is equal to the hash obtained from an initial
# pickle (1.) of the dictionary if it had been pruned earlier.
# (This is used by makelib's cutoff recompilation system.
# Pickles obtained here are never unpickled.)
# No actual context is necessary because stubification info is
# fully embedded in the dictionary to be pickled. However, we
# must provide the original picklehash obtained from the first
# pickling because occurrences of that picklehash have to be
# treated the same way their "not-yet-occurrences" had been
# treated in step 1.
# 3. A set of dictionaries that have already gone through an initial
# pickling-and-unpickling is pickled as part of a freezefile.
# The context is a sequence of maps together with information
# on how to get hold of the same map later during unpickling.
# (The full context of a freezefile is a set of other frozen
# libraries, but during unpickling we want to avoid unpickling
# all of these other libraries in full.)
= INITIAL_PICKLING stx::Stampmapstack
| REPICKLING ph::Picklehash
| FREEZEFILE_PICKLING List( (Null_Or( (Int, sy::Symbol) ), stx::Stampmapstack))
empty_map: Map;
make_symbolmapstack_funtree: (tmp::Codetemp -> Void)
-> Pickling_Context
-> pkr::To_Funtree( Map, syx::Symbolmapstack );
make_inlining_mapstack_funtree: pkr::To_Funtree( Map, ix::Picklehash_To_Anormcode_Mapstack );
pickle_symbolmapstack: Pickling_Context
-> syx::Symbolmapstack
-> { picklehash: ph::Picklehash,
pickle: vector_of_one_byte_unts::Vector,
exported_highcode_variables: List( tmp::Codetemp )
pickle_highcode_program: Null_Or( acf::Function )
{ picklehash: ph::Picklehash,
pickle: vector_of_one_byte_unts::Vector
hash_pickle: vector_of_one_byte_unts::Vector -> ph::Picklehash;
dont_pickle: { symbolmapstack: syx::Symbolmapstack,
count: Int
{ new_symbolmapstack: syx::Symbolmapstack,
picklehash: ph::Picklehash,
exported_highcode_variables: List( tmp::Codetemp )