## compiler-controls.pkg
# Compiled by:
package bc = basic_control; # basic_control is from
src/lib/compiler/front/basics/main/basic-control.pkg package ci = global_control_index; # global_control_index is from
src/lib/global-controls/global-control-index.pkg package cj = global_control_junk; # global_control_junk is from
src/lib/global-controls/global-control-junk.pkg package ctl = global_control; # global_control is from
src/lib/global-controls/global-control.pkg package fil = file__premicrothread; # file__premicrothread is from
src/lib/std/src/posix/file--premicrothread.pkg package tc = typer_control; # typer_control is from
src/lib/compiler/front/typer/basics/typer-control.pkg package tdc = typer_data_controls; # typer_data_controls is from
package compiler_controls
: (weak) Compiler_Controls # Compiler_Controls is from
src/lib/compiler/toplevel/main/control-apis.api {
menu_slot = [10, 11, 2];
obscurity = 6; # XXX SUCKO FIXME obscurity values should be given intelligible names like "high" "medium" "low". Who knows what 6 means?
prefix = "compiler";
registry = ci::make { help => "compiler controls" };
my _ =
(prefix, registry, menu_slot); # XXX BUGGO FIXME more stuff which should be part of a state record, not global mutable state.
b = cj::cvt::bool;
i = cj::cvt::int;
r = cj::cvt::float;
sl = cj::cvt::string_list;
next_menu_slot = REF 0;
fun make_control (control_type, name, help, initial_value)
{ val_ref = REF initial_value;
menu_slot = *next_menu_slot;
ctl::make_control { # global_control is from
src/lib/global-controls/global-control.pkg name,
menu_slot => [menu_slot],
control => val_ref
next_menu_slot := menu_slot + 1;
{ control => ctl::make_string_control control_type control,
dictionary_name => THE (cj::dn::to_upper "CG_" name)
verbose_compile_log = make_control (b, "verbose_compile_log", "?", FALSE); # When compiling foo.pkg, write lots of stuff into foo.pkg.compile.log. Used (in particular) in
src/app/makelib/compile/compile-in-dependency-order-g.pkg trap_int_overflow = make_control (b, "trap_int_overflow", "?", FALSE); # If TRUE, emit code to raise an OVERFLOW exception if fixed-precision int addition (say) overflows available size-in-bits.
check_vector_index_bounds = make_control (b, "check_vector_index_bounds", "?", TRUE); # If TRUE, emit code to raise a INDEX_OUT_OF_BOUNDS exception if the supplied index for a vector get/set op is out of range.
compile_in_subprocesses = make_control (b, "compile_in_subprocesses", "?", FALSE); # If TRUE fork() off compiles for parallelism on multicore machines.
# Used (only) in
src/app/makelib/compile/compile-in-dependency-order-g.pkg #
# I used to do this on the mono-threaded (pre version 7.0) version of Mythryl;
# it cut "make compiler" from 2.5 to 1.5 minutes on six cores.
# But with
src/lib/std/src/hostthread/cpu-bound-task-hostthreads.pkg running five posix threads
# and with
src/lib/std/src/hostthread/io-bound-task-hostthreads.pkg running five posix threads more
# and with
src/lib/std/src/hostthread/io-wait-hostthread.pkg running one posix thread more (with a private pipe!)
