# widget-imp-types.pkg
# Here we define the hook functions which a client may supply
# in order to customize the behavior of a widget. This is the
# interface used by specialized widgets to define their behavior
# layered on top of the basic services supplied by widget-imp.pkg.
# Compiled by:
include package threadkit; # threadkit is from
src/lib/src/lib/thread-kit/src/core-thread-kit/threadkit.pkg package gtg = guiboss_to_guishim; # guiboss_to_guishim is from
src/lib/x-kit/widget/theme/guiboss-to-guishim.pkg package gd = gui_displaylist; # gui_displaylist is from
src/lib/x-kit/widget/theme/gui-displaylist.pkg package pp = standard_prettyprinter; # standard_prettyprinter is from
src/lib/prettyprint/big/src/standard-prettyprinter.pkg package r8 = rgb8; # rgb8 is from
src/lib/x-kit/xclient/src/color/rgb8.pkg #
package g2d = geometry2d; # geometry2d is from
src/lib/std/2d/geometry2d.pkg package g2j = geometry2d_junk; # geometry2d_junk is from
src/lib/std/2d/geometry2d-junk.pkg package evt = gui_event_types; # gui_event_types is from
src/lib/x-kit/widget/gui/gui-event-types.pkg package gts = gui_event_to_string; # gui_event_to_string is from
src/lib/x-kit/widget/gui/gui-event-to-string.pkg package gt = guiboss_types; # guiboss_types is from
src/lib/x-kit/widget/gui/guiboss-types.pkg package wt = widget_theme; # widget_theme is from
src/lib/x-kit/widget/theme/widget/widget-theme.pkg package g2p = gadget_to_pixmap; # gadget_to_pixmap is from
src/lib/x-kit/widget/theme/gadget-to-pixmap.pkg #
tracefile = "widget-unit-test.trace.log";
nb = log::note_on_stderr; # log is from
# This package is referenced in:
src/lib/x-kit/widget/xkit/theme/widget/default/look/widget-imp.api #
src/lib/x-kit/widget/xkit/theme/widget/default/look/widget-imp.pkg #
package widget_imp_types {
Widget # This turns out not to get used in practice, and probably should be dropped if no use turns up for it.
{ id: Id, # Unique id to facilitate storing node_state instances in indexed datastructures like red-black trees.
pass_something: Replyqueue -> (Int -> Void) -> Void,
do_something: Int -> Void,
do: (Void -> Void) -> Void # Used by widget subthreads to run code in main widget microthread.
{ id: Id, # Unique id of this widget.
doc: String, # Text description of this widget for debug/display purposes.
widget_to_guiboss: gt::Widget_To_Guiboss,
do: (Void -> Void) -> Void, # Used by widget subthreads to run code in main widget microthread.
to: Replyqueue
Startup_Fn = Startup_Fn_Arg -> Void;
Shutdown_Fn_Arg = Void;
Shutdown_Fn = Shutdown_Fn_Arg -> Void;
id: Id, # Unique id of this widget.
doc: String, # Text description of this widget for debug/display purposes.
site: g2d::Box, # Window rectangle in which to draw.
widget_to_guiboss: gt::Widget_To_Guiboss,
theme: wt::Widget_Theme,
pass_font: List(String) -> Replyqueue
-> (evt::Font -> Void) -> Void, # Nonblocking version of next, for use in imps.
get_font: List(String) -> evt::Font, # Accepts a list of font names which are tried in order.
make_rw_pixmap: g2d::Size -> g2p::Gadget_To_Rw_Pixmap, # Make an Xserver-side rw_pixmap for scratch use by widget. In general there is no need for the widget to explicitly free these -- guiboss_imp will do this automatically when the gui is killed.
do: (Void -> Void) -> Void, # Used by widget subthreads to run code in main widget microthread.
to: Replyqueue # Used to call 'pass_*' methods in other imps.
