# hostthread.pkg
# For background, see "Overview" comments in
# Mythryl-level interface to support for parallel computation
# via host-os (i.e. kernel) threads. Currently we base this
# on Posix threads, but one could imagine using other kernel
# thread APIs underneath this layer, perhaps on Windows.
# We are the Mythryl side of the
# src/c/lib/hostthread/libmythryl-hostthread.c
# interface to functionality defined in the hostthread section of
# src/c/h/runtime-base.h
# and implemented in
# src/c/hostthread/hostthread-on-posix-threads.c # hostthread built on top of modern posix-threads interface.
# Compiled by:
package ci = mythryl_callable_c_library_interface; # mythryl_callable_c_library_interface is from
src/lib/std/src/unsafe/mythryl-callable-c-library-interface.pkg package fat = fate; # fate is from
src/lib/std/src/nj/fate.pkg package ip = interprocess_signals; # interprocess_signals is from
src/lib/std/src/nj/interprocess-signals.pkg package psx = posixlib; # posixlib is from
src/lib/std/src/psx/posixlib.pkg package w1u = one_word_unt_guts; # one_word_unt_guts is from
src/lib/std/src/one-word-unt-guts.pkg #
fun cfun fun_name
ci::find_c_function { lib_name => "pthread", fun_name }; # "pthread" is from src/c/lib/hostthread/libmythryl-hostthread.c
# All the cfuns in this file are all about posix-thread manipulation,
# so redirecting them to execute in a different hostthread by switching
# over from ci::find_c_function to ci::find_c_function'
# would be a really bad idea.
package hostthread
: (weak) Hostthread # Hostthread is from
src/lib/std/src/hostthread.api {
# We allot our hostthread, mutex, condvar and barrier values
# on the C heap because having the Mythryl garbage
# collector moving them around seems like a really
# really bad idea -- see src/c/lib/hostthread/libmythryl-hostthread.c
# At the Mythryl level we represent them as C
# addresses encoded as unsigned integer values:
Barrier = tagged_int::Int;
Condvar = tagged_int::Int;
Mutex = tagged_int::Int;
Hostthread = tagged_int::Int;
# We keep this type opaque to client packages.
# In practice Hostthread is currently implemented as an index
# into our hostthread_table__global[] table which is
# declared in src/c/h/runtime-base.h
# defined in src/c/main/runtime-state.c
# and used mostly by
# pth__pthread_create and
# pth__pthread_exit in src/c/hostthread/hostthread-on-posix-threads.c
Try_Mutex_Result = ACQUIRED_MUTEX
exception MAKE_PTRHEAD;
# Return number of cores on host CPU,
# for use in deciding how many posix
# threads to run in parallel when
# doing cpu-bound computations:
fun get_cpu_core_count () # We support this fn in this api partly to put it where it is expected
= # and partly because we may need this call on platforms (Windows?) where
w1u::to_int (psx::sysconf "NPROCESSORS_ONLN"); # sysconf "NPROCESSORS_ONLN" is not supported -- if so, at that point
# we can switch to per-platform drivers without breaking client code.
# Here we're looking up fns in
# the table constructed in
# src/c/lib/hostthread/libmythryl-hostthread.c
join_hostthread = cfun "join_hostthread": Hostthread -> Void; # Via pthread_join().
signal_hostthread = cfun "signal_hostthread": (Hostthread, Int) -> Void; # Via pthread_kill(). The 'Int' gives the signal; it should be from interprocess_signals::signal_to_int. interprocess_signals is from
src/lib/std/src/nj/interprocess-signals.pkg spawn_hostthread' = cfun "spawn_hostthread": fat::Fate(Void) -> Hostthread; # Private to this file.
fun spawn_hostthread void_to_void
spawn_hostthread' (fat::make_isolated_fate void_to_void); # Hide the "fate::" stuff because for almost all users it will just be distracting clutter.
stipulate # We need this little two-step because we'll get complaints
foo = cfun "hostthread_exit"; # from the typechecker (due to the "value restriction")
herein # if we just do my hosthread_exit: Void -> X = cfun "hostthread_exit" here.
hostthread_exit = (unsafe::cast foo): Void -> X ;
get_hostthread = cfun "get_hostthread_id": Void -> Hostthread;
get_hostthread_ptid = cfun "get_hostthread_ptid": Void -> w1u::Unt;
get_hostthread_name = cfun "get_hostthread_name": Hostthread -> String;
set_hostthread_name = cfun "set_hostthread_name": String -> Void;
hostthread_to_int = identity;
make_mutex = cfun "mutex_make": Void -> Mutex;
free_mutex = cfun "mutex_free": Mutex -> Void;
acquire_mutex = cfun "mutex_lock": Mutex -> Void;
release_mutex = cfun "mutex_unlock": Mutex -> Void;
try_mutex' = cfun "mutex_trylock": Mutex -> Bool; # This is not exported to clients -- we export try_mutex (below) instead.
make_barrier = cfun "barrier_make": Void -> Barrier;
free_barrier = cfun "barrier_free": Barrier -> Void;
set_barrier' = cfun "barrier_init": (Barrier, Int) -> Void; # 'Int' is number of threads which must arrive at barrier before it will release them.
wait_on_barrier = cfun "barrier_wait": Barrier -> Bool; # Exactly one hostthread waiting on barrier gets a TRUE return value.
make_condvar = cfun "condvar_make": Void -> Condvar;
free_condvar = cfun "condvar_free": Condvar -> Void;
wait_on_condvar = cfun "condvar_wait": (Condvar, Mutex) -> Void;
signal_condvar = cfun "condvar_signal": Condvar -> Void;
broadcast_condvar = cfun "condvar_broadcast": Condvar -> Void;
fun try_mutex mutex # Returning a Bool is too confusing, so we use a custom sumtype for clarity.
if (try_mutex' mutex) MUTEX_WAS_UNAVAILABLE; # I got these two backwards the first time around, confirming that the Bool value is confusing. :-) -- 2011-12-05 CrT
fun with_mutex_do mutex thunk
{ acquire_mutex mutex;
result = thunk ();
release_mutex mutex;
except x = { release_mutex mutex;
raise exception x;
fun set_barrier { barrier, threads }
set_barrier' (barrier, threads); # We do not actually need to repackage the record
# as a tuple -- they have the same heap structure anyhow.
# But for clarity we do so anyway, for the moment at least.
# Temporary debug hack:
fun mutex_to_int mutex = mutex;
## Code by Jeff Prothero: Copyright (c) 2010-2015,
## released per terms of SMLNJ-COPYRIGHT.