## core-multiword-int.pkg
# Basic integer functionality for translating certain primops and
# multiword_int::Int literals within the compiler. This gets expanded
# into a full-functionality indefinite-precision integer arithmetic
# package in
src/lib/std/src/multiword-int-guts.pkg# Compiled by:
# src/lib/core/init/init.cmi
package core_multiword_int: api {
# We use a 30-bit representation, stored in 31-bit words for digits.
# This way we avoid the extra boxing that would come with 32-bit values
# and also have the benefit of an extra bit that can be used to store
# carries.
Rep = BI { negative: Bool,
digits: List( Unt )
# This is the abstract built-in type "integer". It comes with no
# operations of its own. We use casts to go back and forth between
# the representation type "rep" and the abstract type "integer".
Multiword_Int = base_types::Multiword_Int;
# Here are the "cast" operations:
abstract: Rep -> Multiword_Int;
concrete: Multiword_Int -> Rep;
base_bits: Unt; # The number of bits in one "big digit"
base: Unt; # The actual base.
max_digit: Unt; # Maximum value of a "big digit".
# The following three functions are copied into package _Core
# from where the compiler's "translate" phase will pick them to
# implement precision-extending and precision-shrinking conversions
# that involve Multiword_Int. We only provide operations between
# Int1 and Multiword_Int. For precisions less than 32 bits the compiler
# must insert an additional conversion:
test_inf: Multiword_Int -> Int1; # fit value (2's complement) in Int1, raise OVERFLOW if too large
trunc_inf: Multiword_Int -> Int1; # truncate value (2's complement repr) to fit in Int1:
copy_inf: Int1 -> Multiword_Int; # Copy bits from Int1 into (non-negative) Multiword_Int:
extend_inf: Int1 -> Multiword_Int; # sign-extend Int1:
fin_to_inf: (Int1, Bool) -> Multiword_Int; # Combined (sign-extension takes place when second argument is TRUE):
test_inf64: Multiword_Int -> (Unt1, Unt1); # fit value (2's complement) in "two_word_int", raise OVERFLOW if too large
trunc_inf64: Multiword_Int -> (Unt1, Unt1); # truncate value (2's complement repr) to fit in "two_word_int":
copy_inf64: (Unt1, Unt1) -> Multiword_Int; # Copy bits from "two_word_int" into (non-negative) Multiword_Int:
extend_inf64: (Unt1, Unt1) -> Multiword_Int; # sign-extend "two_word_int":
fin_to_inf64: (Unt1, Unt1, Bool) -> Multiword_Int; # Combined (sign-extension takes place when second argument is TRUE):
# These two directly take the list of digits
# to be used by the internal representation:
make_neg_inf: List( Unt ) -> Multiword_Int;
make_pos_inf: List( Unt ) -> Multiword_Int;
# In the common case where only one big digit is involved,
# use a shortcut without list allocation:
make_small_neg_inf: Unt -> Multiword_Int;
make_small_pos_inf: Unt -> Multiword_Int;
