## paired-lists.api
# Various analogs of the regular list 'fold_backward' 'fold_forward'
# etc functions which operate in parallel upon two lists instead
# of on a single list.
# For vanilla List ops see:
src/lib/std/src/list.api# Compiled by:
src/lib/std/src/standard-core.sublib# NB: If lists are of unequal length, the excess elements from
# the tail of the longer one are ignored. No exception is raised.
### "There are two types of people:
### those who come into a room and say, "Well, here I am!"
### and those who come in and say, "Ah, there you are."
### -- Frederick L. Collins
api Paired_Lists {
zip: ((List(X), List(Y))) -> List( (X, Y) );
zip_eq: ((List(X), List(Y))) -> List( (X, Y) );
unzip: List( (X, Y) ) -> ((List(X), List(Y)));
map: ((X, Y) -> Z) -> ((List(X), List(Y))) -> List(Z);
map_eq: ((X, Y) -> Z) -> ((List(X), List(Y))) -> List(Z);
apply: ((X, Y) -> Void) -> ((List(X), List(Y))) -> Void;
apply_eq: ((X, Y) -> Void) -> ((List(X), List(Y))) -> Void;
fold_forward: (((X, Y, Z)) -> Z) -> Z -> ((List(X), List(Y))) -> Z;
fold_backward: (((X, Y, Z)) -> Z) -> Z -> ((List(X), List(Y))) -> Z;
foldl_eq: (((X, Y, Z)) -> Z) -> Z -> ((List(X), List(Y))) -> Z;
foldr_eq: (((X, Y, Z)) -> Z) -> Z -> ((List(X), List(Y))) -> Z;
all: ((X, Y) -> Bool) -> ((List(X), List(Y))) -> Bool;
all_eq: ((X, Y) -> Bool) -> ((List(X), List(Y))) -> Bool;
exists: ((X, Y) -> Bool) -> ((List(X), List(Y))) -> Bool;
}; # Api Paired_Lists
## COPYRIGHT (c) 1995 AT&T Bell Laboratories.
## Subsequent changes by Jeff Prothero Copyright (c) 2010-2015,
## released per terms of SMLNJ-COPYRIGHT.