src/lib/compiler/front/typer/print/prettyprint-type.pkg# (... about 80 more)
# As a brief introduction, the previously mentioned pp_statement()
# is typical:
# fun pp_statement (pp:Pp, s: Statement)
# =
# case s
# #
# ASSIGNMENT { lhs, rhs } => { pp.box' 0 0 {. # Open a new identation-level box. Emit zero blanks then more blanks until (column % tabsize) == 0.
# pp.rulename "b4"; # Name the box "b4". This is only to aid human debugging -- setenv MYTHRYL_PRETTYPRINT_SHOW_BOXES to see this.
# pp_expression (pp, lhs); # Prettyprint the left-hand-side subexpression.
# pp.ind 4; # Move left margin 4 chars to right.
# pp.txt " "; # Emit a blank if the statement fits on one line, otherwise indent the rest of the block four spaces.
# pp.txt "= "; # Print a '=' and a blank which is also a breakpoint if the block is multiline.
# pp_expression (pp, rhs); # Print the right-hand-side subexpression.
# pp.endlit ";"; # Print a terminal ';' immediately after the preceding printed stuff, even if blanks and newlines intervene.
# };
# };
# BLOCK xs => { pp.box' 0 0 {. # See above.
# pp.rulename "b5"; # See above.
# pp.lit "{"; # Print a left-justified '{' in our box.
# pp.ind 4; # Move left margin 4 chars to right.
# pp.txt " "; # Print a space if the box fits on one line, otherwise indent this and the following lines by four spaces.
# pp::seq {. pp.txt' 0 -1 " "; } {. pp_statement (pp, #x); } xs; # Print elements in the 'xs' list separated by triple-blanks if the box is monoline, else by by doing a newline.
# pp.ind 0; # Return to the original box indentation level.
# pp.txt " "; # Print a blank if the box is monoline, otherwise do a newline.
# pp.lit "}"; # Print a left-justified '}' in our box.
# };
# };
# esac;
# This function prettyprints the type
# Statement
# = ASSIGNMENT { lhs: Expression,
# rhs: Expression
# }
| BLOCK List( Statement )