# For -base < i < base we have low_value i = i.
# For other i we have low_value i = -base (= neg_base_as_int).
# This can be used to implement faster pattern-match code for
# the common case that the pattern consists of small values.
low_value: Multiword_Int -> Int;
neg_base_as_int: Int;
# Various primitive operations for use by the pervasive dictionary,
# plus stuff that we have to implement here anyway, so the
# real package integer can pick them up:
(-_) : Multiword_Int -> Multiword_Int;
neg : Multiword_Int -> Multiword_Int;
+ : (Multiword_Int, Multiword_Int) -> Multiword_Int;
- : (Multiword_Int, Multiword_Int) -> Multiword_Int;
* : (Multiword_Int, Multiword_Int) -> Multiword_Int;
div: (Multiword_Int, Multiword_Int) -> Multiword_Int;
mod: (Multiword_Int, Multiword_Int) -> Multiword_Int;
quot: (Multiword_Int, Multiword_Int) -> Multiword_Int;
rem: (Multiword_Int, Multiword_Int) -> Multiword_Int;
< : (Multiword_Int, Multiword_Int) -> Bool;
<= : (Multiword_Int, Multiword_Int) -> Bool;
> : (Multiword_Int, Multiword_Int) -> Bool;
>= : (Multiword_Int, Multiword_Int) -> Bool;
compare: (Multiword_Int, Multiword_Int) -> order::Order;
abs: Multiword_Int -> Multiword_Int;
pow: (Multiword_Int, Int) -> Multiword_Int;
div_mod: (Multiword_Int, Multiword_Int) -> (Multiword_Int, Multiword_Int);
quot_rem: (Multiword_Int, Multiword_Int) -> (Multiword_Int, Multiword_Int);
# Support for scanning and formatting:
natdivmodd: (List( Unt ), Unt) -> (List( Unt ), Unt);
natmadd: (Unt, List( Unt ), Unt) -> List( Unt );
infixr my 60 ! ;
not = inline::not_macro;
w31to_i32 = inline::copy_31_32_i;
w32to_i32 = inline::copy_32_32_ui;
w31to_w32 = inline::copy_31_32_u;
i32to_w31 = inline::trunc_32_31_i;
i32to_w32 = inline::copy_32_32_iu;
w32to_w31 = inline::trunc_32_31_u;
my (-_) = inline::i1_negate;
my neg = inline::i1_negate;
infix my
| & >> ^ <<;
|) = inline::u1_bitwise_or;
(^) = inline::u1_bitwise_xor;
(&) = inline::u1_bitwise_and;
(>>) = inline::u1_rshiftl;
(<<) = inline::u1_lshift;
# *******************
Multiword_Int = base_types::Multiword_Int;
# assuming 30-bit digits (must match actual implementation),
# least significant digit first,
# normalized (last digit != 0)
Rep = BI { negative: Bool, digits: List( Unt ) };
fun abstract (r: Rep ) : Multiword_Int = inline::cast r;
fun concrete (i: Multiword_Int) : Rep = inline::cast i;
my h_base_bits: Unt = 0u15;
my base_bits: Unt = inline::tu1_lshift (h_base_bits, 0u1);
my max_digit: Unt = 0ux3fffffff;
max_digit32 = w31to_w32 max_digit;
my max_digit_l: Unt = 0ux7fff; # lower half of maxDigit
max_digit_l32 = w31to_w32 max_digit_l;
my base: Unt = 0ux40000000;
base32 = w31to_w32 base;
my neg_base_as_int: Int = -0x40000000;
gap = inline::tu1_subtract (0u32, base_bits); # 32 - base_bits
slc = inline::tu1_subtract (base_bits, gap); # BaseBits - gap
fun neg64 (hi, 0u0) => (inline::u1_negate hi, 0u0);
neg64 (hi, lo) => (inline::u1_bitwise_not hi, inline::u1_negate lo);
fun test_inf i
{ (concrete i) -> BI { negative, digits };
