## typelocked-vector-slice.api
# Compiled by:
src/lib/std/src/standard-core.sublibapi Typelocked_Vector_Slice {
length: Slice -> Int;
get: (Slice, Int) -> Element;
make_full_slice: Vector -> Slice;
make_slice: (Vector, Int, Null_Or( Int )) -> Slice;
make_subslice: (Slice, Int, Null_Or( Int )) -> Slice;
burst_slice: Slice -> (Vector, Int, Int);
to_vector: Slice -> Vector;
cat: List( Slice ) -> Vector;
is_empty: Slice -> Bool;
get_item: Slice -> Null_Or ((Element, Slice));
keyed_apply: ((Int, Element) -> Void) -> Slice -> Void;
apply: (Element -> Void) -> Slice -> Void;
keyed_map: ((Int, Element) -> Element) -> Slice -> Vector;
map: (Element -> Element) -> Slice -> Vector;
keyed_fold_forward: ((Int, Element, X) -> X) -> X -> Slice -> X;
keyed_fold_backward: ((Int, Element, X) -> X) -> X -> Slice -> X;
fold_forward: ((Element, X) -> X) -> X -> Slice -> X;
fold_backward: ((Element, X) -> X) -> X -> Slice -> X;
keyed_find: ((Int, Element) -> Bool) -> Slice -> Null_Or ((Int, Element));
find: (Element -> Bool) -> Slice -> Null_Or( Element );
exists: (Element -> Bool) -> Slice -> Bool;
all: (Element -> Bool) -> Slice -> Bool;
compare_sequences: ((Element, Element) -> Order) -> (Slice, Slice) -> Order;
## Copyright (c) 2003 by The Fellowship of SML/NJ
## Subsequent changes by Jeff Prothero Copyright (c) 2010-2015,
## released per terms of SMLNJ-COPYRIGHT.