## plain-file-prettyprint-output-stream-avoiding-pointless-file-rewrites.pkg
# A simple prettyprinter output stream that eventually writes to
# a text file unless the current contents of that file coincide
# with what was written.
# Compiled by:
package fil = file__premicrothread; # file__premicrothread is from
package plain_file_prettyprint_output_stream_avoiding_pointless_file_rewrites
: (weak)
api {
include api Prettyprint_Output_Stream; # Prettyprint_Output_Stream is from
src/lib/prettyprint/big/src/out/prettyprint-output-stream.api make_plain_file_prettyprinter_output_stream_avoiding_pointless_file_rewrites
String -> Prettyprint_Output_Stream; # Arg is filename.
# close: Prettyprint_Output_Stream -> Void;
filename: String,
output_stream: Ref( List( String ) )
Texttraits = Void;
fun same_texttraits _ = TRUE;
fun push_texttraits _ = ();
fun pop_texttraits _ = ();
fun default_texttraits _ = ();
# Allocate an empty output stream and remember the file name.
fun make_plain_file_prettyprinter_output_stream_avoiding_pointless_file_rewrites
filename => f,
output_stream => REF []
# Calculate the final output and
# compare it with the current
# contents of the file.
# If they differ, write the file:
fun close (PRETTYPRINT_OUTPUT_STREAM { output_stream => REF l, filename, ... } )
{ s = cat (reverse l);
fun write ()
{ f = fil::open_for_write filename;
fil::write (f, s);
fil::close_output f;
{ f = fil::open_for_read filename;
s' = fil::read_all f;
fil::close_input f;
if (s != s') write (); fi;
_ = write ();
fun put_string (PRETTYPRINT_OUTPUT_STREAM { output_stream, ... }, s) # Write a string in the current texttraits to the output stream.
output_stream := s ! *output_stream;
fun flush d = ();
# fun close d = ();
## (C) 2002, Lucent Technologies, Bell Labs
## author: Matthias Blume (blume@research.bell-labs.com)