Initialize_Gadget_Fn = Initialize_Gadget_Fn_Arg -> Void;
id: Id, # Unique id of this widget.
doc: String, # Text description of this widget for debug/display purposes.
frame_number: Int, # 1,2,3,... Purely for convenience of widget, guiboss-imp makes no use of this.
site: g2d::Box, # Window rectangle in which to draw.
frame_indent_hint: gt::Frame_Indent_Hint,
duration_in_seconds: Float, # If state has changed look-imp should call note_changed_gadget_foreground() before this time is up. Also useful for motionblur.
widget_to_guiboss: gt::Widget_To_Guiboss,
gadget_mode: gt::Gadget_Mode,
theme: wt::Widget_Theme,
do: (Void -> Void) -> Void, # Used by widget subthreads to run code in main widget microthread.
to: Replyqueue, # Used to call 'pass_*' methods in other imps.
popup_nesting_depth: Int # 0 for gadgets on basewindow, 1 for gadgets on popup on basewindow, 2 for gadgets on popup on popup, etc.
Redraw_Request_Fn = Redraw_Request_Fn_Arg -> Void;
id: Id, # Unique id of this widget.
doc: String, # Text description of this widget for debug/display purposes.
button: evt::Mousebutton,
event: gt::Mousebutton_Event, # MOUSEBUTTON_PRESS or MOUSEBUTTON_RELEASE.
point: g2d::Point,
widget_layout_hint: gt::Widget_Layout_Hint,
frame_indent_hint: gt::Frame_Indent_Hint,
site: g2d::Box, # Widget's assigned area in window coordinates.
modifier_keys_state: evt::Modifier_Keys_State, # State of the modifier keys (shift, ctrl...).
mousebuttons_state: evt::Mousebuttons_State, # State of mouse buttons as a bool record.
widget_to_guiboss: gt::Widget_To_Guiboss,
theme: wt::Widget_Theme,
do: (Void -> Void) -> Void, # Used by widget subthreads to run code in main widget microthread.
to: Replyqueue # Used to call 'pass_*' methods in other imps.
Mouse_Click_Fn = Mouse_Click_Fn_Arg -> Void;
id: Id, # Unique id of this widget.
doc: String, # Text description of this widget for debug/display purposes.
button: evt::Mousebutton,
event_point: g2d::Point,
start_point: g2d::Point,
last_point: g2d::Point,
phase: gt::Drag_Phase,
widget_layout_hint: gt::Widget_Layout_Hint,
frame_indent_hint: gt::Frame_Indent_Hint,
site: g2d::Box, # Widget's assigned area in window coordinates.
modifier_keys_state: evt::Modifier_Keys_State, # State of the modifier keys (shift, ctrl...).
mousebuttons_state: evt::Mousebuttons_State, # State of mouse buttons as a bool record.
widget_to_guiboss: gt::Widget_To_Guiboss,
theme: wt::Widget_Theme,
do: (Void -> Void) -> Void, # Used by widget subthreads to run code in main widget microthread.
to: Replyqueue # Used to call 'pass_*' methods in other imps.
Mouse_Drag_Fn = Mouse_Drag_Fn_Arg -> Void;
Mouse_Transit_Fn_Arg # Note that buttons are always all up in a mouse-transit event -- otherwise it is a mouse-drag event.
id: Id, # Unique id of this widget.
doc: String, # Text description of this widget for debug/display purposes.
transit: gt::Gadget_Transit, # Mouse is entering (CAME) or leaving (LEFT) widget, or moving (MOVE) across it.
event_point: g2d::Point,
widget_layout_hint: gt::Widget_Layout_Hint,
frame_indent_hint: gt::Frame_Indent_Hint,
site: g2d::Box, # Widget's assigned area in window coordinates.
modifier_keys_state: evt::Modifier_Keys_State, # State of the modifier keys (shift, ctrl...).
widget_to_guiboss: gt::Widget_To_Guiboss,
theme: wt::Widget_Theme,
do: (Void -> Void) -> Void, # Used by widget subthreads to run code in main widget microthread.
to: Replyqueue # Used to call 'pass_*' methods in other imps.
