# This module implements some combinators that joins two graphs
# into a single view.
# Compiled by:
src/lib/graph/graphs.lib### "Life is the art of
### drawing sufficient conclusions
### from insufficient premises."
### -- Samuel Butler 1900
package odg = oop_digraph; # oop_digraph is from
src/lib/graph/oop-digraph.pkg package ugv = union_graph_view; # union_graph_view is from
src/lib/graph/uniongraph.pkg package rgv = renamed_graph_view; # renamed_graph_view is from
src/lib/graph/renamed-graph-view.pkg# package rev = reversed_graph_view; # reversed_graph_view is from
package graph_combination: (weak) Graph_Combination # Graph_Combination is from
src/lib/graph/graph-combination.api {
# Disjoint union
fun my_union (a, b)
ugv::union_view (\\ (x, y) => x; end ) (a, b);
fun sum (graph_a as odg::DIGRAPH a,
graph_b as odg::DIGRAPH b
my_union (graph_a, rgv::rename_view (a.capacity ()) graph_b);
fun union [] => raise exception odg::BAD_GRAPH "union";
union [a] => a;
union [a, b] => my_union (a, b);
union (a ! b) => my_union (a, union b);
fun sums [] => raise exception odg::BAD_GRAPH "sums";
sums [a] => a;
sums [a, b] => sum (a, b);
sums (a ! b) => sum (a, sums b);