## cproto.pkg
## author: Matthias Blume
# Compiled by:
src/lib/compiler/core.sublib# An ad-hoc encoding of ctypes::c_prototype (from lowhalf) into Mythryl types.
# (This encoding has _nothing_ to do with actual representation types,
# it is used just for communicating the function call protocol to
# the backend. All actual Mythryl arguments are passed as one_word_int::Int,
# one_word_unt::Unt, or Float.)
### "I think conventional languages are for the birds.
### They're just extensions of the von Neumann computer,
### and they keep our noses in the dirt of dealing with
### individual words and computing addresses, and doing
### all kinds of silly things like that, things that we've
### picked up from programming for computers.
### We've built them into programming languages;
### we've built them into Fortran;
### we've built them in PL/1;
### we've built them into almost every language."
### -- John Backus
# The following mapping applies:
# Given C-type t, we write [t] to denote its encoding in Mythryl types.
# [double] = real
# [float] = real List
# [long double] = real List List
# [char] = char
# [unsigned char] = one_byte_unt::word
# [int] = tagged_int::int
# [unsigned int] = tagged_unt::word
# [long] = one_word_int::Int
# [unsigned long] = one_word_unt::word
# [short] = char List
# [unsigned short] = one_byte_unt::word List
# [long long] = one_word_int::Int List
# [unsigned long long] = one_word_unt::word List
# [T*] = String
# ml chunk = Bool
# [struct {} ] = exn
# [struct { t1, ..., tn } ] = Void * [t1] * ... * [tn]
# [union { t1, ..., tn } ] = Int * [t1] * ... * [tn]
# [void] = Void
# Currently we don't encode arrays. (C arrays are mostly like pointers
# except within structures. For the latter case, we can simulate the
# desired effect by making n fields of the same type.)
# The prototype of a function taking arguments of types a1, ..., an (n > 0)
# and producing a result of type r is encoded as:
# ([callingConvention] * [a1] * ... * [an] -> [r]) List
# We use
# ([callingConvention] * [a1] * ... * [an] -> [r]) List List
# to specify a reentrant call.
# For n = 0 (C argument List is "(void)"), we use:
# ([callingConvention] -> [r]) List or ([callingConvention] -> [r]) List List
# The use of list constructor (s) here is a trick to avoid having to construct
# an actual function value of the required type when invoking the RAW_CCALL
# baseop. Instead, we just pass NIL. The code generator will throw away
# this value anyway.
# The [callingConvention] type for non-empty records and non-empty argument lists
# has the additional effect of avoiding the degenerate case of
# 1-element (Mythryl) records.
# [callingConvention] encodes the calling convention to be used:
# [default] = Void
# [unix_convention] = word -- for intel32/linux
# [windows_convention] = Int -- for intel32/win32
package cty = ctypes; # ctypes is from
src/lib/compiler/back/low/ccalls/ctypes.pkg package hbo = highcode_baseops; # highcode_baseops is from
src/lib/compiler/back/top/highcode/highcode-baseops.pkg package tyj = type_junk; # type_junk is from
src/lib/compiler/front/typer-stuff/types/type-junk.pkg package mtt = more_type_types; # more_type_types is from
src/lib/compiler/front/typer/types/more-type-types.pkg package tdt = type_declaration_types; # type_declaration_types is from
package cprototype: (weak) api {
exception BAD_ENCODING;
