## posix-error.api
# Compiled by:
src/lib/std/src/standard-core.sublib# Implemented by:
src/lib/std/src/psx/posix-error.pkg# Api for POSIX error codes.
### "The capacity to blunder slightly is the real marvel of DNA.
### Without this special attribute, we would still be anaerobic
### bacteria and there would be no music."
### -- Lewis Thomas
api Posix_Error {
eqtype System_Error;
to_unt: System_Error -> host_unt::Unt;
from_unt: host_unt::Unt -> System_Error;
error_msg: System_Error -> String;
error_name: System_Error -> String;
syserror: String -> Null_Or( System_Error );
toobig: System_Error;
acces: System_Error;
again: System_Error;
badf: System_Error;
badmsg: System_Error;
busy: System_Error;
canceled: System_Error;
child: System_Error;
deadlk: System_Error;
dom: System_Error;
exist: System_Error;
fault: System_Error;
fbig: System_Error;
inprogress: System_Error;
intr: System_Error;
inval: System_Error;
io: System_Error;
isdir: System_Error;
loop: System_Error;
mfile: System_Error;
mlink: System_Error;
msgsize: System_Error;
name_too_long: System_Error;
nfile: System_Error;
nodev: System_Error;
noent: System_Error;
noexec: System_Error;
nolck: System_Error;
nomem: System_Error;
nospc: System_Error;
nosys: System_Error;
notdir: System_Error;
notempty: System_Error;
notsup: System_Error;
notty: System_Error;
nxio: System_Error;
perm: System_Error;
pipe: System_Error;
range: System_Error;
rofs: System_Error;
spipe: System_Error;
srch: System_Error;
xdev: System_Error;
}; # Api Posix_Error
## COPYRIGHT (c) 1995 AT&T Bell Laboratories.
## Subsequent changes by Jeff Prothero Copyright (c) 2010-2015,
## released per terms of SMLNJ-COPYRIGHT.