## save-heap-to-disk.api
# We use this to generate "stand-alone" "executable" Mythryl
# apps, and also the Mythryl compiler.
# In both cases these "executables" actually consist of heap dumps
# with a shebang line at the top that invokes the C-coded Mythryl runtime,
# but the casual use will not know or care that they are not
# "real" os-specific executables.
# (The main difference is that Linux doesn't allow a script to be
# interpreted by another script. Since Linux thinks Mythryl
# "executables" are scripts, a Mythryl executable cannot directly
# be used as a script interpreter. This limitation is easily
# evaded by using a trivial C program to exec() the Mythryl
# "executable".)
# Compiled by:
package wt = winix_types; # winix_types is from
# This api is implemented in:
src/lib/std/src/nj/save-heap-to-disk.pkg #
api Save_Heap_To_Disk {
( String, # This argument provides the filename for the saved heap image.
( (String, List(String)) # This argument provides the function to run when the saved
-> # heap image is run.
# Export the current Mythryl heap to the given file
# and then exit. When the heap is run, execution
# will appear to start (and end) with the given fn.
# This is the call used to generate all Mythryl
# "executable" heap images except the compiler;
# in practice it is almost always invoked via the
# wrapper script
# sh/_build-an-executable-mythryl-heap-image
# aka bin/build-an-executable-mythryl-heap-image
# which in turn is usually invoked via a script like
# src/app/yacc/build-yacc-app
# in response to "make rest" or such.
Fork_Result = AM_PARENT
fork_to_disk: String -> Fork_Result;
# Export the current Mythryl heap to the given file
# and then continue execution, returning AM_PARENT
# to caller.
# When the saved heap image is run, it will appear
# to resume execution at the return from thie call,
# except with a return value of AM_CHILD instead
# Note that in the latter case various kernel-dependent
# resources such as open file descriptors and running
# subprocesses will have been lost -- this call must
# be used cautiously.
# In practice this call is used only to generate the
# "executable" heap image for the Mythryl compiler.
## COPYRIGHT (c) 1995 AT&T Bell Laboratories.
## Subsequent changes by Jeff Prothero Copyright (c) 2010-2015,
## released per terms of SMLNJ-COPYRIGHT.