# crc.pkg
# Compiled by:
src/lib/compiler/src/library/pickle.libapi Crc {
zero: Crc;
append: (Crc, Char) -> Crc;
bytes_per_crc: Int; # Size, in bytes, of CRC strings
from_string: String -> Crc; # Computes the CRC of a string
to_string: Crc -> String; # Axiom: from_string (to_string (x)) = x
compare: (Crc, Crc) -> Order;
combine: List( Crc ) ->Crc;
hash_to_int: Crc -> Int;
* : (Crc, Crc) -> Crc;
+ : (Crc, Crc) -> Crc; # 0 <= hashToInt bytes_per_crc c < bytes_per_crc
suffix: { start: Crc, finish: Crc, length: Int } -> Crc;
# Suffix allows you to compute CRC of the string B
# when you already know the CRC's of A and AB
# For any strings a, b, test (a, b) = TRUE
# fun test (a, b) =
# let fun crcstring (start, a) =
# fold_backward (\\ (x, y)=>crc::append (y, x)) start (explode a)
# x = crcstring (crc::zero, a)
# y = crcstring (x, b)
# z = crcstring (crc::zero, b)
# z' = crc::suffix { start=x, finish=y, length=size b }
# in crc::to_string z = crc::to_string z'
# end
# For a hash-consing application, I want to know the CRC of a string b
# knowing only:
# X = CRC of a
# Y = CRC of a^b
# bytes_per_crc = size of b (in bytes)
# The CRC of a string s is really a polynomial in the field ZF (2):
# ( Sum_i (s[i] * x^i) ) mod P
# where s[i] is the i'th bit of the string and P is a primitive polynomial;
# then we can compute Z = CRC of b as follows:
# Z = (X * x^(8bytes_per_crc) + Y) mod P
# where addition (+) is in the field of polynomials over ZF (2).
# Let's define this operation as suffix { start=X, finish=Y, length=bytes_per_crc }
# and we can do it in constant time (though the constant depends on the
# size of the polynomial P).
package vec = vector; # vector is from
package crc
: Crc # Crc is from
src/lib/compiler/src/library/crc.pkg {
wtoi = unt::to_int_x;
itow = unt::from_int;
# 128-bit CRC.
# The call `append crc c' corresponds to eight steps of a shift register
# circuit, shifting in one bit of character c from the left in each step.
# See Figure 2.16 in Bertsekas and Gallager: Data Networks (1987),
# or Figure 3-32 in Siewiorek and Swarz: The Theory and Practice
# of Reliable System Design (Digital Press, 1982).
Crc = { high: List( Int ), low: List( Int ), lowest: Int };
# Invariant: size (high @ reverse low @ [lowest]) = 16
# The prime generator polynomial is 1 + x + x^2 + x^7 + x^128.
# Reversing the low coefficient bits we have 1110.0001 = 225
poly = 0u225;
table = vec::from_fn (256, init)
fun init n
f (itow n, poly, 0u0)
fun f (0u0, _, r) => wtoi r;
f (i, p, r) => if (unt::bitwise_and (i, 0u1) != 0u0) f (unt::(>>) (i, 0u1), p+p, unt::bitwise_xor (p, r));
else f (unt::(>>) (i, 0u1), p+p, r);
vec::Vector( Int );
bytes_per_crc = 16;
zero = { high => [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], low => [0], lowest=>0 };
fun to_string { high, low, lowest }
implode (map char::from_int (high @ reverse low @ [lowest]));