Mouse_Transit_Fn = Mouse_Transit_Fn_Arg -> Void; # Note that buttons are always all up in a mouse-transit event -- otherwise it is a mouse-drag event.
id: Id, # Unique id of this widget.
doc: String, # Text description of this widget for debug/display purposes.
keystroke: gt::Keystroke_Info, # Keystring etc for event.
widget_layout_hint: gt::Widget_Layout_Hint,
frame_indent_hint: gt::Frame_Indent_Hint,
site: g2d::Box, # Widget's assigned area in window coordinates.
widget_to_guiboss: gt::Widget_To_Guiboss,
guiboss_to_widget: gt::Guiboss_To_Widget, # Used by textpane.pkg keystroke-macro stuff to synthesize fake keystroke events to widget.
theme: wt::Widget_Theme,
do: (Void -> Void) -> Void, # Used by widget subthreads to run code in main widget microthread.
to: Replyqueue # Used to call 'pass_*' methods in other imps.
Key_Event_Fn = Key_Event_Fn_Arg -> Void;
id: Id, # Unique id of this widget.
doc: String, # Text description of this widget for debug/display purposes.
have_keyboard_focus: Bool, #
widget_to_guiboss: gt::Widget_To_Guiboss,
theme: wt::Widget_Theme,
do: (Void -> Void) -> Void, # Used by widget subthreads to run code in main widget microthread.
to: Replyqueue # Used to call 'pass_*' methods in other imps.
Note_Keyboard_Focus_Fn = Note_Keyboard_Focus_Fn_Arg -> Void;
| ID Id
# Unique ID for imp, issued by issue_unique_id::issue_unique_id().
| DOC String
# Documentation string for widget, for debugging purposes.
| WIDGET_CONTROL_CALLBACK ( gt::Guiboss_To_Widget -> Void )
# Gui boss registers this maildrop to get a port to us once we start up.
| WIDGET_CALLBACK ( Null_Or(Widget) -> Void )
# App registers this maildrop to get (THE widget_port) from us once we start up, and NULL when we shut down.
| STARTUP_FN Startup_Fn
# Args include various values of possible use to gadget code. No required response.
| SHUTDOWN_FN Shutdown_Fn
# Application-specific handler for widget-imp shutdown -- mainly saving state for possible later widget restart.
# #
| INITIALIZE_GADGET_FN Initialize_Gadget_Fn
# Args include various values of possible use to widget code. No required response.
| REDRAW_REQUEST_FN Redraw_Request_Fn
# Guiboss request for widget to redraw itself. Fn should always respond by calling gadget_to_guiboss.redraw_gadget().
| MOUSE_CLICK_FN Mouse_Click_Fn
# Application-specific handler for mousebutton clicks. Fn should call gadget_to_guiboss.needs_redraw_gadget_request() if widget needs to redraw in response to user input.
| MOUSE_DRAG_FN Mouse_Drag_Fn
# Application-specific handler for mouse motions. Fn should call gadget_to_guiboss.needs_redraw_gadget_request() if widget needs to redraw in response to user input.
| MOUSE_TRANSIT_FN Mouse_Transit_Fn
# Application-specific handler for mouse motions. Fn should call gadget_to_guiboss.needs_redraw_gadget_request() if widget needs to redraw in response to user input.
| KEY_EVENT_FN Key_Event_Fn
# Application-specific handler for keyboard input. Fn should call gadget_to_guiboss.needs_redraw_gadget_request() if widget needs to redraw in response to user input.
| NOTE_KEYBOARD_FOCUS_FN Note_Keyboard_Focus_Fn
# Widget is guaranteed this many vertical pixels (but may get pushed out of sight on bottom of the COL it is in).
# Widget is guaranteed this many horizontal pixels (but may get pushed out of sight on right of the ROW it is in).
# This value determines our share of pixels remaining after guaranteed pixels are alloted.
# This value determines our share of pixels remaining after guaranteed pixels are alloted.
| FRAME_INDENT_HINT gt::Frame_Indent_Hint
# This value determines pixel thickness of frame. Ignored unless except in FRAME_WIDGET.
Widget_Arg = List(Widget_Option); # No required components at present.