## symbol-hashtable-stack.api
# Compiled by:
src/lib/compiler/front/typer-stuff/typecheckdata.sublib# Implementation for the eight individual subtables
# of the symbol table (one per namespace).
# The core implementation* datastructure is a conventional
# rw_vector-of-bucketchains hashtable.
# These hashtables then get layered, one per lexical scope.
# For more on the symbol table generally,
# see the OVERVIEW section in:
package sy = symbol; # symbol is from
api Symbol_Hashtable_Stack {
exception UNBOUND;
empty: Symbol_Hashtable_Stack(Y);
get: (Symbol_Hashtable_Stack(Y), sy::Symbol) -> Y;
bind: (sy::Symbol, Y, Symbol_Hashtable_Stack(Y)) -> Symbol_Hashtable_Stack(Y);
special: ((sy::Symbol -> Y), (Void -> List(sy::Symbol))) -> Symbol_Hashtable_Stack(Y);
atop: (Symbol_Hashtable_Stack(Y), Symbol_Hashtable_Stack(Y)) -> Symbol_Hashtable_Stack(Y); # Atop (t1, t2): place t1 on top of t2
consolidate: Symbol_Hashtable_Stack(Y) -> Symbol_Hashtable_Stack(Y);
consolidate_lazy: Symbol_Hashtable_Stack(Y) -> Symbol_Hashtable_Stack(Y);
apply: ((sy::Symbol, Y) -> Void) -> Symbol_Hashtable_Stack(Y) -> Void;
map: (Y -> Y) -> Symbol_Hashtable_Stack(Y) -> Symbol_Hashtable_Stack(Y);
fold: ((((sy::Symbol, Y)), X) -> X) -> X -> Symbol_Hashtable_Stack(Y) -> X;
symbols: Symbol_Hashtable_Stack(Y) -> List( sy::Symbol ); # May contain duplicate symbols
}; # api Symbol_Hashtable_Stack
## Copyright 1996 by AT&T Bell Laboratories
## Subsequent changes by Jeff Prothero Copyright (c) 2010-2015,
## released per terms of SMLNJ-COPYRIGHT.