## internal-threadkit-types.pkg
# These are the concrete representations of the various threadkit types.
# These types are abstract (or not even visible) outside this library.
# Compiled by:
src/lib/std/standard.lib### "The programmer who is not in love with lisp by age twenty lacks romance.
### The programmer who is still in love with lisp at age thirty lacks sense."
### -- Walt Filmore
package fat = fate; # fate is from
package internal_threadkit_types {
package state {
State = ALIVE
; # There is no provision for killing and then reviving a thread -- see Note[1].
Apptask = APPTASK { task_id: Int, # A unique ID.
task_name: String, # Purely for display to humans.
task_state: Ref( state::State ), #
alive_threads_count: Ref( Int ), # Count of threads which are current in this task and in state ALIVE.
# When this goes to zero, task state goes to SUCCEEDED and done_condvar is set.
task_condvar: Condition_Variable, # Set when the task exits ALIVE state. I'd rather this were a oneshot-maildrop, but condvars have
# special logic allowing them to be set in an uninterruptible scope, which oneshot-maildrops lack,
# and at the moment at least I lack the energy to code it up. -- 2012-08-11 CrT
cleanup_task: Ref( Null_Or( Apptask ) ) # To handle work to be done when this task (or threads in this task) complete.
Microthread = MICROTHREAD { thread_id: Int, # A unique ID.
name: String, # Purely for display to humans.
task: Apptask, # Mainly allows killing an entire set of threads all at once via kill_task.
state: Ref( state::State ),
didmail: Ref( Bool ), # We set this whenever the thread does some concurrency operation; thread-scheduler favors mail-performing threads.
exception_handler: Ref( Exception -> Void ), # Root-level exception handler hook.
properties: Ref( List( Exception ) ), # Holds thread-local properties.
done_condvar: Condition_Variable # Set when the thread exits ALIVE state. I'd rather this were a oneshot-maildrop, but condvars have
# special logic allowing them to be set in an uninterruptible scope, which oneshot-maildrops lack,
# and at the moment at least I lack the energy to code it up. -- 2012-08-11 CrT
# Thread states get used primarily in
src/lib/src/lib/thread-kit/src/core-thread-kit/microthread.pkg #
src/lib/src/lib/thread-kit/src/core-thread-kit/microthread-preemptive-scheduler.pkg #
# The full state of a thread consists of two components:
# o The actual fate ("continuation").
# o The Microthread, which holds its book-keeping info.
# These two components do not refer directly to each other; they are
# explicitly joined only when (for example) thread-scheduler pushes
# them as a pair onto background_run_queue or foreground_run_queue.
# One run of the 'do_one_mailop' fn from
src/lib/src/lib/thread-kit/src/core-thread-kit/mailop.pkg #
# will pick and fire exactly one mailop
# from the given list of mailops.
# If no mailops on the list are ready to fire,
# it will block until one is.
# It will block forever if the mailop list is empty.
# We use 'do1mailoprun' to designate one such invocation
# of the 'do_one_mailop' fn, and we use Ref(Do1mailoprun_Status)
# values to track the status of a do1mailoprun. We set
# a Ref(Do1mailoprun_Status) to DO1MAILOPRUN_IS_COMPLETE
# when the do1mailoprun is complete, in the sense that
# no mailop in it is a candidate to fire.
# See
src/lib/src/lib/thread-kit/src/core-thread-kit/mailop.pkg #
# These are essentially Void-valued oneshot_maildrop instances,
# and are used for various internal synchronization
# conditions, e.g., nack mail_ops, I/O synchronization,
# and thread termination:
Condvar_State # "condvar" == "condition variable".
= CONDVAR_IS_NOT_SET List # Unset condvar together with the list of do1mailopruns waiting for it to be set.
{ do1mailoprun_status: Ref( Do1mailoprun_Status ), # 'do_one_mailop' is supposed to fire exactly one mailop: 'do1mailoprun_status' is basically a mutex enforcing this.
finish_do1mailoprun: Void -> Void, # Do any required end-of-do1mailoprun work such as do1mailoprun_status := DO1MAILOPRUN_IS_COMPLETE; and sending nacks as appropriate.
fate: fate::Fate( Void )
# Condvar which has been set.
# When a mailop is not ready to fire, we call a function
# set_up_maildready_watches
# of this type to set up an alarm that will sound when it becomes
# ready to fire.
# This typically involves putting it onto some jobqueue that will
# be run when the condition currently blocking the mailop from
# firing is resolved.
# The 'set_up_maildready_watches' will not actually do a normal
# return-to-caller until the mailop is ready to fire. In the
# meantime it suspends itself by calling its
# return_to__suspend_then_eventually_fire_mailops__loop
# argument:
{ do1mailoprun_status: Ref( Do1mailoprun_Status ), # This is basically a mutex to prevent more than one mailop firing per do1mailoprun; it is set to DO1MAILOPRUN_IS_COMPLETE by the first mailop to fire.
finish_do1mailoprun: Void -> Void, # Do any required end-of-do1mailoprun work such as do1mailoprun_status := DO1MAILOPRUN_IS_COMPLETE; and sending nacks as appropriate.
return_to__suspend_then_eventually_fire_mailops__loop: Void -> Void # Used by maildrop.pkg/mailslot.pkg/etc to return control to mailop.pkg after starting up a mailop-ready-to-fire watch.
X; # This is the actual eventual return type.
# Mailops -- see
src/lib/src/lib/thread-kit/src/core-thread-kit/mailop.pkg Mailop_Readiness(X)
fire_mailop: Void -> X # We fire a mailop by calling fire_mailop(), which is what actually does the relevant mail operation.