# The critical concepts are
# o pp.lit: Literal text to be printed as shown.
# o pp.newline(): Returns cursor to currently active left margin.
# o pp.tab(): Prints some number of blanks, then more blanks
# until (column % tabsize) == tab_to. If tab_to
# is -1, the latter operation is a no-op.
# o pp.box Boxes. These are made monoline if possible, else multiline.
# o Breaks. To a first approximation a break prints as a blank if
# the immediately enclosing box is monoline, else as a newline
# followed by enough blanks to reach the current left margin.
# In a 'normal' box either all breaks are "wrapped"
# (newline-indent) or none are.
# In more detail, a break has two clauses, 'ifwrap' + 'ifnotwrap'
# each containing two values:
# blanks: Int
# tab_to: Int
# pp will print 'blanks' blanks and then continue printing blanks
# until it reaches a column such that (column % tabsize) == tab_to.
# tabsize defaults to 4 and is set at prettyprinter creation time
# via the TABSTOPS_ARE_EVERY optional parameter.
# pp::break' allows a break to be specified in full generality; usually
# this is far too general and (consequently) verbose and you will want
# to use more concise alternatives like pp.cut() or pp.txt().
# o pp.ind i If the box is multiline does an indent -- moves the left margin
# left or right 'i' positions. If i==0, resets left margin to original
# value for the box.
# o pp.txt' blanks to_tab "string":
# This shorthand convenience fn scans "string" emitting multiple primitive commands:
# * Spaces turn into breaks with 'blanks' and 'to_tab' per pp.txt' args.
# * Newlines turn into typ::NEWLINE commands, as if pp.newline() had been called.
# * tabs turn into typ::TAB commands, as if pp.tab() had been called.
# * other text turns into typ::LIT commands, as if pp.lit() had been called.
# o pp::seq is a little convenience function for printing a list of values
# with separators, such as a comma-separated list:
# The first arg is a Void -> Void fn that prints the separator;
# The second arg is a X -> Void fn that prints one value from the list;
# The third arg is the List(X) list of values to be printed.
# One general convention:
# pp.foo Most concise form of foo().
# pp.foo' More verbose form of foo(), accepting additional arguments.
# Debug support
# Environment variables:
# If this environment variable is set, mythryl will print the
# rulename and id of each box at start and end of its printout.
# Use pp.rulename to set the rulename:
# pp.box {. pp.rulename "tp1";
# ...
# };
# Pending work:
# If we haven't already done so, we should probably(?) move this
# library into standard.lib so we can use it pervasively for
# error messages and such. Since error-message.pkg apparently
# uses us, something of the sort must already have been done...?
# We should likely add additional environment variables
# MYTHRYL_SHOW_PRETTYPRINT_BOXTREE # If set, we display the boxtree
# MYTHRYL_SHOW_PRETTYPRINT_OPS # If set, we show the op-by-op trace
# In the long run, likely(?) everyone depending on base-prettyprinter-g.pkg
# should be eliminated or recoded to use standard-prettyprinter-g.pkg,
# and then base-prettyprinter-g.pkg eliminated.
# We should try to find some way to disentangle the circular near-dependencies
# in the prettyprinter stuff to allow cleaner code.
# For example, what if we eliminated
# core-prettyprinter.api, which isn't used, and
# base-prettyprinter.api, which shouldn't really exist, and rewrote
# standard-prettyprinter.api as a standalone interface file...?
# Compiled by:
package fil = file__premicrothread; # file__premicrothread is from
api Standard_Prettyprinter {
Left_Margin_Is # How should we compute the left margin for a box?
= BOX_RELATIVE { blanks: Int, tab_to: Int, tabstops_are_every: Int } # Indent left margin relative to left margin of containing box.
| CURSOR_RELATIVE { blanks: Int, tab_to: Int, tabstops_are_every: Int }
# Set left margin by tabbing from cursor, where tabstops are every 'Int' chars.
{ pp: Private_State,
tabstops_are_every: Int, # This section records the prettyprint mill configuration for client reference.
default_target_box_width: Int, #
default_left_margin_is: Left_Margin_Is, #
default_wrap_policy: String, # It would be nice to have default_wrap_policy: Wrap_Policy here but I think that will produce nasty circularity issues.
box': Int -> Int -> (Void -> Void) -> Void, # == { pp::open_box (pp, pp::typ::BOX_RELATIVE { blanks=>i1, tab_to=>i2, tabstops_are_every }, default_wrap_policy ); thunk(); pp::shut_box pp; }
wrap': Int -> Int -> (Void -> Void) -> Void, # == { pp::open_box (pp, pp::typ::BOX_RELATIVE { blanks=>i1, tab_to=>i2, tabstops_are_every }, ragged_right ); thunk(); pp::shut_box pp; }
cbox': Int -> Int -> (Void -> Void) -> Void, # == { pp::open_box (pp, pp::typ::CURSOR_RELATIVE { blanks=>i1, tab_to=>i2, tabstops_are_every }, default_wrap_policy ); thunk(); pp::shut_box pp; }
cwrap': Int -> Int -> (Void -> Void) -> Void, # == { pp::open_box (pp, pp::typ::CURSOR_RELATIVE { blanks=>i1, tab_to=>i2, tabstops_are_every }, ragged_right ); thunk(); pp::shut_box pp; }
box: (Void -> Void) -> Void, # == { pp::open_box (pp, pp::typ::BOX_RELATIVE { blanks=> 1, tab_to=> 0, tabstops_are_every }, default_wrap_policy ); thunk(); pp::shut_box pp; }
wrap: (Void -> Void) -> Void, # == { pp::open_box (pp, pp::typ::BOX_RELATIVE { blanks=> 1, tab_to=> 0, tabstops_are_every }, ragged_right ); thunk(); pp::shut_box pp; }
cbox: (Void -> Void) -> Void, # == { pp::open_box (pp, pp::typ::CURSOR_RELATIVE { blanks=> 1, tab_to=> 0, tabstops_are_every }, default_wrap_policy ); thunk(); pp::shut_box pp; }
cwrap: (Void -> Void) -> Void, # == { pp::open_box (pp, pp::typ::CURSOR_RELATIVE { blanks=> 1, tab_to=> 0, tabstops_are_every }, ragged_right ); thunk(); pp::shut_box pp; }
flush: Void -> Void,
close: Void -> Void,
break': { ifwrap: { blanks: Int, tab_to: Int },
ifnotwrap: { blanks: Int, tab_to: Int }
tab: Void -> Void, #
cut: Void -> Void, #
tab': Int -> Int -> Void, # Emit 'blanks' blanks, then additional blanks until (column % tabstops_are_every) == tab_to.
