## threadkit-base-for-os-g.pkg
# This generic combines the platform-specific driver with
# platform-independent code to construct a full platform-dependent
# base layer for threadkit.
# Our main business here is managing I/O bound
# background sorts of stuff:
# o Detecting when a pipe or socket has input available,
# and arranging for it to be read.
# o Detecting when a subprocess has exited and harvesting
# its exit status, allowing its zombie to die and any
# code waiting for its exit to run.
# o Waking any threads whose timeouts have expired.
# Compiled by:
package ci = unsafe::mythryl_callable_c_library_interface; # unsafe is from
src/lib/std/src/unsafe/unsafe.pkg # # mythryl_callable_c_library_interface is from
src/lib/std/src/unsafe/mythryl-callable-c-library-interface.pkg package cbp = cpu_bound_task_hostthreads; # cpu_bound_task_hostthreads is from
src/lib/std/src/hostthread/cpu-bound-task-hostthreads.pkg package cu = run_at; # run_at is from
src/lib/src/lib/thread-kit/src/core-thread-kit/run-at.pkg package fat = fate; # fate is from
src/lib/std/src/nj/fate.pkg package ibp = io_bound_task_hostthreads; # io_bound_task_hostthreads is from
src/lib/std/src/hostthread/io-bound-task-hostthreads.pkg package iow = io_wait_hostthread; # io_wait_hostthread is from
src/lib/std/src/hostthread/io-wait-hostthread.pkg package th = microthread; # microthread is from
src/lib/src/lib/thread-kit/src/core-thread-kit/microthread.pkg package rwq = rw_queue; # rw_queue is from
src/lib/src/rw-queue.pkg package ri = runtime_internals; # runtime_internals is from
src/lib/std/src/nj/runtime-internals.pkg package tim = time; # time is from
src/lib/std/time.pkg package mps = microthread_preemptive_scheduler; # microthread_preemptive_scheduler is from
src/lib/src/lib/thread-kit/src/core-thread-kit/microthread-preemptive-scheduler.pkg package tsr = thread_scheduler_is_running; # thread_scheduler_is_running is from
src/lib/src/lib/thread-kit/src/core-thread-kit/thread-scheduler-is-running.pkg package wnx = winix__premicrothread; # winix__premicrothread is from
src/lib/std/winix--premicrothread.pkg #
fun cfun fun_name
ci::find_c_function { lib_name => "heap", fun_name }; # heap is from src/c/lib/heap/libmythryl-heap.c
# 'cfun' here is used only for spawn_to_disk which should be called
# only on a quiescient system with only one active posix thread, so
# our usual latency-minimization reasons for indirecting
# syscalls through other posix threads do not apply.
# Consequently I'm not taking the time and effort to switch it
# over from using find_c_function() to using find_c_function'().
# -- 2012-04-21 CrT
# This generic is invoked (only) by:
src/lib/src/lib/thread-kit/src/glue/thread-scheduler-control-g.pkg #
generic package threadkit_base_for_os_g (
# # threadkit_driver_for_posix is from
src/lib/src/lib/thread-kit/src/posix/threadkit-driver-for-posix.pkg drv: Threadkit_Driver_For_Os # Threadkit_Driver_For_Os is from
src/lib/src/lib/thread-kit/src/posix/threadkit-driver-for-os.api )
: (weak)
api {
wake_sleeping_threads_and_schedule_fd_io_and_harvest_dead_subprocesses__xu__fate: fat::Fate( Void );
no_runnable_threads_left__fate: fat::Fate( Void );
Pair (X, Y) = PAIR (X, Y);
((String, List(String)) -> wnx::process::Status, Null_Or( tim::Time ))
-> Pair( String, List(String) )
-> wnx::process::Status;
wake_sleeping_threads_and_schedule_fd_io_and_harvest_dead_subprocesses__xu__fate # This winds up as the value for run_next_runnable_thread__xu__hook in
src/lib/src/lib/thread-kit/src/core-thread-kit/microthread-preemptive-scheduler.pkg = # courtesy of start_up_thread_scheduler'' in
src/lib/src/lib/thread-kit/src/glue/thread-scheduler-control-g.pkg fat::make_isolated_fate
(\\ _
# log::uninterruptible_scope_mutex := 1;
drv::wake_sleeping_threads_and_schedule_fd_io_and_harvest_dead_subprocesses__iu ();
mps::dispatch_next_thread__xu__noreturn ();
: fat::Fate( Void );
no_runnable_threads_left__fate # This winds up as the value for no_runnable_threads_left__hook in
src/lib/src/lib/thread-kit/src/core-thread-kit/microthread-preemptive-scheduler.pkg = # courtesy of start_up_thread_scheduler'' in
src/lib/src/lib/thread-kit/src/glue/thread-scheduler-control-g.pkg fat::make_isolated_fate
(\\ _
mps::assert_not_in_uninterruptible_scope "no_runnable_threads_left__fate";
log::uninterruptible_scope_mutex := 1;
drv::wake_sleeping_threads_and_schedule_fd_io_and_harvest_dead_subprocesses__iu ();
if (not (rwq::queue_is_empty mps::foreground_run_queue)) mps::dispatch_next_thread__xu__noreturn (); fi;
if (not (rwq::queue_is_empty mps::background_run_queue)) mps::dispatch_next_thread__xu__noreturn (); fi;
if (drv::block_until_some_thread_becomes_runnable()) mps::dispatch_next_thread__xu__noreturn (); fi;
if (iow::is_doing_useful_work () # If we have active file descriptors (e.g., sockets we're listening on) then we're not provably deadlocked and shouldn't exit().
