## widget-theme.pkg
# For the big picture see the imp dataflow diagrams in
# At the moment I think this is evolving from being an imp to
# being a simple static datastructure, but we'll see. -- 2014-07-22 CrT
# Compiled by:
src/lib/x-kit/widget/xkit-widget.sublib### "I believe OS/2 is destined to be
### the most important operating system,
### and possibly program, of all times."
### -- Bill Gates, 1988
include package threadkit; # threadkit is from
src/lib/src/lib/thread-kit/src/core-thread-kit/threadkit.pkg #
# package psi = widgetspace_imp; # widgetspace_imp is from
src/lib/x-kit/widget/space/widget/widgetspace-imp.pkg #
package g2d = geometry2d; # geometry2d is from
src/lib/std/2d/geometry2d.pkg package gd = gui_displaylist; # gui_displaylist is from
src/lib/x-kit/widget/theme/gui-displaylist.pkg# package gt = guiboss_types; # guiboss_types is from
src/lib/x-kit/widget/gui/guiboss-types.pkg package c64 = rgb; # Colors with Float64 red-green-blue values. # rgb is from
src/lib/x-kit/xclient/src/color/rgb.pkg package c8 = rgb8; # Colors with Unt8 red-green-blue values. # rgb8 is from
src/lib/x-kit/xclient/src/color/rgb8.pkg package gtg = guiboss_to_guishim; # guiboss_to_guishim is from
src/lib/x-kit/widget/theme/guiboss-to-guishim.pkg package evt = gui_event_types; # gui_event_types is from
Once(X) = Oneshot_Maildrop(X);
# This port is implemented in:
src/lib/x-kit/widget/xkit/theme/widget/default/widget-theme-imp.pkg #
package widget_theme {
Gadget_Palette # This is the palette of colors that will actually be used by the gadget's drawing logic.
= # We'll probably want more colors here by and by, but this seems like a good initial set.
{ text_color: c64::Rgb, # Text color for gadget, e.g. the text inside the outline of a button. This will typically be grayed-out when the button is inactive.
surround_color: c64::Rgb, # Surround color for gadget, e.g. the color outside the outline of a button. This shouldn't change with gadget state because it is shared by all gadgets in the gui; it would look weird for one to have a different surround.
body_color: c64::Rgb, # Background color for gadget, e.g. the color inside the outline of a button.
upperleft_bevel_color: c64::Rgb, # These two are used to give a "3-D" raised/lowered appearance to the button. They will
lowerright_bevel_color: c64::Rgb # be reversed when the button is ON vs OFF, to make it visually look pushed vs popped.
}; # NB: Standard lighting for scientific illustration etc is from over user's left shoulder.
Relief = FLAT
Font_Weight = ROMAN_FONT
fun relief_to_string FLAT => "FLAT";
relief_to_string RAISED => "RAISED";
relief_to_string SUNKEN => "SUNKEN";
relief_to_string GROOVE => "GROOVE";
relief_to_string RIDGE => "RIDGE";
{ box: g2d::Box, # 'box' gives the outer contour for the picture-frame.
thick: Int, # Inner contour is this many pixels inside of outer contour.
relief: Relief
Rounded_Pictureframe # A frame with rounded corners.
{ box: g2d::Box,
thick: Int,
corner_wide: Int,
corner_high: Int,
relief: Relief
{ points: List( g2d::Point ),
thick: Int,
relief: Relief
Gadget_Mode # We use this mostly to control how a widget draws itself.
= # To avoid a package cycle, duplicated here from
src/lib/x-kit/widget/gui/guiboss-types.pkg { # We probably should find/make another home for this def. XXX SUCKO FIXME
is_active: Bool, # An inactive gadget is passed no user input. Inactive widgets are typically drawn "grayed-out".
has_mouse_focus: Bool, # A widget which has the mouse cursor on it may want to draw itself brigher or such.
has_keyboard_focus: Bool # A widget which has the keyboard focus will often draw a black outline around its text-entry rectangle.
{ do_something: Int -> Void,
# Space and widget factory calls:
# widgetspace: ps::Widgetspace_Arg -> psi::Widgetspace_Egg,
# Widget-customization stuff.
# The colorset here is motivated by the problem of drawing
# a button on a surround, delimited by a bevel, for example
# surround_color
# SssssssssssssssssssssssSs
# Ss Ss
# Ss body_color Ss
# Ss Ss
# Ss Ss
# ssssssssssssssssssssssSs
# surround_color
# 'S' == sunny_bevel_color
# 's' == shady_bevel_color
# For convenience and to provide consistency across a GUI:
# o We derive the other colors from base_color, so that
# a user can change the overall colorscheme just by
# changing base_color.
# o We adjust surround_color and body_color based on
# popup nesting depth, to visually distinguish them.
# o We provide precomputed color variations for body_color
# based on button on/off state and whether the button
# currently has the mouse focus. The palette.body_color
# passed to a widget redraw function is automatically
# selected appropriately from these four variations,
# making it easy for widgets to highlight on rollover. # For an example see default_redraw_widget in
src/lib/x-kit/widget/leaf/button.pkg base_color: Ref( c64::Rgb ), # By default light gray. This is the master color from which the other colors are derived.
surround_color: Ref( Int -> c64::Rgb ), # By default base_color lightened and warmed in proportion to popup_nesting_depth.