fun negif i32
if negative -i32;
else i32;
case digits
[] => 0;
[d] => negif (w31to_i32 d);
[d0, 0u1] => negif (w32to_i32 (w31to_w32 d0
| base32));
[0u0, 0u2] => if negative -0x80000000;
else raise exception runtime::OVERFLOW;
_ => raise exception runtime::OVERFLOW;
fun test_inf64 i
{ (concrete i) -> BI { negative, digits };
fun negif hilo
if negative neg64 hilo;
else hilo;
case digits
[] => (0u0, 0u0);
[d] => negif (0u0, w31to_w32 d);
[d0, d1]
{ my (w0, w1) = (w31to_w32 d0, w31to_w32 d1);
negif (w1 >> gap, w0
| (w1 << base_bits));
[0u0, 0u0, 0u8]
if negative (0ux80000000, 0u0);
else raise exception runtime::OVERFLOW;
[d0, d1, d2]
if (inline::tu1_ge (d2, 0u8))
raise exception runtime::OVERFLOW;
w0 = w31to_w32 d0;
w1 = w31to_w32 d1;
w2 = w31to_w32 d2;
negif ((w1 >> gap)
| (w2 << slc),
| (w1 << base_bits));
_ => raise exception runtime::OVERFLOW;
fun trunc_inf i
{ (concrete i) -> BI { negative, digits };
b = case digits
[] => 0u0;
[d] => w31to_w32 d;
d0 ! d1 ! _ => w31to_w32 d0
| (w31to_w32 d1 << base_bits);
w32to_i32 if negative inline::u1_negate b;
else b;
fun trunc_inf64 i
{ (concrete i) -> BI { negative, digits };
hilo = case digits
[] => (0u0, 0u0);
[d0] => (0u0, w31to_w32 d0);
[d0, d1]
{ my (w0, w1) = (w31to_w32 d0, w31to_w32 d1);
(w1 >> gap, w0
| (w1 << base_bits));
d0 ! d1 ! d2 ! _
{ my (w0, w1, w2)
(w31to_w32 d0, w31to_w32 d1, w31to_w32 d2);
((w1 >> gap)
| (w2 << slc), w0 | (w1 << base_bits));
if negative neg64 hilo;
else hilo;
fun extend_inf i32
abstract if (inline::i1_eq (i32, -0x80000000) ) BI { negative => TRUE, digits => [0u0, 0u2 ] };
elif (inline::i1_lt (i32, 0) ) e (TRUE, i32to_w31 (-i32));
else e (FALSE, i32to_w31 i32);
fun e (_, 0u0)
BI { negative => FALSE, digits => [] };
e (negative, w31)
BI { negative,
digits => if (inline::tu1_ge (w31, base)) [inline::tu1_subtract (w31, base), 0u1];
else [w31];
fun copy_inf64' (_, (0u0, 0u0))
abstract (BI { negative => FALSE,
digits => [] } );
copy_inf64' (negative, (hi, lo))
{ infix my <>;
(<>) = inline::tu1_ne;
d0 = w32to_w31 (lo & 0ux3fffffff);
d1 = w32to_w31 (((hi & 0uxfffffff) << 0u2)
| (lo >> 0u30));
d2 = w32to_w31 (hi >> 0u28);
abstract (BI { negative,
digits => if (d2 <> 0u0 ) [d0, d1, d2];
elif (d1 <> 0u0 ) [d0, d1];
elif (d0 <> 0u0 ) [d0];
else [];
fun copy_inf64 hilo
copy_inf64' (FALSE, hilo);
fun extend_inf64 (hi, lo)
if (inline::u1_ne (hi & 0ux80000000, 0u0))
copy_inf64' (TRUE, neg64 (hi, lo));
else copy_inf64' (FALSE, (hi, lo));
fun copy_inf i32
{ w32 = i32to_w32 i32;
digits = if (inline::u1_eq (w32, 0u0) ) [];
elif (inline::u1_ge (w32, base32) )
[w32to_w31 (w32 & max_digit32), w32to_w31 (w32 >> base_bits)];
else [w32to_w31 w32];
abstract (BI { negative => FALSE, digits } );
fun fin_to_inf (i32, extend)
if extend extend_inf i32;
else copy_inf i32;
fun fin_to_inf64 (hi, lo, extend)
if extend extend_inf64 (hi, lo);
else copy_inf64 (hi, lo);
fun make_inf negative digits
abstract (BI { negative, digits } );
make_neg_inf = make_inf TRUE;
make_pos_inf = make_inf FALSE;