cut': Int -> Int -> Void, # If wrapped, emit newline, blank to left margin of current box, then do save as above.
txt': Int -> Int -> String -> Void,
txt: String -> Void,
ind: Int -> Void, # Move left margin by given amount; if arg is zero, reset left margin to original value for box.
lit: String -> Void, # Like txt except blanks are treated literally instead of as breaks.
endlit: String -> Void, # Special hack to let ';'s be at end of preceding box instead of on a new line. Identical to 'lit' except for end-of-box handling.
newline: Void -> Void, # Starts a new line at the current left margin.
rulename: String -> Void # Debug support: associates an arbitrary rulename with the innermost currently open box.
include api Base_Prettyprinter # Make standard_prettyprinter a 100% drop-in replacement for base_prettyprinter.
Prettyprinter == Standard_Prettyprinter;
package box: api { # Type for optional args for open_box().
Arg = LEFT_MARGIN_IS typ::Left_Margin_Is
| FORMAT typ::Wrap_Policy
# pp::box is the fully general call to open a formatting box; pp.box provides a subset of the functionality but more convenience.
start_box: Standard_Prettyprinter # Prettyprint mill -- effectively the buffer into which we're writing prettyprinted text.
-> List( box::Arg ) # Box width, format etc.
-> Void # Possibly someday we should return the box, so that formatters can do stuff like "if box.multiline ... "...?
; # Call end_box pp; to terminate the box.
seqx: (Void -> Void) # Separator. Might be: {. pp.txt ", "; }
-> (X -> Void) # Print one element of the list. Might be: {. pp.lit (sprintf "%d" #i); }
-> List(X) # Elements to print. Might be: [ 1, 2, 3 ]
-> Void
; # A little convenience fn for prettyprinting lists.
# Next four are conveniences for printing standard Mythryl constructs: records, tuples, lists and blocks.
record: Prettyprinter # Print a record as either { key1 => val1, key2 => val2, ... } or
-> String # Title. # { key1 => val1,
-> List( (String, Void -> Void) ) # Key-val pairs # key2 => val2,
-> Void # ...
; # }
# Special hack to support printing incomplete records: If key == "...", value is ignored (not printed).
tuple: Prettyprinter # Print a tuple as either (val1, val2, ... ) or
-> String # Title. # ( val1,
-> List( Void -> Void ) # Print-element thunks. # val2,
-> Void # ...
; # )
tuplex: Prettyprinter # Print a tuple as either (val1, val2, ... ) or
-> (X -> Void) # Print one element. # ( val1,
-> String # Title. # val2,
-> List( X ) # Elements. # ...
-> Void # )
; #
listx: Prettyprinter # Print a list as either [ val1, val2, ... ] or
-> (X -> Void) # Print one element. # [ val1,
-> String # Title. # val2,
-> List(X) # Elements. # ...
-> Void # ]
block: Prettyprinter # Print a block as either { exp1; exp2; ... } or
-> List( Void -> Void ) # Print-element thunks. # { exp1;
-> Void # exp2;
; # ...
# }
-> List( typ::Prettyprinter_Configuration_Args )
-> (Prettyprinter -> Void)
-> Void
List( typ::Prettyprinter_Configuration_Args )
-> (Prettyprinter -> Void)
-> String
String # Filename to which to pprint.
-> List( typ::Prettyprinter_Configuration_Args )
-> Standard_Prettyprinter
List( typ::Prettyprinter_Configuration_Args )
{ pp: Standard_Prettyprinter,
get_buffer_contents_and_clear_buffer: Void -> String
## Code by Jeff Prothero: Copyright (c) 2010-2015,
## released per terms of SMLNJ-COPYRIGHT.