fun append'( { high=>0 ! high', low, lowest }, c)
{ high=>high', low=>lowest ! low, lowest=>c };
append'( { high=>h ! high', low, lowest }, c)
{ hilo = vec::get (table, h);
hi = unt::(>>) (itow hilo, 0u8);
lo = unt::bitwise_and (itow hilo, 0u255);
{ high=>high', low=> wtoi (unt::bitwise_xor (itow lowest, hi)) ! low,
lowest=>wtoi (unt::bitwise_xor (itow c, lo)) };
append'( { high=>NIL, low, lowest }, c)
append'( { high=>reverse low, low=>NIL, lowest }, c);
fun append (crc, c)
append'(crc, char::to_int c);
z14 = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
fun from_string s
{ fun get i
string::get_byte (s, i);
fun loop (high, i)
if (i == 0)
i' = i - 1;
loop((get i') ! high, i');
len = size s;
if (len >= 16)
crc0 = { high=>loop (NIL, 14), low => [get 14], lowest=>get 15 };
fun aloop (crc, i)
if (i == len)
else aloop (append'(crc, get i), i+1);fi;
aloop (crc0, 16);
else if (len > 2)
fun zloop (high, 0) => high;
zloop (high, n) => zloop (0 ! high, n - 1);
{ high=>zloop (loop (NIL, len - 2), 16-len), low => [get (len - 2)],
lowest=>get (len - 1)
else if (len==2)
{ high=>z14, low => [get (0)], lowest=>get (1) };
else if (len==1)
my { high, low, ... } = zero;
{ high, low, lowest=>get 0 };
else zero; fi;
one = append'(zero, 1);
fun map2w f
(\\ (a, b) = wtoi (f (itow a, itow b)));
fun xor ( { high=>h1, low=>l1, lowest=>x1 },
{ high=>h2, low=>l2, lowest=>x2 }
{ high => map2w unt::bitwise_xor (h1 @ reverse l1, h2 @ reverse l2),
low => NIL,
lowest => wtoi (unt::bitwise_xor (itow x1, itow x2))
/* buggy
fun prod1 (x, y) =
let fun f (0, x, y, u) = u
| f (n, x, y, u) = let odd = Bits::bitwise_and (y, 1)
in f (n - 1, Bits::lshift (x, 1), Bits::rshift (y, 1),
Bits::bitwise_xor (u, Bits::bitwise_and(-odd, y)))
in f (8, x, y, 0)
fun prod1 (x, 0)
prod1 (x, y)
{ u = prod1 (x, wtoi (unt::(>>) (itow y, 0u1)));
odd = wtoi (unt::bitwise_and (itow y, 0u1));
wtoi (unt::bitwise_xor (unt::(<<) (itow u, 0u1),
unt::bitwise_and (itow x, itow (-odd))));
fun product (crc1, crc2)
{ fun expand crc
# List of bytes from low to high, dropping high zeros
{ fun f ( { high=>0 ! h', low, lowest }, NIL)
f( { high=>h', low, lowest }, NIL);
f( { high=>h ! h', low, lowest }, r)
f( { high=>h', low, lowest }, h ! r);
f( { high=>NIL, low=>NIL, lowest=>0 }, NIL)
f( { high=>NIL, low=>NIL, lowest }, r)
lowest ! r;
f( { high=>NIL, low, lowest }, r)
f( { high=>reverse low, low=>NIL, lowest }, r);
f (crc, NIL);
fun prod_n (x, carry, lowest ! rest)
{ hilo= prod1 (x, lowest);
lo = unt::bitwise_and (itow hilo, 0u255);
hi = unt::(>>) (itow hilo, 0u8);
append'(prod_n (x, wtoi hi, rest),
wtoi (unt::bitwise_xor (lo, itow carry)));
prod_n (x, carry, NIL)
append'(zero, carry);
fun prod_nn (x ! xx, yy)
xor (prod_n (x, 0, yy), append'(prod_nn (xx, yy), 0));
prod_nn (NIL, yy)
prod_nn (expand crc1, expand crc2);