fun make_small_inf _ 0u0
abstract (BI { negative => FALSE, digits => [] } );
make_small_inf negative digit
abstract (BI { negative, digits => [digit] } );
make_small_neg_inf = make_small_inf TRUE;
make_small_pos_inf = make_small_inf FALSE;
fun low_value i
case (concrete i)
BI { digits => [], ... } => 0;
BI { digits => [d], negative => FALSE } => inline::copy_31_31_ui d;
BI { digits => [d], negative => TRUE } => inline::ti1_negate (inline::copy_31_31_ui d);
_ => neg_base_as_int;
# Concrete->abstract wrappers for unary and binary functions
fun fabs1 f x = abstract (f (concrete x));
fun fabs2 f (x, y) = abstract (f (concrete x, concrete y));
fun fabs2c f (x, y) = f (concrete x, concrete y);
fun fabs22 f (x, y)
{ my (a, b) = f (concrete x, concrete y);
(abstract a, abstract b);
# Like BI, but make sure that digits = [] implies not negative
fun bi { digits => [], ... } => BI { digits => [], negative => FALSE };
bi arg => BI arg;
fun abs' (BI { negative, digits } )
BI { negative => FALSE, digits };
fun neg (BI { digits, negative } )
bi { digits, negative => not negative };
include package order;
fun dcmp (x, y)
if (inline::tu1_lt (x, y)) LESS;
elif (inline::tu1_gt (x, y)) GREATER;
else EQUAL;
fun natcmp ([], []) => EQUAL;
natcmp ([], _) => LESS;
natcmp (_, []) => GREATER;
natcmp (x ! xs, y ! ys)
case (natcmp (xs, ys))
EQUAL => dcmp (x, y);
unequal => unequal;
fun lt (BI { negative => FALSE, ... },
BI { negative => TRUE, ... } )
lt (BI { negative => TRUE, ... },
BI { negative => FALSE, ... } )
lt (BI { negative, digits => d1 },
BI { digits => d2, ... } )
(inline::(==)) (natcmp (d1, d2), if negative GREATER; else LESS;fi);
fun gt (x, y) = lt (y, x);
fun ge (x, y) = not (lt (x, y));
fun le (x, y) = not (gt (x, y));
fun adddig (d1, d2)
{ sum = inline::tu1_add (d1, d2);
{ carry => inline::tu1_ge (sum, base),
result => inline::tu1_bitwise_and (sum, max_digit)
# Add one to nat:
fun natinc [] => [0u1];
natinc (x ! xs)
if (inline::tu1_eq (x, max_digit)) 0u0 ! natinc xs;
else inline::tu1_add (x, 0u1) ! xs;
fun natdec (0u0 ! xs) => max_digit ! natdec xs;
natdec [0u1] => [];
natdec (x ! xs) => inline::tu1_subtract (x, 0u1) ! xs;
natdec [] => raise exception runtime::OVERFLOW; # Should never happen!
# Add two nats plus 1 (carry):
fun natadd1 (x, []) => natinc x;
natadd1 ([], y) => natinc y;
natadd1 (x ! xs, y ! ys)
{ (adddig (x, y)) -> { carry, result };
my (carry, result)
if (inline::tu1_eq (result, max_digit)) (TRUE, 0u0);
else (carry, inline::tu1_add (result, 0u1));
result ! natadd01 (carry, xs, ys);
# Add two nats:
fun natadd0 (x, []) => x;
natadd0 ([], y) => y;
natadd0 (x ! xs, y ! ys)
{ (adddig (x, y)) -> { carry, result };
result ! natadd01 (carry, xs, ys);
# Add two nats with optional carry:
fun natadd01 (carry, xs, ys)
if carry natadd1 (xs, ys);
else natadd0 (xs, ys);
exception NEGATIVE;
# natsub hopes that xs >= ys + carry, raises NEGATIVE otherwise
fun natsub (xs, [], FALSE) => xs;
natsub (xs, [], TRUE) => natsub (xs, [0u0], TRUE);
