## dir.api
# Compiled by:
src/lib/std/standard.lib# Implemented in:
src/lib/src/dir.pkgapi Dir {
entry_names: String -> List( String ); # Returns [ "bar", "foo", "zot" ] or such. Skips dot-initial names.
entry_names': String -> List( String ); # Returns [ ".bashrc", "bar", "foo", "zot" ] or such. Skips "." and "..".
entry_names'': String -> List( String ); # Returns [ ".", "..", ".bashrc", "bar", "foo", "zot" ] or such.
file_names: String -> List( String ); # Returns [ "bar", "foo", "zot" ] or such. Skips pipes, directories and dot-initial names.
directory_names: String -> List( String ); # Returns [ "bar", "foo", "zot" ] or such. Skips pipes, files and dot_initial names.
file_names': String -> List( String ); # Returns [ "bar", "foo", "zot" ] or such. Skips pipes, directories etc, but allows dot-initial names.
directory_names': String -> List( String ); # Returns [ "bar", "foo", "zot" ] or such. Skips pipes, files etc, but allows dot-initial names.
entries: String -> List( String ); # Returns [ "/home/jcb/bar", "/home/jcb/foo", "/home/jcb/zot" ] or such. Skips dot-initial names.
entries': String -> List( String ); # Returns [ "/home/jcb/.bashrc", "/home/jcb/bar", "/home/jcb/foo", "/home/jcb/zot" ] or such. Skips "." and "..".
entries'': String -> List( String ); # Returns [ "/home/jcb/.", "/home/jcb/..", "/home/jcb/.bashrc", "/home/jcb/bar", "/home/jcb/foo", "/home/jcb/zot" ] or such.
files: String -> List( String ); # Returns [ "/home/jcb/bar", "/home/jcb/foo", "/home/jcb/zot" ] or such. Skips pipes, directories and dot-initial names.
directories: String -> List( String ); # Returns [ "/home/jcb/bar", "/home/jcb/foo", "/home/jcb/zot" ] or such. Skips pipes, files and dot-initial names.
files': String -> List( String ); # Returns [ "/home/jcb/bar", "/home/jcb/foo", "/home/jcb/zot" ] or such. Skips pipes directories etc but allows dot-initial names.
directories': String -> List( String ); # Returns [ "/home/jcb/bar", "/home/jcb/foo", "/home/jcb/zot" ] or such. Skips pipes, files, etc but allows dot-initial names other than "." and "..".
is_file: String -> Bool; # TRUE iff there exists a plain file by that name.
is_directory: String -> Bool; # TRUE iff there exists a directory by name.
is_something: String -> Bool; # TRUE iff anything by that name exists in the filesystem.
exists: String -> Bool; # TRUE iff there exists a directory by name. (same as is_directory)
## Author: Matthias Blume (blume@cs.princeton.edu)
## Copyright (c) 1999, 2000 by Lucent Bell Laboratories
## Subsequent changes by Jeff Prothero Copyright (c) 2010-2015,
## released per terms of SMLNJ-COPYRIGHT.