
14.2.8  Dir

The standard library Dir api defines access to a simple facility for listing the contents of a host file system directory.

The Dir api is implemented by the dir package.

The Dir api source code is in src/lib/src/dir.api.

The above information is manually maintained and may contain errors.

api {
    entry_names : String -> List(String );
    entry_names' : String -> List(String );
    entry_names'' : String -> List(String );
    file_names : String -> List(String );
    directory_names : String -> List(String );
    file_names' : String -> List(String );
    directory_names' : String -> List(String );
    entries : String -> List(String );
    entries' : String -> List(String );
    entries'' : String -> List(String );
    files : String -> List(String );
    directories : String -> List(String );
    files' : String -> List(String );
    directories' : String -> List(String );
    is_file : String -> Bool;
    is_directory : String -> Bool;
    is_something : String -> Bool;
    exists : String -> Bool;};

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