or cbp::is_doing_useful_work () # If we have a cpu-bound background hostthread running then we're not provably deadlocked and shouldn't exit().
or ibp::is_doing_useful_work () # If we have an io-bound background hostthread running then we're not provably deadlocked and shouldn't exit().
or TRUE) # As of 2015-06-14 doing file::as_lines "/mythryl7/mythryl7.110.58/mythryl7.110.58/BUGS";
# triggers the below TIME TO SHUT DOWN! and I don't want to debug that right now, hence this bogus TRUE condition. XXX SUCKO FIXME.
# NB: I'm assuming here that iow,cbp,ipb talk only to ts, not to each other -- otherwise we have a race condition here
# where useful work could (say) move from cpb to iow during our check and get missed.
# If this becomes possible we should probably switch to using a single mutex for the
# request queues of all three packages and hold that mutex while making this check.
# Maybe we should do so anyhow, since app programmer code could violate this constraint. XXX THINKO FIXME.
# Actually, uncommenting this appears to increase
# the frequency of the compiler hanging. -- 2013-03-18 CrT
# log::uninterruptible_scope_mutex := 0; # I lack any clear analysis of the interactions between
# signal, exception, posix-mutex and microthread-mutex stuff here,
# but empirically holding the microthread-mutex here while doing
# mps::block_until_inter_hostthread_request_queue_is_nonempty ();
# was resulting in the mutex winding up hung when we ^C at the
# interactive prompt, so dropping that mutex at this point seems
# at the least a useful palliative.
mps::block_until_inter_hostthread_request_queue_is_nonempty ();
mps::dispatch_next_thread__xu__noreturn ();
if (not (mps::inter_hostthread_request_queue_is_empty())) mps::dispatch_next_thread__xu__noreturn (); fi; # Could have been set while we were doing above threee is_doing_useful_work() checks -- this is Race Condition City here. :-)
# If we arrive here not only do we have no runnable
# threads left, we also have no way to ever generate
# a runnable thread in future, so it is time to exit():
log::note_on_stderr {. "============================================================================================================="; };
log::note_on_stderr {. "no_runnable_threads_left__fate: Nothing to do, ever, so TIME TO SHUT DOWN!. -- threadkit-base-for-os-g.pkg"; };
log::note_on_stderr {. "============================================================================================================="; };
log::uninterruptible_scope_mutex := 0;
fat::switch_to_fate *mps::thread_scheduler_shutdown_hook (TRUE, wnx::process::failure); #
: fat::Fate( Void );
Pair (X, Y) = PAIR (X, Y);
# "Cmdt" might be "command_type"?
Cmdt = Pair (String, List(String) ) # Here the Pair is probably (program_to_run, arguments_for_program)
spawn_to_disk' = cfun "spawn_to_disk" : (String, Cmdt) -> Void;
fun wrap_for_export (f, tq) (PAIR args) # This fn is used (only) in a spawn_to_disk' call in
src/lib/src/lib/thread-kit/src/glue/thread-scheduler-control-g.pkg =
ri::initialize_posix_interprocess_signal_handler_table ();
th::reset_thread_package { running => TRUE };
drv::start_threadkit_driver ();
fun initial_proc ()
( f args
_ = wnx::process::failure
my (clean_up, status)
\\ done_fate
{ mps::thread_scheduler_shutdown_hook := done_fate;
case tq
THE tq => mps::start_thread_scheduler_timer tq;
_ => mps::restart_thread_scheduler_timer ();
cu::do_actions_for cu::APP_STARTUP;
th::make_thread "export_function_g" initial_proc;
th::thread_exit { success => TRUE };
if (tsr::thread_scheduler_is_running () # Try to be robust against different shutdown sequences etc.
and (not *tsr::started_thread_scheduler_shutdown)
tsr::started_thread_scheduler_shutdown := TRUE;
cu::do_actions_for cu::APP_SHUTDOWN; # Compare this block with corresponding block in start_up_thread_scheduler''() from
src/lib/src/lib/thread-kit/src/glue/thread-scheduler-control-g.pkg drv::stop_threadkit_driver ();
mps::stop_thread_scheduler_timer ();
th::reset_thread_package { running => FALSE };
tsr::thread_scheduler_is_running_as_pid # Thread scheduler is no longer running.
## COPYRIGHT (c) 1989-1991 John H. Reppy
## COPYRIGHT (c) 1997 Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies.
## Subsequent changes by Jeff Prothero Copyright (c) 2010-2015,
## released per terms of SMLNJ-COPYRIGHT.