## widget-with-scrollbars.api
# Standard "widget with scrollbars" layout:
# One main widget with adjacent to it a
# vertical and a horizontal scrollbar.
# The size preferences of the scrolled_widget
# and the scrollbars are not changed; if it
# is desired that the scrollbars run the full
# length of the scrolled_widget their size
# preferences must be specified accordingly.
# The 'scrollbar' parameters are deliberately
# of type Widget not Scrollbar to allow custom
# scrollbars to be used, or Scrollbars composed
# with extra buttons or other decorations.
# Compare with:
# Scrolled_Widget, designed to be easier to use but less flexible:
# See also:
# Viewport, which provides a window onto a larger widget,
# typically panned using scrollbars:
src/lib/x-kit/widget/old/layout/viewport.api# Compiled by:
src/lib/x-kit/widget/xkit-widget.sublib# This api is implemented in:
package lw = line_of_widgets; # line_of_widgets is from
src/lib/x-kit/widget/old/layout/line-of-widgets.pkg package wg = widget; # widget is from
api Widget_With_Scrollbars {
# If horizontal_scrollbar is not NULL,
# it will be centered above the
# scrolled_widget if top is TRUE, else below,
# and similarly with vertical_scrollbar.
# The 'pad' value is the number of pixels
# to leave between the scrollbar and the
# scrolled_widget.
scrolled_widget: wg::Widget,
horizontal_scrollbar: Null_Or { scrollbar: wg::Widget, pad: Int, top: Bool },
vertical_scrollbar: Null_Or { scrollbar: wg::Widget, pad: Int, left: Bool }