## make-html.pkg
# This is a collection of constructors for building
# some of the common kinds of HTML elements.
# Compiled by:
package has = html_abstract_syntax; # html_abstract_syntax is from
package make_html: (weak)
api {
block_list: List( has::Block ) -> has::Block;
text_list: List( has::Text ) -> has::Text;
make_h: ((Int, has::Pcdata)) -> has::Block;
make_p: has::Text -> has::Block;
make_ul: List( has::List_Item ) -> has::Block;
make_ol: List( has::List_Item ) -> has::Block;
make_dl: List { dt: List( has::Text ), dd: has::Block } -> has::Block;
hr: has::Block;
br: has::Text;
make_li: has::Block -> has::List_Item;
make_a_href: { href: has::Url, content: has::Text } -> has::Text;
make_a_name: { name: has::Cdata, content: has::Text } -> has::Text;
make_tr: List( has::Table_Cell ) -> has::Tr;
make_th: has::Block -> has::Table_Cell;
make_th_colspan: { colspan: Int, content: has::Block } -> has::Table_Cell;
make_td: has::Block -> has::Table_Cell;
make_td_colspan: { colspan: Int, content: has::Block } -> has::Table_Cell;
fun block_list [b] => b;
block_list bl => has::BLOCK_LIST bl;
fun text_list [t] => t;
text_list tl => has::TEXT_LIST tl;
fun make_h (n, header)
has::HN { n, align=>NULL, content=>has::PCDATA header };
fun make_p content
has::PP { align=>NULL, content };
fun make_ul items
has::UL { compact=>FALSE, type=>NULL, content=>items };
fun make_ol items
has::OL { compact=>FALSE, type=>NULL, start => NULL, content=>items };
fun make_dl items
has::DL { compact=>FALSE, content=>items };
hr = has::HR { align=>NULL, noshade=>FALSE, size=>NULL, width=>NULL };
br = has::BR { clear => NULL };
fun make_li blk
has::LI { type=>NULL, value=>NULL, content=>blk };
fun make_a_href { href, content }
has::AX {
href => THE href,
title => NULL,
name => NULL,
rel => NULL,
reverse => NULL,
fun make_a_name { name, content }
has::AX {
href => NULL,
title => NULL,
name => THE name,
rel => NULL,
reverse => NULL,
fun make_tr content
has::TR {
align => NULL,
valign => NULL,
fun make_th content
has::TH {
nowrap => FALSE,
rowspan => NULL,
colspan => NULL,
align => NULL,
valign => NULL,
width => NULL,
height => NULL,
fun make_th_colspan { colspan, content }
has::TH {
nowrap => FALSE,
rowspan => NULL,
colspan => THE colspan,
align => NULL,
valign => NULL,
width => NULL,
height => NULL,
fun make_td content
has::TD {
nowrap => FALSE,
rowspan => NULL,
colspan => NULL,
align => NULL,
valign => NULL,
width => NULL,
height => NULL,
fun make_td_colspan { colspan, content }
has::TD {
nowrap => FALSE,
rowspan => NULL,
colspan => THE colspan,
align => NULL,
valign => NULL,
width => NULL,
height => NULL,