## scanf.api
# C-style conversions from string representations.
# Compiled by:
package f8b = eight_byte_float; # eight_byte_float is from
src/lib/std/eight-byte-float.pkg package fil = file__premicrothread; # file__premicrothread is from
src/lib/std/src/posix/file--premicrothread.pkg package qs = quickstring__premicrothread; # quickstring__premicrothread is from
# This api is implemented in:
src/lib/src/scanf.pkg #
api Scanf {
= QUICKSTRING qs::Quickstring
| LINT large_int::Int
| INT int::Int
| LUNT large_unt::Unt
| UNT unt::Unt
| UNT8 one_byte_unt::Unt
| BOOL Bool
| CHAR Char
| STRING String
| FLOAT f8b::Float
| LEFT ((Int, Printf_Arg))
# Left justify in field of given width.
| RIGHT ((Int, Printf_Arg))
# Right justify in field of given width.
exception BAD_FORMAT String; # Bad format string
# number_string is from
src/lib/std/src/number-string.pkg # "fnsscanf" == "scanf over functional streams":
: (X -> Null_Or( (Char, X) ) ) # E.g., 'get' function fetching i-th char from input string.
-> X # E.g., next 'i' to read from input string.
-> String # Format string.
-> Null_Or( (List( Printf_Arg ), X) ); # List of items extracted from input stream, plus any remaining input stream.
: String # Input string.
-> String # Format string.
-> Null_Or( List( Printf_Arg ) ); # Results.
: String # Format string.
-> String # Input string.
-> Null_Or( List( Printf_Arg ) ); # Results.
: fil::Input_Stream # Stream to read.
-> String # Format string.
-> Null_Or( List( Printf_Arg ) ); # Results.
scanf # Above, reading from stdin.
: String # Format string.
-> Null_Or( List( Printf_Arg ) ); # Results.
## AUTHOR: John Reppy
## AT&T Research
## jhr@research.att.com
## COPYRIGHT (c) 1996 by AT&T Research. See SMLNJ-COPYRIGHT file for details.
## Subsequent changes by Jeff Prothero Copyright (c) 2010-2015,
## released per terms of SMLNJ-COPYRIGHT.