# Decode the encoding described above.
# Construct an indicator list for the _actual_ Mythryl arguments of
# a raw C call and the result type of a raw C call.
# Each indicator specifies whether the arguments/result is
# passed as a 32-bit integer, a 64-bit integer (currently unused),
# a 64-bit floating point value, or an unsafe::unsafe_chunk::chunk.
decode: String ->
{ function_type: tdt::Typoid,
encoding: tdt::Typoid
-> { c_prototype: cty::Cfun_Type,
ml_argument_representations: List( hbo::Ccall_Type ),
ml_result_representation: Null_Or( hbo::Ccall_Type ),
is_reentrant: Bool
# Formatting of C type info (for debugging purposes)
c_type_to_string: cty::Ctype -> String;
c_prototype_to_string: cty::Cfun_Type -> String;
exception BAD_ENCODING;
fun get_domain_range t
(mtt::is_arrow_type t ?? get t
fun get (tdt::TYPEVAR_REF { id, ref_typevar => REF (tdt::RESOLVED_TYPEVAR t) } )
get t;
get (tdt::TYPCON_TYPOID (_, [t, r]))
THE (t, r);
get _ => NULL;
fun bad ()
raise exception BAD_ENCODING;
fun list_type t
tdt::TYPCON_TYPOID (mtt::list_type, [t]);
fun decode defaultconv { encoding => t, function_type }
{ # The type-mapping table:
m = [ (mtt::int_typoid, cty::SIGNED cty::INT, hbo::CCI32),
(mtt::unt_typoid, cty::UNSIGNED cty::INT, hbo::CCI32),
(mtt::string_typoid, cty::PTR, hbo::CCI32),
(mtt::bool_typoid, cty::PTR, hbo::CCML),
(mtt::float64_typoid, cty::DOUBLE, hbo::CCR64),
(list_type mtt::float64_typoid, cty::FLOAT, hbo::CCR64),
(mtt::char_typoid, cty::SIGNED cty::CHAR, hbo::CCI32),
(mtt::unt8_typoid, cty::UNSIGNED cty::CHAR, hbo::CCI32),
(mtt::int1_typoid, cty::SIGNED cty::LONG, hbo::CCI32),
(mtt::unt1_typoid, cty::UNSIGNED cty::LONG, hbo::CCI32),
(list_type mtt::char_typoid, cty::SIGNED cty::SHORT, hbo::CCI32),
(list_type mtt::unt8_typoid, cty::UNSIGNED cty::SHORT, hbo::CCI32),
(list_type mtt::int1_typoid, cty::SIGNED cty::LONG_LONG, hbo::CCI64),
(list_type mtt::unt1_typoid, cty::UNSIGNED cty::LONG_LONG, hbo::CCI64),
(list_type (list_type mtt::float64_typoid), cty::LONG_DOUBLE, hbo::CCR64),
(mtt::exception_typoid, cty::STRUCT [], hbo::CCI32)];
fun get t
(\\ (_, x, y) = (x, y))
(\\ (u, _, _) = tyj::typoids_are_equal (t, u))
fun unlist (tdt::TYPEVAR_REF { id, ref_typevar => REF (tdt::RESOLVED_TYPEVAR t) }, i)
unlist (t, i);
unlist (t0 as tdt::TYPCON_TYPOID (tc, [t]), i)
if (tyj::type_equality (tc, mtt::list_type))
unlist (t, i + 1);
(t0, i);
unlist (t, i)
(t, i);
# Given [T] (see above), produce the cty::c_type value
# and hbo::ccall_type corresponding to T:
fun dt t
case (get t)
THE tt => tt;
case (mtt::get_fields t)
THE (f1 ! fl)
if (tyj::typoids_are_equal (f1, mtt::void_typoid))
(cty::STRUCT (map (#1 o dt) fl), hbo::CCI32);
else (cty::UNION (map (#1 o dt) fl), hbo::CCI32);
_ => bad ();
fun rdt (t, lib7_args)
if (tyj::typoids_are_equal (t, mtt::void_typoid))
(cty::VOID, NULL, lib7_args);
my (ct, mt)
dt t;
case ct
(cty::STRUCT _
| cty::UNION _)
(ct, THE mt, mt ! lib7_args);
_ =>
( ct,
THE mt,
my (fty, nlists)
unlist (t, 0);
nlists > 1;
fun get_calling_convention t
if (tyj::typoids_are_equal (t, mtt::void_typoid)) THE defaultconv;
elif (tyj::typoids_are_equal (t, mtt::unt_typoid )) THE "unix_convention";
elif (tyj::typoids_are_equal (t, mtt::int_typoid )) THE "windows_convention";
else NULL;
# Get argument types and result type; decode them.
# Construct the corresponding cty::c_prototype value.
case (get_domain_range fty)
NULL => bad ();
THE (d, r)
{ my (calling_convention, arg_tys, args_ml)
case (get_calling_convention d)
THE calling_convention
(calling_convention, [], []);
NULL => case (mtt::get_fields d)
THE (convty ! fl)
case (get_calling_convention convty)
THE calling_convention
{ my (arg_tys, args_ml)
paired_lists::unzip (map dt fl);
(calling_convention, arg_tys, args_ml);
NULL => bad ();
_ => bad ();
(rdt (r, args_ml))
(return_type, ret_ml, args_ml);
{ ml_argument_representations => args_ml,
ml_result_representation => ret_ml,
is_reentrant => reentrant,
{ calling_convention,
parameter_types => arg_tys
# include package ctypes;
fun c_int cty::CHAR => "char";
c_int cty::SHORT => "short";
c_int cty::INT => "int";
c_int cty::LONG => "long";
c_int cty::LONG_LONG => "long long";
fun c_type cty::VOID => "void";
c_type cty::FLOAT => "float";
c_type cty::DOUBLE => "double";
c_type cty::LONG_DOUBLE => "long double";
c_type (cty::UNSIGNED i) => "unsigned " + c_int i;
c_type (cty::SIGNED i) => c_int i;
c_type cty::PTR => "T*";
c_type (cty::ARRAY (t, i)) => cat [c_type t, "[", int::to_string i, "]"];
c_type (cty::STRUCT fl) => cat ("s { " ! fold_backward (\\ (f, l) = c_type f ! ";" ! l) [" }"] fl);
c_type (cty::UNION fl) => cat ("u { " ! fold_backward (\\ (f, l) = c_type f ! ";" ! l) [" }"] fl);
fun c_proto { calling_convention, return_type, parameter_types => a1 ! an }
cat (c_type return_type ! "(*)(" ! c_type a1 !
fold_backward (\\ (a, l) = ", " ! c_type a ! l) [")"] an);
c_proto { calling_convention, return_type, parameter_types => [] }
c_type return_type + "(*)(void)";
c_type_to_string = c_type;
c_prototype_to_string = c_proto;