} # (Everything up to that point is just choosing which mail operation to do.) Reppy refers to 'fire_mailop' as 'doFn'.
Base_Mailop(X) # When 'do_one_mailop' needs to know if a given base mailop is ready to fire, it calls a fn of this type.
= # NB: A Base_Mailop is essentially an "is-this-mailop-ready-to-fire?" fn which returns the answer
Void -> Mailop_Readiness(X); # (either READY_MAILOP or UNREADY_MAILOP) together with a function
# encapsulating the appropriate thing to to in that case.
= BASE_MAILOPS List( Base_Mailop(X) ) # This is the meat-and-potatoes usual case.
| CHOOSE_MAILOP List( Mailop(X) )
| DYNAMIC_MAILOP Void -> Mailop(X)
# Special hack which allows picking/generating a mailop on the fly during a call to do_one_mailop [].
| DYNAMIC_MAILOP_WITH_NACK Mailop(Void) -> Mailop(X)
task_name => "default task",
task_id => 0, # Default task cannot be killed. In practice we test for (task_id > 0) before killing a task.
task_state => REF state::ALIVE,
alive_threads_count => REF 1000000000, # Large number because we don't want default_task ever going non-ALIVE due to lack of living threads.
cleanup_task => REF NULL
name => "default thread",
thread_id => 0,
task => default_task,
didmail => REF FALSE,
state => REF state::ALIVE,
properties => REF [],
exception_handler => REF (\\ _ = ())
# Thread scheduler temporary thread used by
# microthread_preemptive_scheduler::dequeue_cpu_bound_thread
# to run
# *no_runnable_threads_left__hook
name => "mps temp",
thread_id => 1,
task => default_task,
didmail => REF FALSE,
state => REF state::ALIVE,
properties => REF [],
exception_handler => REF (\\ _ = ())
# Thread scheduler temporary thread used by
# microthread_preemptive_scheduler::run_thunk_immediately__iu,
# which is (only) used by
# process_deathwatch::harvest_exit_statuses_of_dead_subprocesses__iu # process_deathwatch is from
src/lib/src/lib/thread-kit/src/process-deathwatch.pkg # to signal a child-process death.
name => "run_thunk_immediately thread",
thread_id => 2,
task => default_task,
didmail => REF FALSE,
state => REF state::ALIVE,
properties => REF [],
exception_handler => REF (\\ _ = ())
# Thread scheduler temporary thread used by
# microthread_preemptive_scheduler::run_thunk_soon
name => "run_thunk_soon thread",
thread_id => 3,
task => default_task,
didmail => REF FALSE,
state => REF state::ALIVE,
properties => REF [],
exception_handler => REF (\\ _ = ())
# Thread scheduler temporary thread used by
# microthread_preemptive_scheduler::run_thunk
name => "run_thunk thread",
thread_id => 4,
task => default_task,
didmail => REF FALSE,
state => REF state::ALIVE,
properties => REF [],
exception_handler => REF (\\ _ = ())
# Thread scheduler temporary thread used by
# the inter-hosttrhead-communication logic.
name => "thread scheduler requests",
thread_id => 5,
task => default_task,
didmail => REF FALSE,
state => REF state::ALIVE,
properties => REF [],
exception_handler => REF (\\ _ = ())
# The error thread.
# This thread is used to trap attempts
# to run threadkit without proper initialization
# (i.e., via thread_scheduler_control::start_up_threadkit). # thread_scheduler_control is from
src/lib/src/lib/thread-kit/src/posix/thread-scheduler-control.pkg # This thread is enqueued by reset_thread_scheduler.
name => "microthread_preemptive_scheduler error thread",
thread_id => 6,
task => default_task,
state => REF state::ALIVE,
didmail => REF FALSE,
properties => REF [],
exception_handler => REF (\\ _ = ())
first_free_thread_id = 7; #
\\ _ = { printf "**** Must do run_threadkit() before using threadkit concurrency support. ****\n"; # This is somewhat obsolescent now. -- 2012-08-15 CrT
raise exception DIE "threadkit not initialized";
: fat::Fate( Void );
my _ = # Because only declarations are syntactically legal here.
unsafe::set_current_microthread_register error_thread; # and in
src/lib/src/lib/thread-kit/src/glue/thread-scheduler-control-g.pkg #
# It is good to do the above as early as practical,
# because prior to that fetching the value of the
# register will probably segfault us (uninitialized value).
# Useful when debugging threadkit internals:
fun get_thread's_id_as_string (MICROTHREAD { thread_id, ... } )
cat [ "[",
number_string::pad_left '0' 6 (int::to_string thread_id),
# Note[1]
# There is no provision for killing and then reviving a thread.
# This is a deliberate design decision.
# In general a running thread will be in many wait queues,
# and these queues will continue running (due to other threads)
# while a given thread is dead. The states of other threads
# will also continue to evolve.
# Reviving a thread sanely would require re-establishing a
# valid set of wait queue entries for the thread, together
# with updating its internal state to be consistent with the
# now-changed state of the other threads in the system.
# This task is impossible for the threadkit layer to accomplish,
# so it is best to avoid even the suggestion that it can.
# It is much better to force the user to create the thread over from
# scratch, and thus solve this problem himself, than to raise unrealistic
# expectations that threadkit will solve these problems when in fact it cannot.
# -- 2012-08-12 CrT
## COPYRIGHT (c) 1989-1991 John H. Reppy
## COPYRIGHT (c) 1995 AT&T Bell Laboratories.
## Subsequent changes by Jeff Prothero Copyright (c) 2010-2015,
## released per terms of SMLNJ-COPYRIGHT.