max = 64; # Such that the "length" argument to "suffix"
# is never larger than 2^max
expsqr = {
fun loop (i, v ! vl) =>
if (i<max )
/* precondition: v = append (one, zerostring (2^(i - 1)))
* where zerostring (n) is a string of n null bytes
* postcondition: loop (i+1, append (one, zerostring (2^i)) ! v ! vl)
loop (i+1, product (v, v) ! v ! vl);
else vec::from_list (reverse (v ! vl));fi;
loop _ => raise exception DIE "crc: internal error (expsqr)"; end;
loop (1, [append'(one, 0)]);
fun odd (n)
unt::bitwise_and (itow n, 0u1) != 0u0;
fun shift (crc, n)
product (crc, scan (0, one))
fun scan (i, accum)
{ j = wtoi (unt::(<<) (0u1, itow i));
if (j > n)
elif (unt::bitwise_and (itow j, itow n) != 0u0)
scan (i+1, product (accum, vec::get (expsqr, i)));
scan (i+1, accum);
fun suffix { start, finish, length=>n }
xor (shift (start, n), finish);
fun hashToInt n { high, low, lowest } =
let fun hashbyte (b, accum) = (accum*256 + b) mod n
in accum (lowest, fold_backward hashbyte (fold_forward hashbyte 0 high) low)
fun hash_to_int { high, low, lowest }
{ my (*) = one_word_unt::(*);
my (+) = one_word_unt::(+);
fun hashbyte (b, accum: one_word_unt::Unt)
(accum*0u65599 + one_word_unt::from_int b);
h = hashbyte (lowest, fold_backward hashbyte (fold_forward hashbyte 0u0 high) low);
one_word_unt::to_int (one_word_unt::(>>) (h * 0u65599, 0u2));
fun compare ( { high=>ah ! ar, low=>al, lowest=>at },{ high=>bh ! br, low=>bl, lowest=>bt } )
if (ah < bh) LESS;
elif ((ah: Int) > bh) GREATER;
else compare( { high=>ar, low=>al, lowest=>at },{ high=>br, low=>bl, lowest=>bt } );
compare( { high=>NIL, low=>al as _ ! _, lowest=>at }, b)
compare( { high=>reverse al, low=>NIL, lowest=>at }, b);
compare (a,{ high=>NIL, low=>bl as _ ! _, lowest=>bt } )
compare (a,{ high=>reverse bl, low=>NIL, lowest=>bt } );
compare( { high=>NIL, low=>NIL, lowest=>at },{ high=>NIL, low=>NIL, lowest=>bt } )
if (at < (bt: Int)) LESS;
elif (at > bt ) GREATER;
else EQUAL;
compare _ => raise exception DIE "crc: internal error (compare)";
fun { high=ah ! ar, low=al, lowest=at } < { high=bh ! br, low=bl, lowest=bt } =
int::(<) (ah, bh)
or ah=bh and
{ high=ar, low=al, lowest=at } < { high=br, low=bl, lowest=bt }
| { high=NIL, low=al as _ ! _, lowest=at } < b =
{ high=reverse al, low=NIL, lowest=at } < b
| a < { high=NIL, low=bl as _ ! _, lowest=bt } =
a < { high=reverse bl, low=NIL, lowest=bt }
| { high=NIL, low=NIL, lowest=at } < { high=NIL, low=NIL, lowest=bt } =
int::(<) (at, bt)
/* fun show crc = cat (map (\\ c => int::to_string (ord c) + " ") (explode (to_string crc)))
my aaa: one_word_unt::Unt = 0uxff208489
also bbb: one_word_unt::Unt = 0uxf4872e10
also ccc: one_word_unt::Unt = 0ux402d619b
also ddd: one_word_unt::Unt = 0ux0bf359a7;
perm = #[
255, 254, 252, 251, 250, 248, 240, 245, 246, 238, 237, 244, 7, 189,
214, 236, 235, 20, 33, 8, 227, 14, 233, 178, 172, 60, 229, 133, 152,