# trying to fork() the whole complex sanely seems more trouble than it is worth. E.g., see:
# http://www.linuxprogrammingblog.com/threads-and-fork-think-twice-before-using-them
# At this point I think it makes more sense to clean up the compiler and make it
# properly multi-threaded than to spend time trying to maintain multi-process compiles.
# NB: This is a great example of why we need Software Transactional Memory: Without
# it operations like fork() have no way to locate a self-consistent system state.
# -- 2012-06-12 CrT
tailrecur = make_control (b, "tailrecur", "?", TRUE);
recordopt = make_control (b, "recordopt", "?", TRUE);
tail = make_control (b, "tail", "?", TRUE);
allocprof = make_control (b, "allocprof", "?", FALSE);
closureprint = make_control (b, "closureprint", "?", FALSE);
closure_strategy = make_control (i, "closure_strategy", "?", 0);
lambdaopt = make_control (b, "lambdaopt", "?", TRUE);
optional_nextcode_improvers = make_control (sl, "optional_nextcode_improvers", "nextcode optimizer phases", ["zeroexpand", "last_contract"]);
# ["first_contract", "eta", "uncurry", "split_known_escaping_functions",
# "cycle_expand", "eta", "last_contract" ]
rounds = make_control (i, "rounds", "max # of optional_nextcode_improvers rounds", 10);
path = make_control (b, "path", "?", FALSE);
beta_contract = make_control (b, "beta_contract", "?", TRUE);
eta = make_control (b, "eta", "?", TRUE);
selectopt = make_control (b, "selectopt", "?", TRUE);
dropargs = make_control (b, "dropargs", "?", TRUE);
deadvars = make_control (b, "deadvars", "?", TRUE);
flattenargs = make_control (b, "flattenargs", "?", FALSE);
extraflatten = make_control (b, "extraflatten", "?", FALSE);
switchopt = make_control (b, "switchopt", "?", TRUE);
handlerfold = make_control (b, "handlerfold", "?", TRUE);
branchfold = make_control (b, "branchfold", "?", FALSE);
arithopt = make_control (b, "arithopt", "?", TRUE);
beta_expand = make_control (b, "beta_expand", "?", TRUE);
unroll = make_control (b, "unroll", "?", TRUE);
knownfiddle = make_control (b, "knownfiddle", "?", FALSE);
invariant = make_control (b, "invariant", "?", TRUE);
targeting = make_control (i, "targeting", "?", 0);
lambdaprop = make_control (b, "lambdaprop", "?", FALSE);
newconreps = make_control (b, "newconreps", "?", TRUE);
boxedconstconreps = tc::boxedconstconreps;
unroll_recursion = make_control (b, "unroll_recursion", "?", TRUE);
sharepath = make_control (b, "sharepath", "?", TRUE);
static_closure_size_profiling = make_control (b, "static_closure_size_profiling", "?", FALSE);
hoistup = make_control (b, "hoistup", "?", FALSE);
hoistdown = make_control (b, "hoistdown", "?", FALSE);
recordcopy = make_control (b, "recordcopy", "?", TRUE);
recordpath = make_control (b, "recordpath", "?", TRUE);
verbose = make_control (b, "verbose", "?", FALSE);
debugnextcode = make_control (b, "debugnextcode", "?", FALSE);
misc4 = make_control (i, "misc4", "?", 0);
argrep = make_control (b, "argrep", "?", TRUE);
bodysize = make_control (i, "bodysize", "?", 20);
reducemore = make_control (i, "reducemore", "?", 15);
alphac = make_control (b, "alphac", "?", TRUE);
comment = make_control (b, "comment", "?", FALSE);
known_function = make_control (i, "known_function", "?", 0);
known_cl_function = make_control (i, "known_cl_function", "?", 0);
escape_function = make_control (i, "escape_function", "?", 0);
callee_function = make_control (i, "callee_function", "?", 0);
spill_function = make_control (i, "spill_function", "?", 0);
foldconst = make_control (b, "foldconst", "?", TRUE); # Apparently never used.
printit = make_control (b, "printit", "whether to show nextcode", FALSE);
printsize = make_control (b, "printsize", "?", FALSE);
scheduling = make_control (b, "scheduling", "?", TRUE);
cse = make_control (b, "cse", "?", FALSE); # "cse" might be "common subexpression elimination"
split_known_escaping_functions = make_control (b, "split_known_escaping_functions", "?", TRUE);
improve_after_closure = make_control (b, "improve_after_closure", "?", FALSE);
uncurry = make_control (b, "uncurry", "?", TRUE);
if_idiom = make_control (b, "if_idiom", "?", TRUE);
comparefold = make_control (b, "comparefold", "?", TRUE);
csehoist = make_control (b, "csehoist", "?", FALSE);
rangeopt = make_control (b, "rangeopt", "?", FALSE);
icount = make_control (b, "icount", "?", FALSE);
debug_representation = make_control (b, "debug_representation", "?", FALSE);
checklty1 = make_control (b, "checklty1", "?", FALSE);
checklty2 = make_control (b, "checklty2", "?", FALSE);
checklty3 = make_control (b, "checklty3", "?", FALSE);
checknextcode1 = make_control (b, "checknextcode1", "?", FALSE);
checknextcode2 = make_control (b, "checknextcode2", "?", FALSE);
checknextcode3 = make_control (b, "checknextcode3", "?", FALSE);
checknextcode = make_control (b, "checknextcode", "?", FALSE);
flatfblock = make_control (b, "flatfblock", "?", TRUE);
deadup = make_control (b, "deadup", "?", TRUE);
poll_checks = make_control (b, "poll_checks", "?", FALSE);
poll_ratio_a_to_i = make_control (r, "poll_ratio_a_to_i", "?", 1.0);
print_flowgraph_stream = REF fil::stdout;
disambiguate_memory = make_control (b, "disambiguate_memory", "?", FALSE);
control_dependence = make_control (b, "control_dependence", "?", FALSE);
highcodeon = make_control (b, "highcodeon", "?", TRUE);
comp_debugging = make_control (b, "comp_debugging", "?", FALSE);
module_junk_debugging = tdc::module_junk_debugging;
translate_to_anormcode_debugging = tdc::translate_to_anormcode_debugging;
type_junk_debugging = tdc::type_junk_debugging;
types_debugging = tdc::types_debugging;
expand_generics_g_debugging = tdc::expand_generics_g_debugging;
typerstore_debugging = tdc::typerstore_debugging;
generics_expansion_junk_debugging = tc::generics_expansion_junk_debugging;
api_match_debugging = tc::api_match_debugging;
type_package_language_debugging = tc::type_package_language_debugging;
typer_junk_debugging = tc::typer_junk_debugging;
type_api_debugging = tc::type_api_debugging;
typecheck_type_debugging = tc::typecheck_type_debugging;
unify_typoids_debugging = tc::unify_typoids_debugging;
expand_oop_syntax_debugging = tc::expand_oop_syntax_debugging;
translate_types_debugging = make_control (b, "translate_types_debugging", "?", FALSE);
## COPYRIGHT (c) 1995 AT&T Bell Laboratories
## Subsequent changes by Jeff Prothero Copyright (c) 2010-2015,
## released per terms of SMLNJ-COPYRIGHT.