## rw-matrix.api
# Two-dimensional matrices laid out in row-major order, like C but unlike Fortran and Matlab.
# For background on row-major order see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Row-major_order
# Use (_[]) and (_[]:=) to improve readability:
# eval: m = rw_matrix::make_matrix ((2, 2), 0.0);
# eval: rw_matrix::get (m, (0,0));
# 0.0
# eval: rw_matrix::set (m, (0,0), 1.0);
# eval: rw_matrix::get (m, (0,0));
# 1.0
# eval: (_[]) = rw_matrix::get;
# eval: (_[]:=) = rw_matrix::set;
# eval: m[0,0] := 2.0;
# eval: m[0,0];
# 2.0
# See also:
src/lib/std/src/typelocked-rw-matrix.api# Compiled by:
package rwv = rw_vector; # rw_vector is from
src/lib/std/src/rw-vector.pkg package vec = vector; # vector is from
# This api is immplemented in:
src/lib/std/src/rw-matrix.pkg #
api Rw_Matrix {
Rw_Matrix(X) # Duplicated as poly_rw_matrix::Rw_matrix(X) in
src/lib/core/init/built-in.pkg =
{ rw_vector: rwv::Rw_Vector(X),
rows: Int,
cols: Int
Region(X) # Specify an ROI ("Region Of Interest") within a matrix.
{ rw_matrix: Rw_Matrix(X), # Matrix containing the ROI.
row: Int, # Low corner of ROI is (row, col). ("col" == "column".)
col: Int, #
rows: Null_Or( Int ), # Number of rows in ROI. Defaults to max possible given 'row' value.
cols: Null_Or( Int ) # Number of columns in ROI. Defaults to max possible given 'col' value.
make_rw_matrix: ((Int, Int), X) -> Rw_Matrix(X); # Arg is ((rows, cols), initval).
from_list: (Int, Int) -> List(X) -> Rw_Matrix(X);
from_lists: List( List(X) ) -> Rw_Matrix(X);
from_fn: ((Int, Int), (Int, Int) -> X) -> Rw_Matrix(X);
get: (Rw_Matrix(X), (Int, Int)) -> X; # Arg is (row, col)
(_[]): (Rw_Matrix(X), (Int, Int)) -> X; # Synonym for previous; supports foo = matrix[row,col]; syntax.
set: (Rw_Matrix(X), (Int, Int), X) -> Void;
(_[]:=): (Rw_Matrix(X), (Int, Int), X) -> Void; # Synonym for previous; supports matrix[row,col] := foo; syntax.
rowscols: Rw_Matrix(X) -> (Int, Int);
cols: Rw_Matrix(X) -> Int;
rows: Rw_Matrix(X) -> Int;
row: (Rw_Matrix(X), Int) -> vec::Vector(X);
col: (Rw_Matrix(X), Int) -> vec::Vector(X);
{ region: Region(X), # Copy contents of this region
to: Rw_Matrix(X), # to this matrix, with low corner at (to_row, to_col).
to_row: Int, #
to_col: Int #
apply: (X -> Void) -> Rw_Matrix(X) -> Void;
region_apply: ((Int, Int, X) -> Void) -> Region(X) -> Void;
map_in_place: (X -> X) -> Rw_Matrix(X) -> Void;
region_map_in_place: ((Int, Int, X) -> X) -> Region(X) -> Void;
fold_forward: ((X, Y) -> Y) -> Y -> Rw_Matrix(X) -> Y;
region_fold_forward: ((Int, Int, X, Y) -> Y) -> Y -> Region(X) -> Y;
## COPYRIGHT (c) 1997 AT&T Research.
## Subsequent changes by Jeff Prothero Copyright (c) 2010-2015,
## released per terms of SMLNJ-COPYRIGHT.