19, 210, 203, 221, 208, 76, 18, 13, 199, 113, 62, 40, 190, 213, 194,
43, 181, 21, 15, 201, 162, 90, 186, 71, 117, 107, 70, 191, 5, 173, 44,
39, 12, 174, 183, 99, 11, 176, 163, 161, 72, 86, 105, 2, 83, 42, 52,
179, 135, 103, 110, 151, 58, 108, 96, 166, 25, 115, 66, 142, 10, 141,
48, 104, 34, 159, 120, 22, 140, 64, 82, 78, 68, 207, 125, 123, 150,
144, 138, 128, 139, 136, 114, 119, 53, 148, 185, 41, 124, 216, 143,
49, 92, 98, 51, 112, 73, 50, 63, 16, 46, 158, 126, 206, 122, 94, 132,
88, 184, 28, 84, 127, 156, 167, 223, 118, 89, 116, 17, 111, 121, 109,
77, 146, 61, 224, 101, 81, 218, 97, 188, 243, 155, 57, 102, 54, 129,
93, 192, 153, 106, 36, 145, 79, 31, 137, 26, 67, 85, 175, 80, 168, 65,
91, 1, 147, 149, 6, 29, 37, 69, 182, 165, 4, 74, 55, 47, 171, 169, 75,
134, 193, 195, 198, 131, 38, 180, 56, 196, 23, 154, 177, 200, 205, 27,
209, 95, 204, 160, 3, 30, 157, 32, 9, 212, 211, 45, 202, 170, 0, 219,
187, 87, 35, 100, 217, 232, 164, 228, 220, 197, 231, 215, 226, 130,
225, 234, 241, 239, 59, 230, 247, 24, 249, 242, 222, 253 ];
fun combine [] => zero;
combine [crc] => crc;
combine (crc1 ! crcs) =>
{ fun expand { high, low, lowest } = lowest ! low @ reverse high;
fun mash (crc1, crc2) = fold_backward (\\ (c, x)=>append'(x, c); end ) crc1 (expand crc2);
x = fold_backward mash crc1 crcs;
fun w32 (a ! b ! c ! d ! rest) =>
(one_word_unt::bitwise_xor((one_word_unt::(<<))(one_word_unt::from_int d, 0u24),
one_word_unt::bitwise_xor((one_word_unt::(<<))(one_word_unt::from_int c, 0u16),
one_word_unt::bitwise_xor((one_word_unt::(<<))(one_word_unt::from_int b, 0u8),
one_word_unt::from_int a))),
w32 _ => raise exception DIE "crc: internal error (w32)"; end;
my (u0, r0) = w32 (expand x);
my (u1, r1) = w32 r0;
my (u2, r2) = w32 r1;
my (u3, r3) = w32 r2;
case r3
[] => (); _ => raise exception DIE "crc: internal error (w32 rest)";
v0 = one_word_unt::(+) (one_word_unt::(*) (u0, aaa), u1);
v1 = one_word_unt::(+) (one_word_unt::(*) (u1, bbb), u2);
v2 = one_word_unt::(+) (one_word_unt::(*) (u2, ccc), u3);
v3 = one_word_unt::(+) (one_word_unt::(*) (u3, ddd), u0);
fun byte (b, k)
vec::get (perm,
one_word_unt::to_int (one_word_unt::bitwise_and (0u255, one_word_unt::(>>) (b, unt::from_int k))));
fun b32 (n, rest)
byte (n, 0) ! byte (n, 8) ! byte (n, 16) ! byte (n, 24)
! rest;
x' = b32 (v3, b32 (v2, b32 (v1, b32 (v0, NIL))));
case x'
y0 ! y1 ! y'
{ high => y',
low => [y1],
lowest => y0
_ => raise exception DIE "crc: internal error (y0, y1, y')";
}; end;
my (*) = product;
my (+) = xor;
# package Test =
# pkg
# fun test (a, b) =
# let fun crcstring (a) =
# fold_forward (\\ (x, y)=>crc::append (y, x)) crc::zero (explode a)
# zeros = crcstring (implode (chr 1 ! map (\\ _ = chr 0) (explode b)))
# x = crcstring a
# y = crcstring b
# z = crcstring (a^b)
# z' = crc::(+) (crc::(*) (x, zeros), y)
# in crc::to_string z = crc::to_string z'
# end
# end