## tabs.api
## (C) 2000, Bremen Institute for Safe Systems, Universitaet Bremen
## Author: ludi
# Compiled by:
src/lib/tk/src/toolkit/sources.sublib# **************************************************************************
# tk-Tabs api file
# **************************************************************************
### "The end of all method is
### to seem to have no method."
### -- Lu Ch'Ai
api Tabs {
exception ERROR String;
tabs :
{ pages: List {
title: String, # title
subwidgets: tk::Widgets, # page content
show: tk::Void_Callback,
hide: tk::Void_Callback,
shortcut: Null_Or( Int ) }, # nth char in title
# The show action is called when the widgets are allready
# displayed, so you can initialize them in there.
# The hide action is called just before the widgets are
# destroyed, so that you can save its content.
configure :
{ width: Int, # width of widget area
spare: Int, # space on the right
height: Int, # height of widget area
font: tk::Font, # font of card labels
labelheight: Int } } # maximum height of font + x
-> (tk::Widget, # returned canvas widget
List( tk::Event_Callback )); # shortcut event_callbacks, you must bind these
# to the window containing the tabs
std_conf: { width: Int, # see above
spare: Int,
height: Int,
font: tk::Font,
labelheight: Int