## heap-debug.pkg
# Compiled by:
src/lib/std/src/standard-core.sublib# Display and sanity checking of the Mythryl heap datastructures.
package ci = mythryl_callable_c_library_interface; # mythryl_callable_c_library_interface is from
package heap_debug
: (weak) Heap_Debug # Heap_Debug is from
src/lib/std/src/nj/heap-debug.api {
fun cfun name
lib_name => "heap",
fun_name => name
# The functions in this package should be called with miminal
# delay and minimal disturbance of the heap and system state.
# Consequently I'm not taking the time and effort to switch it
# over from using find_c_function() to using find_c_function'().
# -- 2012-04-18 CrT
(cfun "check_agegroup0_overrun_tripwire_buffer"): String -> Void; # "check_agegroup0_overrun_tripwire_buffer" def in src/c/lib/heap/libmythryl-heap.c
# 'String' is caller, logged for diagnostic purposes if the check fails.
disable_debug_logging = (cfun "disable_debug_logging"): Void -> Void; # disable_debug_logging def in src/c/lib/heap/libmythryl-heap.c
enable_debug_logging = (cfun "enable_debug_logging" ): Void -> Void; # enable_debug_logging def in src/c/lib/heap/libmythryl-heap.c
dump_all = (cfun "dump_all"): String -> Void; # dump_all def in src/c/lib/heap/libmythryl-heap.c
dump_all_but_hugechunks_contents = (cfun "dump_all_but_hugechunks_contents"): String -> Void; # dump_all_but_huge def in src/c/lib/heap/libmythryl-heap.c
dump_gen0 = (cfun "dump_gen0"): String -> Void; # dump_gen0 def in src/c/lib/heap/libmythryl-heap.c
dump_gen0s = (cfun "dump_gen0s"): String -> Void; # dump_gen0s def in src/c/lib/heap/libmythryl-heap.c
dump_gen0_tripwire_buffers = (cfun "dump_gen0_tripwire_buffers"): String -> Void; # dump_gen0_tripwire_buffers def in src/c/lib/heap/libmythryl-heap.c
dump_gens = (cfun "dump_gens"): String -> Void; # dump_gens def in src/c/lib/heap/libmythryl-heap.c
dump_hugechunks_contents = (cfun "dump_hugechunks_contents"): String -> Void; # dump_hugechunks_contents def in src/c/lib/heap/libmythryl-heap.c
dump_hugechunks_summary = (cfun "dump_hugechunks_summary"): String -> Void; # dump_hugechunks_summary def in src/c/lib/heap/libmythryl-heap.c
dump_syscall_log = (cfun "dump_syscall_log"): String -> Void; # dump_syscall_log def in src/c/lib/heap/libmythryl-heap.c
dump_task = (cfun "dump_task"): String -> Void; # dump_task def in src/c/lib/heap/libmythryl-heap.c
dump_whatever = (cfun "dump_whatever"): String -> Void; # dump_whatever def in src/c/lib/heap/libmythryl-heap.c
breakpoint_0 = (cfun "breakpoint_0"): Void -> Void; # breakpoint_0 def in src/c/lib/heap/libmythryl-heap.c
breakpoint_1 = (cfun "breakpoint_1"): Void -> Void; # breakpoint_1 def in src/c/lib/heap/libmythryl-heap.c
breakpoint_2 = (cfun "breakpoint_2"): Void -> Void; # breakpoint_2 def in src/c/lib/heap/libmythryl-heap.c
breakpoint_3 = (cfun "breakpoint_3"): Void -> Void; # breakpoint_3 def in src/c/lib/heap/libmythryl-heap.c
breakpoint_4 = (cfun "breakpoint_4"): Void -> Void; # breakpoint_4 def in src/c/lib/heap/libmythryl-heap.c
breakpoint_5 = (cfun "breakpoint_5"): Void -> Void; # breakpoint_5 def in src/c/lib/heap/libmythryl-heap.c
breakpoint_6 = (cfun "breakpoint_6"): Void -> Void; # breakpoint_6 def in src/c/lib/heap/libmythryl-heap.c
breakpoint_7 = (cfun "breakpoint_7"): Void -> Void; # breakpoint_7 def in src/c/lib/heap/libmythryl-heap.c
breakpoint_8 = (cfun "breakpoint_8"): Void -> Void; # breakpoint_8 def in src/c/lib/heap/libmythryl-heap.c
breakpoint_9 = (cfun "breakpoint_9"): Void -> Void; # breakpoint_9 def in src/c/lib/heap/libmythryl-heap.c
write_line_to_log = (cfun "write_line_to_log"): String -> Void; # write_line_to_log def in src/c/lib/heap/libmythryl-heap.c
write_line_to_ramlog = (cfun "write_line_to_ramlog"): String -> Void; # write_line_to_ramlog def in src/c/lib/heap/libmythryl-heap.c
write_line_to_stderr = (cfun "write_line_to_stderr"): String -> Void; # write_line_to_stderr def in src/c/lib/heap/libmythryl-heap.c
## Jeff Prothero Copyright (c) 2010-2015,
## released per terms of SMLNJ-COPYRIGHT.