natsub ([], _, _) => raise exception NEGATIVE;
natsub (x ! xs, y ! ys, c)
{ y' = if c inline::tu1_add (y, 0u1);
else y;
my (result, carry)
if (inline::tu1_lt (x, y')) (inline::tu1_subtract (inline::tu1_add (x, base), y'), TRUE);
else (inline::tu1_subtract (x, y'), FALSE);
case (natsub (xs, ys, carry))
[] => if (inline::tu1_eq (result, 0u0)) [];
else [result];
more => result ! more;
fun natsub0 (xs, ys)
natsub (xs, ys, FALSE);
fun sub0 (xs, ys)
BI { negative => FALSE,
digits => natsub0 (xs, ys)
NEGATIVE = bi { negative => TRUE, digits => natsub0 (ys, xs) };
fun add0 (FALSE, xs1, FALSE, xs2)
BI { negative => FALSE, digits => natadd0 (xs1, xs2) };
add0 (TRUE, xs1, TRUE, xs2)
BI { negative => TRUE, digits => natadd0 (xs1, xs2) };
add0 (FALSE, xs1, TRUE, xs2)
sub0 (xs1, xs2);
add0 (TRUE, xs1, FALSE, xs2)
sub0 (xs2, xs1);
fun add (BI b1, BI b2)
add0 (b1.negative, b1.digits, b2.negative, b2.digits);
fun sub (BI b1, BI b2)
add0 (b1.negative, b1.digits, not b2.negative, b2.digits);
fun compare' (BI { negative => TRUE, ... }, BI { negative => FALSE, ... } )
compare' (BI { negative => FALSE, ... }, BI { negative => TRUE, ... } )
compare' (BI { negative, digits => d1 }, BI { digits => d2, ... } )
if negative natcmp (d2, d1);
else natcmp (d1, d2);
fun ddmul (x, y)
{ fun high w32 = w32 >> h_base_bits;
fun low w32 = w32 & max_digit_l32;
fun hl w32 = (high w32, low w32);
(hl (w31to_w32 x)) -> (xh, xl);
(hl (w31to_w32 y)) -> (yh, yl);
a = inline::u1_mul (xh, yh);
c = inline::u1_mul (xl, yl);
# B = b' - a - c = xh * yl + xl * yh
b' = inline::u1_mul (inline::u1_add (xh, xl), inline::u1_add (yh, yl));
b = inline::u1_subtract (b', inline::u1_add (a, c));
(hl b) -> (bh, bl);
l0 = inline::u1_add (c, inline::u1_lshift (bl, h_base_bits));
l32 = l0 & max_digit32;
lc = l0 >> base_bits;
h32 = inline::u1_add (inline::u1_add (a, bh), lc);
(w32to_w31 h32, w32to_w31 l32);
fun natmadd (0u0, _, 0u0) => [];
natmadd (0u0, _, c) => [c];
natmadd (_, [], 0u0) => [];
natmadd (_, [], c) => [c];
natmadd (0u1, xs, 0u0) => xs;
natmadd (0u1, xs, c) => natadd0 (xs, [c]);
natmadd (w, x ! xs, c)
{ (ddmul (w, x)) -> (h, l);
(adddig (l, c)) -> { carry, result => l' };
h' = if carry inline::tu1_add (h, 0u1);
else h;
l' ! natmadd (w, xs, h');
fun natmul ([], _) => [];
natmul (_, []) => [];
natmul (xs, [0u1]) => xs;
natmul ([0u1], ys) => ys;
natmul (x ! xs, ys)
natadd0 (natmadd (x, ys, 0u0), 0u0 ! natmul (xs, ys));
fun mul (BI x, BI y)
bi { negative => (inline::(!=)) (x.negative, y.negative),
digits => natmul (x.digits, y.digits)
one = BI { negative => FALSE, digits => [0u1] };
zero = BI { negative => FALSE, digits => [] };
fun posi digits = BI { digits, negative => FALSE };
fun negi digits = BI { digits, negative => TRUE };
fun zneg digits = bi { digits, negative => TRUE };
fun consd (0u0, []) => [];
consd (x, xs) => x ! xs;
fun scale w
inline::tu1_div (base, inline::tu1_add (w, 0u1));
# Return length-1 and last element:
fun length'n'last [] => (0, 0u0); # Should not happen.