# The Int args here are all popup_nesting_depth -- as a visual aid we draw 'closer' popups in slightly warmer and lighter colors, since the eye interprets darker, bluer objects as more distant.
body_color: Ref( Int -> c64::Rgb ), # By default *theme.surround_color;
body_color_with_mousefocus: Ref( Int -> c64::Rgb ), # By default *theme.slight_whitening *theme.surround_color;
body_color_when_on: Ref( Int -> c64::Rgb ), # By default *theme.medium_whitening *theme.surround_color;
body_color_when_on_with_mousefocus: Ref( Int -> c64::Rgb ), # By default *theme.lavish_whitening *theme.surround_color;
text_color: Ref( Int -> c64::Rgb ), # By default black if body_color() is light, else white.
textfield_color: Ref( Int -> c64::Rgb ), # By default slightly offwhite (0.9).
sunny_bevel_color: Ref( Int -> c64::Rgb ), # By default a slightly-darkened shade of surround_color. Used for drawing "3-D" bevels around things.
shady_bevel_color: Ref( Int -> c64::Rgb ), # By default a much-darkened shade of surround_color. Used for drawing "3-D" bevels around things.
current_gadget_colors: Ref( { gadget_is_on: Bool, # TRUE iff the pushbutton is in 'ON' state. Not very meaningful for non-button gadgets.
gadget_mode: Gadget_Mode, # Tells us whether the gadget is inactive, if the mouse is over it etc.
popup_nesting_depth: Int, # 0 for gadgets on basewindow, 1 for gadgets on popup on basewindow, 2 for gadgets on popup on popup, etc.
body_color: Null_Or( c64::Rgb ),
body_color_when_on: Null_Or( c64::Rgb ),
body_color_with_mousefocus: Null_Or( c64::Rgb ),
body_color_when_on_with_mousefocus: Null_Or( c64::Rgb )
pictureframe: Ref( Gadget_Palette # Displaylist for a picture-frame of 'width' in 'relief'. Interior is untouched.
-> Pictureframe
-> gd::Gui_Displaylist
filled_pictureframe: Ref( Gadget_Palette # Same as pictureframe except we fill the interior of the box in body_color.
-> Pictureframe
-> gd::Gui_Displaylist
rounded_pictureframe: Ref( Gadget_Palette # Displaylist for a frame with rounded corners.
-> Rounded_Pictureframe
-> gd::Gui_Displaylist
polygon3d: Ref( Gadget_Palette # Displaylist for an arbitrary polygon with pseudo-3d shading.
-> Polygon3d
-> gd::Gui_Displaylist
color_by_depth: Ref((c64::Rgb,Int) -> c64::Rgb ), # The Int is popup_nesting_depth.
slight_blackening: Ref( c64::Rgb -> c64::Rgb ),
medium_blackening: Ref( c64::Rgb -> c64::Rgb ),
lavish_blackening: Ref( c64::Rgb -> c64::Rgb ),
slight_graying: Ref( c64::Rgb -> c64::Rgb ),
medium_graying: Ref( c64::Rgb -> c64::Rgb ),
lavish_graying: Ref( c64::Rgb -> c64::Rgb ),
slight_whitening: Ref( c64::Rgb -> c64::Rgb ),
medium_whitening: Ref( c64::Rgb -> c64::Rgb ),
lavish_whitening: Ref( c64::Rgb -> c64::Rgb ),
# make_button_displaylist: Ref ((Gadget_Mode, Bool) -> Displaylist) # Bool is on/off state of button, shown by interchanging roles of light_edge_color and dark_edge_color.
# font stuff:
default_font_size: Ref( Int ),
roman_font_spex: Ref( String ), # Something like "-adobe-times-medium-r-normal--*-%d-*-*-p-*-iso8859-1"
italic_font_spex: Ref( String ), # Something like "-adobe-times-medium-i-normal--*-%d-*-*-p-*-iso8859-1"
bold_font_spex: Ref( String ), # Something like "-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--*-%d-*-*-p-*-iso8859-1"
get_roman_fontname: Ref (Int -> String),
get_italic_fontname: Ref (Int -> String),
get_bold_fontname: Ref (Int -> String),
get_roman_font: Ref (Int -> evt::Font),
get_italic_font: Ref (Int -> evt::Font),
get_bold_font: Ref (Int -> evt::Font),
# initialization stuff:
guiboss_to_hostwindow: Ref( Null_Or(gtg::Guiboss_To_Hostwindow) ) # This is set by guiboss-imp.pkg while responding to client_to_guiboss.make_hostwindow().
# Misc:
}; # package widget_theme;