## object2.api
# Compiled by:
src/lib/std/standard.lib# Object / object are adapted from
# Bernard Berthomieu's "OOP Programming Styles in ML"
# Appendix 2.3.2 where they are called EQOBJ/Eqobj:
api Object2 {
exception EQUAL;
Self(X) = root_object::Self( Full__State(X) );
Myself = Self( oop::Oop_Null );
package super: Root_Object;
get__substate: Self(X) -> X;
unpack__object: Self(X) -> (X -> Self(X), X);
Object__Methods(X) = Self(X) -> Self(X) -> Bool;
# This function returns a new copy of us in which
# the methods record has been updated per a given
# function.
# This requires extracting our local state from the object
# tuplechain, transforming it, and then rebuilding the tuplechain.
repack_methods: (Object__Methods(X) -> Object__Methods(X))
-> Self(X)
-> Self(X);
override__equal: ((Self(X) -> Self(X) -> Bool) -> Self(X) -> Self(X) -> Bool)
-> Self(X)
-> Self(X);
pack__object: Void -> X -> Self(X);
equal: Self(X) -> Self(X) -> Bool;
make__object: Void -> Myself;
message__count: Int;
field__count: Int;