length'n'last [x] => (0, x);
length'n'last (_ ! l)
{ (length'n'last l) -> (len, last);
(inline::ti1_add (len, 1), last);
fun nth (_, []) => 0u0;
nth (0, x ! _ ) => x;
nth (n, _ ! xs) => nth (inline::ti1_subtract (n, 1), xs);
# Divide DP number by digit; assumes u < i, i >= base/2:
fun natdivmod2 ((u, v), i)
{ fun low w = inline::tu1_bitwise_and (w, max_digit_l);
fun high w = inline::tu1_rshiftl (w, h_base_bits);
my (vh, vl) = (high v, low v);
my (ih, il) = (high i, low i);
fun adj (q, r, vx)
loop (q, x)
x = inline::tu1_add (inline::tu1_lshift (r, h_base_bits), vx);
y = inline::tu1_mul (q, il);
fun loop (q, x)
if (inline::tu1_ge (x, y)) (q, inline::tu1_subtract (x, y));
else loop (inline::tu1_subtract (q, 0u1), inline::tu1_add (x, i));
q1 = inline::tu1_div (u, ih);
r1 = inline::tu1_mod (u, ih);
(adj (q1, r1, vh)) -> (q1, r1);
q0 = inline::tu1_div (r1, ih);
r0 = inline::tu1_mod (r1, ih);
(adj (q0, r0, vl)) -> (q0, r0);
(inline::tu1_add (inline::tu1_lshift (q1, h_base_bits), q0), r0);
# Divide bignat by digit > 0:
fun natdivmodd (m, 0u1) => (m, 0u0); # speedup
natdivmodd (m, i)
scale = scale i;
i' = inline::tu1_mul (i, scale);
m' = natmadd (scale, m, 0u0);
fun dmi [] => ([], 0u0);
dmi (d ! r)
{ my (qt, rm) = dmi r;
my (q1, r1) = natdivmod2 ((rm, d), i');
(consd (q1, qt), r1);
(dmi m') -> (q, r);
(q, inline::tu1_div (r, scale));
# From Knuth Vol II, 4.3.1, but without opt. in step D3:
fun natdivmod (m, []) => raise exception runtime::DIVIDE_BY_ZERO;
natdivmod ([], n) => ([], []); # speedup
natdivmod (d ! r, 0u0 ! s)
my (qt, rm) = natdivmod (r, s);
(qt, consd (d, rm));
}; # speedup
natdivmod (m, [d])
my (qt, rm) = natdivmodd (m, d);
(qt, if (inline::tu1_eq (rm, 0u0) ) []; else [rm];fi);
natdivmod (m, n)
{ my (ln, last) = length'n'last n; # ln >= 1
scale = scale last;
m' = natmadd (scale, m, 0u0);
n' = natmadd (scale, n, 0u0);
n1 = nth (ln, n'); # >= base/2
fun divl [] => ([], []);
divl (d ! r)
my (qt, rm) = divl r;
m = consd (d, rm);
fun msds ([], _) => (0u0, 0u0);
msds ([d], 0) => (0u0, d);
msds ([d2, d1], 0) => (d1, d2);
msds (d ! r, i) => msds (r, inline::ti1_subtract (i, 1));
my (m1, m2) = msds (m, ln);
tq = if (inline::(==) (m1, n1)) max_digit;
else #1 (natdivmod2 ((m1, m2), n1));
fun try (q, qn')
(q, natsub0 (m, qn'))
try (inline::tu1_subtract (q, 0u1),
natsub0 (qn', n'));
my (q, rr) = try (tq, natmadd (tq, n', 0u0));
(consd (q, qt), rr);
my (qt, rm') = divl m';
my (rm, _/*0*/) = natdivmodd (rm', scale);
(qt, rm);
fun quot_rem' (_, BI { digits => [], ... } )
raise exception runtime::DIVIDE_BY_ZERO;
quot_rem' (BI { digits => [], ... }, _)
(zero, zero);
quot_rem' (BI x, BI y)
my (q, r) = natdivmod (x.digits, y.digits);
# Construct return tuple:
( if (((inline::(!=)) (x.negative, y.negative))) zneg q; else posi q;fi,
if x.negative zneg r; else posi r;fi
fun div_mod' (_, BI { digits => [], ... } ) => raise exception runtime::DIVIDE_BY_ZERO;
div_mod' ( BI { digits => [], ... }, _) => (zero, zero);
div_mod' (BI x, BI y)
if (inline::(==) (x.negative, y.negative))
my (q, r) = natdivmod (x.digits, y.digits);
(posi q, if x.negative zneg r; else posi r;fi);
my (m, n) = (x.digits, y.digits);
my (q, r) = natdivmod (natdec m, n);
mdd = natsub (n, r, TRUE);
(negi (natinc q),
if x.negative posi mdd; else zneg mdd;fi);
fun div' arg = #1 (div_mod' arg);
fun quot' arg = #1 (quot_rem' arg);
# For div and mod we special-case a divisor of 2 (common even-odd test):
fun mod' (BI { digits => [], ... }, _) => zero;
mod' (BI { digits => low ! _, ... },
BI { digits => [0u2], negative } )
if (inline::tu1_eq (inline::tu1_bitwise_and (low, 0u1), 0u0) ) zero;
else BI { digits => [0u1], negative };
mod' arg => #2 (div_mod' arg);
fun rem' (BI { digits => [], ... }, _) => zero;
rem' (BI { digits => low ! _, negative },
BI { digits => [0u2], ... } )
if (inline::tu1_eq (inline::tu1_bitwise_and (low, 0u1), 0u0) )
else BI { digits => [0u1], negative };
rem' arg => #2 (quot_rem' arg);
fun natpow (_, 0) => [ 0u1 ];
natpow ([], n) => if (inline::ti1_lt (n, 0)) raise exception runtime::DIVIDE_BY_ZERO; else []; fi;
natpow (x, n)
if (inline::ti1_lt (n, 0))
exp (x, inline::copy_31_31_iu n)
fun exp (m, 0u0) => [0u1];
exp (m, 0u1) => m;
exp (m, n) => {
x = exp (m, inline::tu1_rshiftl (n, 0u1));
y = natmul (x, x);
if (inline::tu1_eq (inline::tu1_bitwise_and (n, 0u1), 0u0)) y;
else natmul (y, m);
fun pow (_, 0)
abstract (BI { negative => FALSE, digits => [0u1] } );
pow (i, n)
{ (concrete i) -> BI { negative, digits };
abstract (bi { negative => negative and inline::ti1_eq (inline::ti1_rem (n, 2), 1),
digits => natpow (digits, n)
(-_) = fabs1 neg;
neg = fabs1 neg;
(-) = fabs2 sub;
(+) = fabs2 add;
(*) = fabs2 mul;
div = fabs2 div';
mod = fabs2 mod';
quot = fabs2 quot';
rem = fabs2 rem';
div_mod = fabs22 div_mod';
quot_rem = fabs22 quot_rem';
(<) = fabs2c lt;
(>) = fabs2c gt;
(<=) = fabs2c le;
(>=) = fabs2c ge;
abs = fabs1 abs';
compare = fabs2c compare';
## (C) 2003 The SML/NJ Fellowship.
## Author: Matthias Blume (blume@tti-c::org)
## Subsequent changes by Jeff Prothero Copyright (c) 2010-2015,
## released per terms of SMLNJ-COPYRIGHT.